Ruff04 - Anger Management

Ruff - up (and got it)
Ozbenno - on deck
Xtream_Rockstar - skipped last round, appears not to have a CIV4 capable PC
lost_civantares - just played
Bah - people are starting to feel the power of our anger. We did have some cities that should have had angry poeple in them (or citizens benched) but we don't anymore - whip, whip and more whip.

We also declared war on France but our single unit stack of 'not so much death against axes behind walls' was to chicken livered to do any attacking. Instead, they are holed up in a forest on a hill waiting for cat reinforcements.

We did find a barb city that was a very short lived experiment - well, they were short lived, we enjoyed the experience.

The Save
OK time to spread some unhappiness through the known world.

Perusing our position I see we've lost our chance at the elephants as Victoria has settled there. No mind as Louis' land is soon to be ours. We've got copper and horses in our cultural boundaries now as well. Good to see. Press enter.

T1 - 175AD

Berlin - Catapult --> Granary
Munich - Settler --> Catapult
Louis has an axe and a sword on the prowl.

T2 - 200AD

Louis has many axes and swords and archers now on the prowl. Decide to try and take out a few.
Catapult kills axeman @68%
Sword kills archer @99%
Louis has one axe, archer and spear in Lyon I have 6 swords outside but re-inforcements are on the way for both camps.

T3 - 225AD

I get Mao angry by demanding Calender and cancelling open borders.
Cologne - Catapult --> Axe

T4 - 250AD

Currency - Metal Casing
I find this amusing. To continue the Aussie slang of last turn. "What a bunch of namby-pamby whingers!"

T5 - 275AD

Hamburg - Catapult --> Axe
Settler arrives here. Don't know if this is good or not, so just camped there at the moment. Well I can't seem to find the screen shot but trust me he's there on the eastern coast.

T6 - 300AD

Berlin - Granary - Axe

T7 - 325AD

I manage to get one catapult across to Lyons, with two more swords. Have a couple more playing chicken in the woods. Couldn't risk getting in range of the city so had to take the long way round.

T8 - 350AD

Berlin - axe --> axe

T9 - 375AD

Prepare for the battle of Lyons next turn. Louis planning some funny business himself.

IBT - My two catapults get attacked and kill a catapult and axe defending Lyons. Thanks Louis that's two less defenders for me to worry about.

T10 - 400AD

Hook up the horses.
Louis is left with one archer and one spear in Lyons. Lets have it. Bombard to 5%.
Sword beats archer at 65%
Sword beats spear at 79%
That's all she wrote folks.

Now whoever is up next has just gotta hold on to Lyons.
Other issues. What to do with the settler.
When Lyon comes out of revoly, I'd recommend whipping an axe/archer/walls asap.
We should have his troops outside Cologne covered as well.

Here's the save.

View attachment 132131
Nice round. I too noticed Vicky to our East founding future cities for us.

Ozbenno - just played
ULTIMATEGP - up (should we expect a more detailed report?)
Xtream_Rockstar - skipped last round, appears not to have a CIV4 capable PC
lost_civantares - on deck
got it i'll play by tommarow
Ultimate - is that a Skip that you are asking for??? Lost - be ready to take this if we don't hear from Ult soon (<12 hrs).
Turn 1

A bunch of builds finish, I continue building axemen/swordsman

French axemen defeated by Archer, archer has 2.6 strengthleft.

We kill the 2 French Catapults outside of Lyons.

Turn 2

To make Munich unhappy with out whipping it to a size three I moved the town guard out and on the hill beside it, I hope that's okay, I saw that in Berlin, so I thought it would be okay here, but remember to move a guard into the city when it is needed. :)

Gandhi pays us a visit, I tell him we'll get open borders soon enough, but through more "unconventional" means.

Louis throws a counterattack at us, so I move our swordsman stack back into the town (we now have 6 swordsman and 4 catapults there, all but one catapult is healed), I send forth 2 axes and an extra archer racing to Lyons, and send a swordsman who has Forest II promotion onto the forest hill, so that they can't move onto there (he has over a 100% defense bonus there!).

Turn 3

Louis throws a catapult at the swordsman on the hill, then an axeman, who also dies, but finally kills the brave Sir City Eliminator with a swordsman.

Next I throw a combat I swordsman at a vanilla spearmen, and we lose, the RNG god has gone against us. (96% odds for us to win too!)

Spoiler The battlefield at the end of the turn :

French stack moves next to Lyons.

A French Swordsman on the forest hill attacks and dies, and then a spearmen attacks and dies.

Turn 4

I promote Rock Thrower (catapult) to collateral damage, and throw him at the stack, he does drags the defending swordsman down to 2.6/6 health, and then withdraws!

Stranglely enough using swordsman on defense, we defeat all the attacking axes, but lose to a catapult and swordsman.

Turn 5

A combat I Axe of ours gets into Lyons, with another combat I axe and a City Defense I archer one turn away, and another 2 axemen 3 turns away.

We win every battle, killing attacking Catapult, 2 swordsman, and 2 spearman.

The battle log was giving very low odds for each attack (one was 4%), is this for the attacking side then?

Spoiler Battle Vignettes :

A barb warrior appears from the north (not much of a problem after all this! :) ).

Turn 6

Berlin finishes axeman, starts swordsman, Colonge finishes catapult, starts another, Munich finishs swordsman, starts another.


Louis sends down a settler paired with spearman down to the south.

Louis is also bombing down our cultural defenses.

Turn 7
I send an axemen to deal with the Settler pair.

Louis bombs Lyons, then sends a swordsman, who is promptly eliminated by our axe.

Louis also sends an axe by the side of Lyons, I would think to pillage, but there is nothing but roads to pillage.

Turn 8
Louis' rambling axe can't do any real damage, so I don't attack (best odds was around 70%, so I didn't want to risk it, we need ever unit), and there was only 4 units in the stack in the forest, so I didn't feel it was worth it to waste a catapult attacking.

So in otherwards, nothing much happening.

The battlefield at the moment:

Turn 9

Louis must have built a city quite close to his capital, because there is a cabin on the copper hill that is out of reach of Paris:

We get Metal Casting:

I wasn't quite sure about what to go after next, but I went for Machinary because it was the only military tech, and all the others were entirely useless to us, or wouldn't do any good in a military situation. In any case there's only going to be a single turn invested in it, so feel absolutely free to change it.

Louis' catapult bombards us, sword attacks us, and our axe kills the sword.

Louis founds Avignon with the settler pair (sorry, screenshot didn't take).

Turn 10

We attack Avignon, and auto-raze it for 1 gold.


Remember that there is a barb warrior in the north above Lyons and one near Berlin with a sword temperaily in berlin, don't let him eat a worker accidentally. :) Move the sword in Berlin out when you can to keep Berlin unhappy, I detoured him to prevent the barb warrior from getting into trouble.

Change the tech to research if you think that another's better, there's only one turn invested.

I would have whipped walls in Lyons, but we didn't have the pop, but there is an archer in there at the moment.

I had a total of 27 pictures! :eek: I'm Sorry for Dial up people, We had a ton of battles, but I tried to put the bigger ones into just the clickable icons.

Also how do you find the combat odds while on defense? Is it the percents they show, or is that for the attackers? I would have put them in if I knew who they were for.

The French Front and Lyons:

The East:

The Save:
Ruff - up
Ozbenno - on deck
lost_civantares - just played

ULTIMATEGP - skipped last round
Xtream_Rockstar - skipped last round, appears not to have a CIV4 capable PC
Louis may be soon just a memory but Elizabeth now has 3 longbows guarding the city on our borders! Swordsman are not going to cut it when attacking.
We are angry, everyone is negative v us so things are looking good on that front. Some cities aren't exactly angry, but others are twice as angry to make that up. However, our ability to teach others the downfalls (he he) of anger is limited - we are tech deficient.

I really wanted to take Paris but it was just too much of a stretch for our resources. I signed peace for HorseRiding and 100 gold (or there abouts). I then started building horse archers so that we can again take the battle to France soon. I also changed the tech path to CoL (due in 2) and we should whip in Courthouses to help our finances.

How are people finding this game - it seems to be turning into an always war type of game. I wish we had a GKhan or a Montie that we could hook up with to rip up the land. Maybe we should select a partner in Anger and help them to spread the good word.

--- the save ---
Ruff - done
Ozbenno - up
lost_civantares - on deck
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