Random Raves XLVI: 145,784 and Counting: Every story happens one word at a time.

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Rave ! : Gonna play Runewars this evening with my buddies !! :woohoo:

Spoiler Runewars !! xD :
Sure thing ! The more the merrier :) We don't have 4th player yet.
Rave: Today is a good day for surveys. I got like 3 in a row.
It's on. I'll bring an assortment of cheese!
Are you ever going to take this thread so that the title is ‘Free cheese!’?
Had quite a nice afternoon today.
Went with a colleague and an acquaintance of hers through the city, because there was some medieval roleplay going on, and meet a big bunch of people who we knew. Was quite enjoyable :). And tomorrow we have a free festival, looking forward to it :D.
Yeah. Something to do with PayPal. It wasn't a whole lot, but not having it anymore is still good.
Probably a transfer fee.
I pay a $1 transfer fee when i use an e-transfer to send my rent money.
It's called ‘banking’.
Depends on the bank. One of the more mercenary ones here was very surprised when I told them that I was closing my account due to their insane fees, and asked them when they planned to implement fees for breathing the oxygen in their building.

They asked where I planned to transfer my money to, "so it would be easier for me" and weren't pleased when I told them it was none of their business.

This was in the pre-internet era.
I had a good time on vacation this past week. We took the train up to Portland for a day, then on to Seattle for the rest of the week. On the way up we booked a small room on the train that was a bit cramped. Coming back we had a bigger room that was actually cozy in that we weren't physically on top of each other and we had a private shower and toilet. Overall the ride was relaxing and comfortable, much more so than flying. We stayed at a hotel called McMenamin's Crystal Hotel in Portland that was really cool and had a fun hippy esthetic. In Seattle, I met with some friends for drinks in a bar that was converted from the funeral home which held Bruce Lee's funeral service and got burgers from Dicks. We went out to the Hoh rain forest but it was a 10 hour round trip drive and we had to return the rental car so we only got to see it for a couple of hours. Next time I'll get a hostel that's closer to it so we can really hike the forest and find the waterfalls and hot springs. The space needle and the underground tour of the city was also a lot of fun.

It was a fun week and it was kind of thrilling that everything on this trip was last minute without a lot of planning. I didn't even book the final leg of our return voyage until we were on the train coming south and we ended up catching a connecting train with just 2 minutes to spare.
Rave: A lovely date last night. Very romantic and just wonderful. I think that I have finally met someone who is interested in me for just being me. I thought I was unlovable but maybe not.
Meanwhile, far from The White House, people are still decent to each other. During the Manhattan blackout that canceled most of the evening's Broadway performances, cast and musicians from Come From Away, Hadestown, Rock of Ages, Waitress and Frozen jammed and sang on the sidewalks outside their theaters. The cast of The Lion King simply declared that the show must go on, and performed despite the blackout (I assume their theater had a generator?).
Khinkali is unlike any food I've ever had. Out of this world. That taste and texture combination is just so unique. It's probably not the best food I've had, but it's opened up a whole new frontier for me.

@yung.carl.jung, as our resident food aficionado, are there any other Georgian foods I need to try? I already know about khachapuri.
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Rave: After two hours, I finally got most of my emails sorted through. I like having a clean inbox.
I'll have over 50 every morning when I show up for work, and that's not including my gmail account.
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