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Random Raves : Let us eat cake

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That reminds me of harrowing memories of making a fanfic about Club Penguin and the Fat and Slim Mafia, and about some guy creating a super-magnet...

Fortunately, at least, for normal people with basic reading abilities, that fanfic is now forever lost due to a format of the PC. That still doesn't change the fact that my swashbuckling space-adventurer with a "plasma shotgun" fanfic managed to see the light of day on the now-defunct CP forums.
I'm still alive and kicking. I can almost lift 150 pounds with one hand now. :D

One girl gave me a place to stay and some food. My mother didn't want me to meet my father, 'cos she knows she treats me badly.

I got clothes worth 200 euros on me now and it's pretty fine.
That reminds me of harrowing memories of making a fanfic about Club Penguin and the Fat and Slim Mafia, and about some guy creating a super-magnet...

Fortunately, at least, for normal people with basic reading abilities, that fanfic is now forever lost due to a format of the PC. That still doesn't change the fact that my swashbuckling space-adventurer with a "plasma shotgun" fanfic managed to see the light of day on the now-defunct CP forums.

How old were you when you wrote that?

In my defense, I wrote my thing when I was ~9, although I'd've been developing the story since I was ~5-6 and didn't really realize until I was ~12 there was no way I could become President/Dictator/Emperor of the US by age 20 and that Sleeping Beauty could be my daughter (or was it Alice from Alice in Wonderland? Or, wait, wasn't Sleeping Beauty my waifu in the earliest versions of my visions for world domination? Never mind, I'll just assume this is like Greek mythology where there are 84 versions of the same story).

Basically what I'm saying is any kid who dreams of world domination instead of being a princess/superhero/policeman/doctor/whatever is definitely ambitious.

Also, if I could go back in time and tell my younger self to change something, I'd tell him to make Cinderella his bro because anybody who can command an army of enslaved talking mice to do their bidding is awesome.
Somewhere 'round 11? While I was on the forums, I saw the Writing forum and I was like - wow, sweet, maybe I can do it too!
Somewhere 'round 11? While I was on the forums, I saw the Writing forum and I was like - wow, sweet, maybe I can do it too!

Oh, well, that was kind of recent.

See, I can laugh at my elementary school self having delusions of world domination. If it were, say, my seventeen year old self or twenty one year old self doing this, I'd... let's just say I would've definitely burned it.
I've discarded everything I've ever written save for class notebooks for a bit while. Considering the fact I don't do a whole lot of writing outside the Internet, fortunately, that's not a whole lot.

I was also considering writing a note to my future self.
I was also considering writing a note to my future self.

I kind of do that in my diary. Write stuff ranging from snarky "lol dude you're probably laughing at my stupidity right now, aren't you?" to more melancholy lines like "things will get better, won't they?"

Sometimes I in the commentary I write about past events I also do that. As in, say, in 2011 I make a reference to my future self while writing a small bit of commentary in an entry from 2008.

Man, I love to mess with myself.
More like something gathered from misunderstood pop culture rather than snarky stuff like "you'll be laughing at me when you're older".

For that last one, I was more like "invent a time machine when I am older to punch my younger self into submission or something". Unfortunately, I had a small to none comprehension of the word "time paradox".
More like something gathered from misunderstood pop culture rather than snarky stuff like "you'll be laughing at me when you're older".

For that last one, I was more like "invent a time machine when I am older to punch my younger self into submission or something". Unfortunately, I had a small to none comprehension of the word "time paradox".

I think a lot of us would like to have such time machines. :/
Last night, I dreamt I was vlogging somewhere in what dream-me knew to be Australia, but the scenery more closely resembled New Zealand. I think I was with Hannah Hart as well, but I'm not sure. Still, it was nice while it lasted.
Last night, I dreamt I was vlogging somewhere in what dream-me knew to be Australia, but the scenery more closely resembled New Zealand. I think I was with Hannah Hart as well, but I'm not sure. Still, it was nice while it lasted.

You should've just asked around "are we in mordor yet" everyone.
One does not simply dream of Mordor.

(I couldn't resist, sorry.)
Then pretend you're in the Shire and you're poofing weed all day.

In your dreeeeeeams.
Do you know what I'd give to live in the Shire? What a life it must be. Relaxing all day in your garden looking out over the rolling green hills, examining your crops and chickens, puffing on your pipeweed in the temperate, perfect weather. The scariest thing you have to worry about is how empty your pantry is getting and maybe having to listen to those awful Sackville-Bagginses drone on and on. Until some ring-wraith comes and spoils everything, anyway.
Doesn't England have any quaint places which are only haunted by irregular visits by archeologists with cameras looking for Roman antique items?

If not, then Viasat History lied to me.
Maybe Eden, in Cumbria, otherwise no, not really.

As for Mordor, Taggart has corrupted me into constantly saying that word in a fake Glaswegian accent (and I didn't even watch the show). "There's been a mordor!"
I went to see the Guardians of the Galaxy. I dislike comic book movies usually due to them being so nonsensical that I am taken right out of the movie while still in the cinema and not later in the parking lot. At most I am 'this was okay'. GOTG however...I can't honestly remember the last I had so much fun watching a movie. I feel like a part of 80s came alive for a brief moment.
Maybe Eden, in Cumbria, otherwise no, not really.

As for Mordor, Taggart has corrupted me into constantly saying that word in a fake Glaswegian accent (and I didn't even watch the show). "There's been a mordor!"

Dat's rasist
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