RB7 - Winter Wonderland

Eagerly awaiting the first Griselda action. :clap:

(Any resemblance to :whipped: :hammer: the PROD, real or imagined, is entirely coincidental and incidental. No actual prods were used during the making of this post. Any allusions to the PROD were unintended. We are all very sure that this will indeed be a PROD-ductive round. Thank you and have a nice evening.) :D


It's good to be back in the saddle again, right? ... Right? :lol:


- Sirian
(0) 2000 BC
Immediate Goals-
-Complete third head for hydra
-Settle pink dot
-Get a worker going and ivory hooked up (we're at happy limit in Timbuktu)
-Return to working on that galley (can we get to that corn?)

Longer term?
-Establish fog busting units. If we don't have to worry about land invasion, let's not waste that by having barb cities pop up.
-Buld more cities!

Even though Kublai is cautious and we're spiritual, I don't think it's worth switching religions just yet. We don't need him to like us that much *right now*, and we wouldn't get the additional benefits of organized religion until we have monotheism anyway. For now, there's no religion like no state religion!

Between turns- Machiavelli says that we're last in his list of the largest civilizations of the world. Kublai Khan is third, fwiw.

(1) 1960 BC - :sleep:

BT - Settler completes. Start Skirmisher. I don't know what the barb situation is outside the fog. We may still be better off with cheaper warriors, but wanted to have at least one skirmisher on hand now, just in case. We can let the food box fill for now, since it won't grow before skirmisher finishes, and I want a worker.

(2) 1920 BC - Settler heads off towards pink dot.

(3) 1880 BC - Movin' right along.

BT - Monotheism comes in. Behold the wonders on BudHindaism! Set research to argiculture. We're going to want to be able to get that cow online at some point.

(4) 1840 BC - Still decide to stay at no state religion. I don't even switch to organized religion. For now, we can save that extra 1gpt. We will want to switch before we build any sort of structure.

(5) 1800 BC -
Settler moves onto pink dot.

BT - Skirmisher completes. Start worker.

(6) 1760 BC - Djenne founded on pink dot. Start obelisk. Scout on pink dot moves NW to check fog.

(7) 1720 BC - NW fog looks OK for now. Skirmisher moves down to SW. I hesitate because he won't be near home if we need him, but we're most likely to need him down there.

BT - Kublai asks us to change religions. Now we have a reason to do so, so I convert. That gives us +2 with him, still cautious.

(8) 1680 BC - I really don't think we're going to get that corn without going to war. Kublai's capitol is just 5 tiles from there. He has his ivory hooked up and a ton of roads, including one heading south, so he may have already settled in the corn neighborhood. Their capitol is size 4, and doesn't appear to be working the camp. He's working 2 forests that I can see, and maybe two other tiles that are in the fog? He's got two archers for defense.

Our scout fortifies on a hill NW of Djenne. I think that's more important than being *in* town at the moment, to prevent barb formation.
We will, of course, want to get a defender in there soon.

BT - Agriculture in. I want animal husbandry and bronze working. The worker is still 3 turns away, and will go to ivory first. I choose bronze. We'll need to go all the way to iron working to hook up the gems anyway.

(9) 1640 BC - :sleep:

(10) 1600 BC - Timbuktu is now refined. We're now +3 with Kublai because of our years of peace. The badly placed fish are in our borders now, because of the hydra. We couldn't get the tile yield, but we could get the health. Then again, I think we will be settling the fish up north before too long.

(11) 1560 BC - :sleep:

BT - Worker completes, start warrior. We can emphasize food and grow in 3, and complete the worker in 4. Then we can start another settler or something. We're going to have to go to 90% science for a bit, though. There's more things in life than commerce, right? Even if we're financial? We are still working the clams, of course.

(12) 1520 BC - Worker starts on a camp.

(13) 1480 BC - Skirmisher confirms that SW is still clear of barbs. He's going to hang out down there for a while.

(14) 1440 BC - The wrong religion, at least for now, spreads in Djenne. It's got Buddhism. I stay with Hinduism for our state religion for now.

(15) 1400 BC - Timbuktu grows to size 6. We can emphasize commerce for this turn, and still get the warrior done in 1, then swap to a better settler-building setup (or whatever the next leader feels is more urgent).

Sirian -------- ON DECK!
Jaffa Tamarin
Dwip ---------- UP NOW!


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I just saw the PROD, now that I've posted. :whipped: Yes, I had the thread open while I was playing, but I never went to page two. :lol:

It is odd having to shift gears so that my actions as a player affect other people again. I haven't played a SG in a while. So, I waited until I could give the round COMPLETE ATTENTION, then fussed over every little thing. Luckily I can still do that in 1400 BC without too much trouble. :p Hopefully I didn't overlook something obvious with all that fussing. :crazyeye:

Here's to being back in the swing of things. :beer: Cheers!
The fog-busting plan is most excellent. Next up is Dwip the Clown (meant only in the most positive way, of course. ... Wait for it. You'll see! :lol: )

- Sirian
Send in the clowns, as it were.


Got it.
[0] 1961 AD - So, here we are. Damn Mansa and his evil ways, anyway. We'll show him a thing or two...

Fire zee missiles!

Take that!

And that!

And then we'll follow up with the stealth bombers, and the modern armor, and...

Oh wait. Wrong game.


[0] 1400 BC - Now then. Here we are. We have two cities, with about 4-5 more scheduled. Tech's coming soon. There's part of me that badly wants to build Stonehenge or something just so we can start spamming Great Prophets for the Hydra, but I'd like another settler first.

...I love the early game, and the amount of "I need this, but I need THAT, too!" juggling it has. I really do.

[1] 1360 BC - Timbuktu Warrior->Settler. Stonehenge would take 30 at this point in time.

We are at happiness AND health limit in Timbuktu. Turn on avoid growth. Can't do much about the health part right now, but the phants come online in 2.

[2] 1320 BC - Bronze Working comes in, and I go for Animal Husbandry. Swap to slavery because we can.

Do not attempt to find the copper, for that is impossible. Instead, try only to realize the truth: There is no copper.

[3] 1280 BC - Ivory hooks up.

[4] 1240 BC - Djenne Obelisk->Worker (I like my cities to do workers about size 2 or so).

[5] 1200 BC - Our warrior gets into position in the north. NOT the eventual site of Blue Dot, but I couldn't put the warrior on Blue Dot and still see everything, so.

[6] 1160 BC - Animal Husbandry comes in, and I swing us by Priesthood real quicklike.

Horses? What horses? What ARE horses?

We shall ride elephants and cows into battle instead, it seems.

[7] 1120 BC - Workers begin on the cows.

[8] 1080 BC - Priesthood comes in, hit up Iron Working, mainly because I'd like to know if we have iron anywhere. Thought about Writing and Pottery, then decided they could wait some.

[9] 1040 BC - Workin' on the cow.

[10] 1000 BC - That thar pasture sure is big. Yessiree, it is.

A few ponderances, before we leave.

Firstly, On the Care, Feeding, and Founding of Yellow Dot Cities:

Red indicates eventual borders with Djenne.

Yellow Dot is Sirian's Yellow Dot city.

Blue Dot decreases overlap with Djenne by a lot, snags the fish, and gives us a northern port, but hits 3 mountains instead of 1. Still my favorite of the spots, I think.

Green Dot is primarily of interest because it can hit all four of those resources. Probably not the best choice, but it'll be rich.

I like Blue Dot, personally, but ultimately Sirian will get to call it (Settler in 4).

As far as post-settler, I'd really like to go for either Stonehenge or Oracle next, for the Prophet points. We have a forest hill at Timbuktu we can chop and mine as well to speed things up. Current speed on Stonehenge is ~30, Oracle ~38. Less if we lumberjack it, less when Timbuktu grows post-cow hookup/settler (remember the avoid growth!). If it turned out that we had iron there, well, that would just work out, now wouldn't it? Certainly we need SOME resources on this rock.

Sirian - UP
Jaffa Tamarin - ON DECK


  • RB7 - Snow Flakes BC-1000.zip
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It's going to be Blue Dot. That stretch of land has NO FRESH WATER and never will, so we are looking at having to get that Fish going quickly, and needing a port up there, over all other concerns.

Jaffa, have a Happy New Year. :)

afpunk is On Deck and will get to play a round, maybe two.

Good work so far, guys. Finding out that we are sans Copper and Horses is certainly interesting! We may want to prioritize Construction and build a bunch of Jumbos and Catapults.

Got it!

- Sirian
IT (Inherited Turn) 1000BC: Our scouts do not have to leave a tile in fog (and should not, under these circumstances!) I wake them, move them, discover barbarian city borders across the mountains.

I check F7, find that Buddhism has a high percentage of coverage.

I convert to Buddhism to do some "religious scouting". Only one new city is scouted (Kub's second) but that's not bad.

I change research to Pottery. (Dwip's plan of the Oracle sounds like a winner, and despite our religious lean to this point with the Hydra, the only logical choice for Oracle on THIS map is Metal Casting, early forges (double happy for Gold, Gems), and Colossus! Pottery is prereq to Metal Casting, plus it allows Granaries and Cottages, plus will only take four turns.

975BC: I DO NOT ROAD THE COWS. I move the worker toward Yellow Dot and start to build roads in that direction. You'll see why shortly.

925BC: Train Worker in Djenne, start Worker. Train Settler in Timbuktu, start Lighthouse. (Uh... I momentarily forgot that we were supposed to switch to Oracle next. :smoke: Sorry! If we miss it by one turn, blame me! BLAME ME IT'S ALL MY FAULT! :eek: )

I also decide to send the settler north to Light Blue Dot, because we HAVE NO ROADS to the west, and I was not liking the idea of spending six or seven turns, instead of three, moving over there. Plus we needed to chop the forest there first, to avoid wasting it.

900BC: Discover Pottery, start Writing. I come to my senses, put away the foolish mind-altering substances I was temporarily seduced by, and swap Timbuktu to Oracle.

875BC: We are allowed to change religion again. I note that we are not on Organized Religion Civic either, but we should be! Should have been two turns ago, actually. Better late than never, though. :smoke: I also change back our state religion to match Mongolia's. Not used to doing quite this much civic-and-religion hopping. :crazyeye:

We were never in the running for that Corn.

850BC: Buddhism spreads to our newest city, and Kubs converts to it.
(One turn after we switched back to Hinduism! :crazyeye: Sheesh.)

800BC: Forest Chop at Yellow Dot speeds our third worker.

That is definitely the site for a city, up there with a port to the north.

775BC: Discover Writing, return research to Iron Working.

750BC: Convert back to Buddhism (probably for a LONG time, if not for keeps.)

Our three workers are roading. I gave two of them extra orders. (Next player: IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT, cancel them before you end the first turn.)

Pink Worker is set to move down to the Gems and build a road there (speeding progress toward eventual hook up of that resource), and then can also move to the Cows and build a road there, without "wasting" any worker turns. Yellow Worker is set to move to the tile east of Djenne and road that. Green Worker is already building a road, but should continue to move toward the capital.

Also, this MAY BE VITAL. If we are trailing anybody in the Oracle race, a forest chop may save our bacon! White Dot is the spot to chop (and replace it with a Mine afterward!) If the cards are handled correctly, the chop should come in time to matter. Green Worker would have to finish his road, then move to White Dot and start chopping. Yellow Worker builds his road, then also moves to White Dot (wasting one worker turn), then helps to finish the chop a turn earlier, then both combine to build a road, then go from there.

This is just one possible way of doing things, of course.

Having Buddhism in all three of our cities, plus Organized Religion, gives us production boosts that at the moment may be very important.

Certainly the help on the Oracle is a big deal! Also nice that Kubs swapped to Buddhism.
Sadly, our bonus for "You Switched to Our State Religion" has already faded away.

Yellow Dot is primed, although there is a possiblity that we could let it wait even a bit longer. If we build a Galley out of Kumbi Saleh after the Work Boat (and higher food output), we could pick up our Scout and move him to the area with the Question marks. Maybe it would be good to settle up there next, especially if we can get a Canal City(TM) opening water access through that inland sea to both north and south!

That galley could then later move through Djenne Canal and out to the south west, and help explore out there. (We should consider sending galleys, before too awfully long, on a Sail Around The Earth(TM). That might SATE our need for faster shipping! :lol:

It's something to ponder, at least.

Green Dots in the far south appear to be able to redeem the Useless Fish after all?

We need to get a road going toward the southwest, and get a worker down there and chop that forest at Pink Circle before we settle there. Preferably.

Black Dot remains a distant future prospect.

VITAL: Remember that we want to take Metal Casting if we succeed in building the Oracle. (Don't be tempted to grab Christianity. Colossus and early Forges will do more for us!)


Jaffa Tamarin (Away)
Griselda -------------- ON DECK AGAIN ALREADY!

* afpunk ----------- UP NOW!!!

Good luck and godspeed. :hammer:

- Sirian
Well, it's over 24 hours, and I see that afpunk has been on, but hasn't posted here. Afpunk, I'm not sure whether you've "got it" or not, but I have time to play now, so I'm going to grab it. Perhaps you could fit in a turn after me?
Nice and uneventful round. :) I follow Sirian's Worker Plan (TM), although none of the orders other than the yellow worker moving onto the correct tile seem to have survived intact.

I see some barbs next to Kub's city Beshbalik, and a couple of turns later he sends out a settler pair. Let's hope they get eaten.

650 BC - Kumbi Saleh completes work boat and starts on a lighthouse.

625 BC - Oracle!

We take metal casting. I decide to keep going with the lighthouse in Timbuktu before the forge and Colossus. It's only 3 turns, and my hope is that we can make up time by working another tile faster- fish are hooked up this turn for health.

With the mine complete by Timbuktu and the cow roaded, the workers need new jobs. One starts work farming and roading toards Kumbi. Another starts a road to the SW. Another arrives at the gems tile the turn iron working comes in, and starts a mine.

575 BC - Qin Shi Huang of the Chinese introduces himself (sorry, must have screwed up the screenshot somwhow), although I don't see any units or borders. He's cautious. We sign open borders.

Djenne completes its granary, and I put a few turns in towards a lighthouse so that it can grow to 3 before starting a settler. I swapped to a settler on turn 10, and queued the lighthouse.


Jaffa Tamarin (Away)

* afpunk

afpunk, do you have the time (and interest) to play a round?


  • RB7-SnowFlakes-500bc.zip
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Wow, I must have missed the e-mail for an update on this thread previously. :blush: I can take a turn whenever you need me to, sorry. Last time I saw the thread it was before Dwip's turn. :eek:
So after the alternate swap turns triple salchow, it looks like a nice, uneventful turn ahead. The research will carry over into next turn, as well as 2 of the 3 city builds, and the one that will finish is planned to go for the Colossus. Looks like lots of worker manipulation is in my future! [pimp]


I'm very tempted to make a small change and have Djenne build itself a skirmisher for protection. However, with no fog and a shared religion with our closest neighbors, I suppose it will be safe. You people are crazy though, I might add. ;)


The forge in Timbuktu is completed, and work begins on the Colossus. It will take a mere 12 turns to complete. Four commerce coastal tiles here we come! Also in this turn the pyramids are built by the Germans, who we have yet to come across.


Thucydides must have heard about the defense situation at Djenne. ;)

Ah, there he is, riding in a workboat coming from the south.

And he adopts universal suffrage--For all the towns he has in 350BC. :goodjob:


Buddhism spreads to Beijing. Another ally coming right up! :D


Kumbi Saleh finishes its lighthouse and is starting on a galley, but that is very vetoable.

The current empire:

One of the workers has been building a road to the pink dot. One has been building a road and farms between Timbuktu and Kumbi Saleh, and the final one has been mining the gems by Djenne, and getting rid of that last jungle.

We should cruise to the Colossus--just 7 turns left there. Keep in mind Timbuktu is at max happiness and adjust as necessary. Mathematics will be here in 2, and so will the settler. The next player gets all the fun decisions. :)

And so ends my first RB succession game turns! :D
Now you're assimilated! :borg: My turns didn't involve a lot of decision making, either, but I guess I at least got to finish the Oracle.

I usually run *way* more military than this (I'm not that crazy!), but it seems like making the most of the cards we were dealt map-wise involved taking advantage of the chance to run low military at the beginning. It's not too often that you have NO worries about land invasion at the start! :D Now that the AI have taken to the seas, and we know more of them, we probably won't be able to get away with that for much longer.

Sirian ---------------- ON DECK!
Jaffa Tamarin (Away)
Dwip -------------- UP AGAIN ALREADY!

* afpunk

I like the pace of a 4-person rotation combined with the early game. :)
See it. Will have something back by tonight, I think.
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