SGOTM 17 - The Shawshank Redemption


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003
Welcome to your BtS SGOTM 17 Team Thread. Please use it for all internal team communication, turn logs and discussions. Subscribe to it to receive notifications, and do not visit the other team threads for this game until you have finished. Please also subscribe to the
Maintenance Thread
for this game, where teams and staff may post non-spoiler information of general interest.

You can find the Game Details in the first post of the Maintenance Thread. If any changes occur in the game settings or rules, I shall post them in that thread, and edit that post.

Please wait until your team leader/administrator/scribe has reserved a couple of top posts in this thread for game admin information. Then post here to let your team know you have arrived.

Good luck, have fun ... and never trust a mapmaker :mischief:
Game Summary
We explored NW with our Worker and SW with our Archer, finding Ivory and Pig.

We decided to proceed westward. Upon finding the GH Banana, we went even further westward with our Settler and eventually settled on the Jungle by the Pig, eliminating the temptation to guard the Pig.

Later exploration revealed a second Pig and we guarded it with our Archer. We built a Warrior to escort our Worker and Settler near City 2, which freed up our Scout to check out the area to the north, north-east, and eventually south of our capital.

We went to war with Mansa, stealing 3 Workers.

Our third City was placed by the Ivory to get 4 Ivory Resources, a GH, a wet G Banana, and the suspected location for the Iron on the Plains square by our Settler's starting area.

Our fourth City is planned for the peninsula, to pick up the Fur Resource. The currently-proposed location is on top of the G Rice Jungle, to make the most out of that Resource, the Fur, and the Copper early on.

We'll be building a Galley to get the Settler (and a Worker) to the peninsula faster. The Galley can then check out the suspected "island" to the east of the peninsula.

Mansa has founded Confucianism, so we'll eventually want to make Peace (or take a Cease Fire) with him and hope that he spreads Missionaries to us. Hopefully, he will do what Monte did in our test game and spam Missionaries when he only has a couple of Cities, which would drastically delay his rate of expansion even further than the Worker-stealing is likely to have accomplished.

Longer-term, we'll probably generate a Great Scientist out of City 2, as we'll be getting a Library there soon.

We may build The Pyramids for Police State, The Great Lighthouse because there's likely to be little competition for it, and possibly The Apostolic Palace or The Hagia Sophia if we get beaten to The Pyramids. Wonders will take a lower-priority relative to expansion, spawn-busting Barbs, and Worker-thieving from Mansa.

We're soon going to need to think "bigger picture"... exploring the surrounding area, figuring out where the other AIs are, and developing a longer-term strategy for eliminating the other AIs.

As the game went on, we built The Great Lighthouse, The Pyramids, and The Hanging Gardens.

We built two Cities on the southern Coast that quickly whipped Monuments and discovered the Ocean blocking us. Fortunately, we met Sury, but he still hadn't learned Alphabet. We saw the borders of a red-coloured (turned out to be pink-coloured) AI, but we didn't get contact for a while.

We teched Horseback Riding after Currency and used that to build a Horse Archer army for Mansa. After that, we partially-teched Alphabet until Sury learned it himself and was willing to trade it to us.

We gifted Sury a City and then traded techs with him. Unfortunately, he met Mansa and they became Worst Enemies, so when we turned around and traded with Mansa, Sury hated us by -4 Attitude for Trading with his Worst Enemy.

We had used Police State to build our Horse Archer army, then launched a Golden Age to get us into Representation + Caste System + Organized Religion. From there, we spammed Confucian Missionaries and hired several Specialists, while we took on Mansa's empire.

With the capture of a west-coast City, we start to plan the completion of a Galley, so that we can scout-out the Barb City there.

Starting screenshot
Spoiler :

Info about this game:
SGOTM 17 - The Quartermaster's Challenge

The Quartermaster is Protective and Imperialistic.

His unique unit is the Landsknecht, which replaces the Pikeman, and gets a combat bonus (100%) versus melee as well as mounted units. The Landsknect becomes activated with the Engineering tech.

Your unique building is the Rathaus, which replaces the Courthouse, and gives -75% maintenance. The Rathaus becomes activated with the Code of Laws tech.

The game will be played at Immortal difficulty, at normal speed.
You will start in the Classical Era (2000BC), but Meditation, Polytheism, and Monotheism technologies have been removed for the player and for all AI (and for Barbs, who will start with same techs as AI). All religions can be founded in the usual way.

Game Options:
Culture flipping after conquest
No Vassals
No Huts
No Random Events

Opponents: 6 AI
Normal Speed
Map: Artificial, flat wrap

To be eligible for an award (Laurels or Spoons) you must win the game any way you can.

Laurels' priority will go to the team that acheives the fastest Conquest victory. If not enough teams win by conquest to award all 4 awards then eligible teams can win the laurels based on the highest power-rating at the time of victory. Wooden Spoons will as always go to the eligible team finishing (winners ONLY this time) with the lowest final score.

Although the goal is quite simple to understand, do not expect it to be easy to accomplish. Enjoy the Quartermaster's Challenge!:king:

The game will start on Friday, February 22.

The completion deadline will be Saturday, June 22.
Turnset Code of Conduct Guidelines
1. Please don't automate units. If you feel the need to do so, it's probably time to hand off the saved game to a teammate
2. Please don't send units on "go to" orders that will last past the current turn. If you do send a unit on a far away "go to" action, be sure to cancel that action before ending the turn
3. It is preferred if you can take the time to cancel each Worker action before the end of the turn. For example, if your Worker is numbered Ctrl + 1, you can perform the Worker action, press the 1 key, and then press the Backspace <-- key to cancel its Worker action
Spoiler :
You never know when you'll get feedback to change Worker actions or when you'll need to upload the saved game for feedback. In the former case, we remain flexible. In the latter case, we don't want to trigger any irreversible moves by accident (such as completing a Worker action) without noticing, due to someone simply looking at the saved game and having a Worker action autocomplete... that shouldn't happen in most cases, but can happen if certain reversible moves (such as Waiting with one unit) are performed

4. It is best if you can remember to manually save the game each turn
Spoiler :
Loading the game from autosaves can sometimes result in BUFFY flagging a reload, if you have to make a "choice" that an AI presents to you, and it is also easy to overwrite your autosaved games, so it's best to have a manual saved game for each turn that we can refer to, if required

5. Before uploading the saved game to the server, it is nice if you can pause the game, save the game, and then upload the paused version of the game. It is good etiquette to let the team know whether or not you paused the game before saving it and uploading it
Useful Links

Spoiler :
Welcome to the Succession Game of the Month (SGOTM) series of games and, in particular, welcome to The Shawshank Redemption team! Here, I will provide some links that you may find of use. Feel free to suggest other links and I will update the list with your suggestions.

The Succession Game of the Month main forum
Useful to visit now but may be slightly dangerous to visit after the team threads are opened, since other teams' threads can be accidentally clicked upon from this page, and should any of us visit another team's SGOTM 17 thread, our team will be disqualified from the competition

C-IV SGOTM Reference Thread
Gives a good overview of the SGOTM and provides a bunch of useful links, which I will mirror here for our convenience

SGOTM Progress page
Provides detailed info for finished games. This page will also provide a subset of that info when our game is ongoing, such as a historical graph of each team's Score, Power, Culture up to the turn that they have played in the game. Be careful with this page, as each team's name will link back to their private thread. It's a convenient list for the game administrator but a bit of a trap for us, since we aren't allowed to visit other teams' SGOTM 17 threads until after the game is over. Similarly, there are links to saved games here, but again, we are strictly prohibited from even downloading any team's saved game except for our own team's save game. You would get our latest saved game from this page.​

Submitting your Saved Game from your Turnset
After you have played a turnset, you will use this page to upload your saved game​

SGOTM 17 Sign-up Thread
This thread contains info about the setup of the game.

SGOTM 17 Pre-game Discussion thread

SGOTM 17 Maintenance thread
This thread is used for asking questions about how this game's setup is meant to work. I highly recommend that before posting any questions there, you instead discuss what you want to ask with our team privately first. In the past, some players from other teams revealed strategic info in that thread, which is to their detriment, since they are simply arming other teams with their contributions. If there is a question about how the game format works, we would do well to discuss it privately amongst ourselves first and then, if we still can't come up with an answer, post a carefully-worded message in that thread which does not reveal the strategic plans that are related to said question. Thanks.

Civ 4 Links
Tech Trading: We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced Strategy
Tech Trading: We Fear You Are Becoming Too Advanced Game Mechanics and Leader Listing
AI Attitude Explained
Controlling AI to AI relations
The Inner-Workings of the Demographics Screen Explained
All about Barbarians: including when they attack, Barb-Galley spawning, and more
Knowing how many AIs have researched Masonry or other techs
Espionage--some ideas of how to use it
Espionage Guide
Game Mechanics
Refusing To Talk
Know Your Enemy: AI Info--mostly a textual-based explanation of some XML values
Whipping and Granaries
Turns of Anarchy Length Formula

Other Links
How to upload a screenshot and make its full size visible on Civfanatics

SGOTM 17 Leaders
Mansa Musa
Suryavarman II
Qin Shi Huang

Pausing the Game
Spoiler :
Whoever is looking at the saved games when not playing a turnset can do so with the game paused. You should play around in a non-real game first just to see how pausing works, but the basics are:
1. The Pause key on your keyboard (usually found next to the Scroll Lock key) can be pressed once to Pause a game of Civ IV and can be pressed again to unpause the game.
2. Moves made (say, clicking somewhere with your mouse with the Warrior selected, such that the Warrior would move in that direction for the next few turns) while the game is paused ARE REMEMBERED and will all execute one after another after unpausing the game
3. If you Pause the game and save it, when the game is loaded, it will start off being Paused
4. If you Pause the game and exit the game (say, to the main Civ IV menu or right out of Civ IV), the game will not be paused when you load your saved game

Since we are not allowed to "reload" or "undo" any moves that we make, it can be dangerous to be looking at a saved game when you are just looking at the map (say, for fog-gazing) or are doing other random things, like taking screenshots or looking at DEMOGRAPHICS data. The solution is to use the Pause key.

The Pausing Procedure
1. a) If you just loaded the saved game and have not made any changes to the game (such as moving a Warrior or making a deal with an AI), then skip to step 2. Otherwise, if you have made such a change, go to step 1. b).

1. b) If you have already made some changes to the saved game, such as if you moved one of our units, whether by accident or because you are the Active Player, then save the game. We have to live with any changes that were made to the saved game, so any moves made while the game was unpaused MUST count as our real game. If you happen to make a mistake and move a unit when the game is unpaused, save your game and let the team know; you'll also have to submit that version of the saved game to the uploads server and we will have to play forward from that saved game

2. Press the Pause key on your keyboard. You should see a message about the game being paused if you are on the "main view" of the Civ IV map. That message should appear in the same location as the "End Turn" message. If you don't see that message, exit out of the saved game and load a test game to experiment with using the Pause key. If you still can't get it to work for you, ask the rest of the team for help.

3. As long as you do not press the Pause key, you can now safely look around the map. Please try not to intentionally move units, but if you accidentally do, that movement won't actually "occur" while the game is still paused. If at any time you make such an accidental mouse click and you are 100% certain that the game is still paused, then quit that saved game (Exit to the Main Menu in the Civ IV menu or else quit the game). Then, start again from step 1. a).

4. Since you didn't intentionally make any changes, but in case you accidentally made a change, ensure that the game still says that it is paused and then quit that saved game. That way, any actions that were "queued up" to occur after the game was unpaused will never occur.

All of that said, there may be ways to accidentally make things happen even when the game is Paused. For example, if you End the Turn, I'm pretty sure that the Pause key will not save you (this point should be tested). So, the Pause key is not necessarily a way of protecting you from all possible misclicks, but it should protect you from the vast majority of them.

If, for whatever reason, you do make a mistake while looking at our saved game; no harm done. Just be sure to tell the team about it. We can live with any mistake and play on, but we can't replay the game, so we need to know about any accidental moves made. We're all good people here; no one's going to bite your head off if you make a mistake; only if you try to hide that fact will there be trouble, because the game admins will find out and will punish us for trying to hide such a mistake.
Signing in..

Reserved for Foreign Intelligence 1
Checking in.
Ready and waiting for orders Captain!

Suggested Initial Roster - based on a couple of requests and check in order, nothing more. Please feel free to ask to be shifted.

Planned Absences:
ingentingg: I will finish my phd before the summer, so I will probably be busy towards the end, but I should have enough time in the beginning.
Mitchum: I have a very busy travel schedule for February and March, so I may be less responsive than normal for large chunks of time.
mscellaneous: In the 2nd to 3rd week of February, I have a project nearing completion with all the usual extra hours, so I hope I can chime in on the pre-game discussion.
Hi everyone!
Initial tech choice: Alphabet vs. Iron Working

There has been some discussion in our social group concerning our starting tech. A lot of our discussion has been under the assumption that we are on a rainforest map. As such, I don't think we should make a commitment to our initial tech choice until T5 when we have more map info.

However, assuming that this is a rainforest map, we can expect:

1. All of the AI to be around the edges of the map with a small area carved out of the jungle.
2. Small lakes around the map.
3. Very small bodies of ocean water around the edge of the map.
4. Tons of jungle everywhere a civilization doesn't inhabit at the start.
5. Large areas of peaks potentiall making it difficult to reach large areas of the map.
6. All civs reachable via land.

Even if KCD started with a rainforest script, the end map could be vastly different. But, if large portions of the map and terrain were left unchanged, the start of the game will be challenging. I assume that after we've scouted the land around our starting area, we'll send our scout off to explore further and to meet the AI while our archer will stick around our planned second city site to keep our settler safe from the barbs. When I did this in a test game, my scout died rather quickly to the panthers in the jungle. Several of the AI scouts died as well, which meant that by T30, I had only met one other AI. In this game, I researched Alphabet first and was not able to get IW in trade because the one AI I had met would not trade it yet. The best location for a second city had some jungle squares and I settled it assuming I could get IW in trade, so I was not able to improve any tiles in my city's inner ring. I was done before the game even started.

So, in my opinion, researching Alphabet first is a gambit that could pay off or could backfire big time. The biggest benefits of researching Alphabet first are:

1. We can possibly get IW in trade since by the time we have Alphabet, several of the AI will already have IW since they research it quite early. This gives us IW for "free."
2. We can pick up other techs that the AI learn in addition to IW.

The biggest drawbacks include.

1. We may be isolated (or semi-isolated with contact to only one AI) and not be able to get anything in trade.
2. Even if we aren't isolated, our scout (or the AI's scouts) may not live long enough to meet each other.
3. Even if the AI scouts live, they aren't likely to explore way into the SE corner of the map until quite late in the game.
4. Even if we are able to research Alphabet and get IW right away, we'll end up getting IW later than if we had just researching IW right from the start since Alphabet is a more expensive tech than IW.
5. With all of the AI around the edge of the map, it take a long time to meet other AI even if all scouts live.

In an Ancient start, you never research Alphabet early until you have an idea of who your neighbors are and what the tech trading options would be. So, you don't have to make up your mind until T50 or later, which gives you a lot of time to explore and ensure that the researching Alphabet will provide a good return. I see it as a gambit (i.e. major risk) to research Alphabet first right out of the gate before we have any idea of our surrounding area and which AIs we can meet.

Researching IW first has the obvious drawback of researching something that we could surely get in trade should be meet enough AIs that know it. The advantages of IW first include:

1. We take control of our destination rather than leaving it to chance that we can get it in trade in a reasonable timeframe.
2. We can get IW before we settle our second city, which may influence where we settle it should iron pop up somewhere.
3. We can chop jungle as soon as our second city is settled, so we can settle it in the optimum location knowing that we could chop jungle in the inner ring should that be required.

So, if we're thinking about taking the Alphabet gambit before knowing the AI situation, we should be prepared to mitigate some of the risks by:

1. Sending both our scout and archer out to explore and meet the AI after scouting our starting area and building another archer before we build a settler to escort him safely to his settling location. This will delay city #2.
2. Planning on possibly settling our second city in a sub-optimal location that either has no jungle at all or has an improvable resource in the inner ring without needing to chop jungle.
3. Planning on not having a strategic resource until we are able to get IW from an AI. My guess is that KCD removed copper and horses from our starting area since we start with the techs that reveal them.

Personally, I'm strongly in the IW first camp, but if we are thinking of Alphabet first, we need to plan for the worst (i.e. not getting IW in trade at all) just in case it happens.

For anyone that is proposing Alphabet first, I hope you've played a rainforest test map out having skipped IW to see how easy/hard it will be to get it in trade.

ingentingg said:
Also, how about scouting coast with a Galley early on? Coastal trade routes will be the earliest and safest routes to get foreign commerce and a small chance of getting anearly religion spread to us.

This is something we can decide quite a bit later, but in every rainforest map I saw, the oceans are quite small (less than 20 tiles) and are only along the edge of the map. Of course, KCD may have made them bigger or this may not even be a rainforest map.
Initial tech choice: Alphabet vs. Iron Working

There has been some discussion in our social group concerning our starting tech. A lot of our discussion has been under the assumption that we are on a rainforest map. As such, I don't think we should make a commitment to our initial tech choice until T5 when we have more map info.

However, assuming that this is a rainforest map, we can expect:

1. All of the AI to be around the edges of the map with a small area carved out of the jungle.
2. Small lakes around the map.
3. Very small bodies of ocean water around the edge of the map.
4. Tons of jungle everywhere a civilization doesn't inhabit at the start.
5. Large areas of peaks potentiall making it difficult to reach large areas of the map.
6. All civs reachable via land.

Even if KCD started with a rainforest script, the end map could be vastly different. But, if large portions of the map and terrain were left unchanged, the start of the game will be challenging. I assume that after we've scouted the land around our starting area, we'll send our scout off to explore further and to meet the AI while our archer will stick around our planned second city site to keep our settler safe from the barbs. When I did this in a test game, my scout died rather quickly to the panthers in the jungle. Several of the AI scouts died as well, which meant that by T30, I had only met one other AI. In this game, I researched Alphabet first and was not able to get IW in trade because the one AI I had met would not trade it yet. The best location for a second city had some jungle squares and I settled it assuming I could get IW in trade, so I was not able to improve any tiles in my city's inner ring. I was done before the game even started.

So, in my opinion, researching Alphabet first is a gambit that could pay off or could backfire big time. The biggest benefits of researching Alphabet first are:

1. We can possibly get IW in trade since by the time we have Alphabet, several of the AI will already have IW since they research it quite early. This gives us IW for "free."
2. We can pick up other techs that the AI learn in addition to IW.

The biggest drawbacks include.

1. We may be isolated (or semi-isolated with contact to only one AI) and not be able to get anything in trade.
2. Even if we aren't isolated, our scout (or the AI's scouts) may not live long enough to meet each other.
3. Even if the AI scouts live, they aren't likely to explore way into the SE corner of the map until quite late in the game.
4. Even if we are able to research Alphabet and get IW right away, we'll end up getting IW later than if we had just researching IW right from the start since Alphabet is a more expensive tech than IW.
5. With all of the AI around the edge of the map, it take a long time to meet other AI even if all scouts live.

In an Ancient start, you never research Alphabet early until you have an idea of who your neighbors are and what the tech trading options would be. So, you don't have to make up your mind until T50 or later, which gives you a lot of time to explore and ensure that the researching Alphabet will provide a good return. I see it as a gambit (i.e. major risk) to research Alphabet first right out of the gate before we have any idea of our surrounding area and which AIs we can meet.

Researching IW first has the obvious drawback of researching something that we could surely get in trade should be meet enough AIs that know it. The advantages of IW first include:

1. We take control of our destination rather than leaving it to chance that we can get it in trade in a reasonable timeframe.
2. We can get IW before we settle our second city, which may influence where we settle it should iron pop up somewhere.
3. We can chop jungle as soon as our second city is settled, so we can settle it in the optimum location knowing that we could chop jungle in the inner ring should that be required.

So, if we're thinking about taking the Alphabet gambit before knowing the AI situation, we should be prepared to mitigate some of the risks by:

1. Sending both our scout and archer out to explore and meet the AI after scouting our starting area and building another archer before we build a settler to escort him safely to his settling location. This will delay city #2.
2. Planning on possibly settling our second city in a sub-optimal location that either has no jungle at all or has an improvable resource in the inner ring without needing to chop jungle.
3. Planning on not having a strategic resource until we are able to get IW from an AI. My guess is that KCD removed copper and horses from our starting area since we start with the techs that reveal them.

Personally, I'm strongly in the IW first camp, but if we are thinking of Alphabet first, we need to plan for the worst (i.e. not getting IW in trade at all) just in case it happens.

For anyone that is proposing Alphabet first, I hope you've played a rainforest test map out having skipped IW to see how easy/hard it will be to get it in trade.

This is something we can decide quite a bit later, but in every rainforest map I saw, the oceans are quite small (less than 20 tiles) and are only along the edge of the map. Of course, KCD may have made them bigger or this may not even be a rainforest map.

Since kcd doesn't even pretend to claim that this is an almost unmodified map...

whatever. Good luck ands have fun!:cool:
lol kcd. My theory is that "quartermaster" is a devious pun. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

We need to find some way to build units. That, a little more than science, looks like the sticking point. Whipping will only go so far if we have no happiness.
Some general thoughts after thinking about this game for a while...

1. It is not sensible to make any deep plans. There is obviously a catch in this scenario, and we have no idea what it could be. For example, oceans needing astronomy, and perhaps fort canals, to get to most AI, highly fortified barbarian pinch points blocking access to neighbors, the need for paratroopers to get to a last AI, the list is virtually endless. Until we have some idea what it is, the best we can do is come up with a short term, multi-purpose, plan.

2. I think we have a free turn of exploration? I assume that we will be revolting to slavery fairly soon in any event. I have not tested this, but assuming we can do so before founding a city, we may as well do so, since it is a turn we lose eventually anyway. That way, we get a free turn of exploration.

3. When we meet an AI, they often tell us what units of theirs we should fear. What exactly does this mean? Is it the best unit they already have, of the best they can build? If the later, is this a way to tell immediately on meeting a new AI, if they have BW or Horses nearby/hooked-up?

4. I don&#8217;t like alpha first&#8230;. If we do that, what do we expect to be able to trade for? I assume that the AI will mostly go for the religious techs first, and their research will not be very fast in this part of the tree. IW is the ONLY tech that I can imagine us getting in a trade for quite some time. If we wanted that, I would rather research it directly.

5. I think we should consider Math first. Of course, we can wait a few turns before having to decide, and if we see a ton of Jungle, especially something like jungle/gem, then this would make IW a pretty obvious choice&#8230; If however, after 4 turns, there is no clear reason to take IW, then math seems to be the safest choice, as we &#8220;know&#8221; for sure we want this, and it would increase chopping output nicely.

6. Remember that our imperial bonus only applies to hammers, so we want to be using mines or whips/chops to produce our settlers. With that in mind, what should we build first? I was contemplating settler first (depending on what the first turn of scouting shows), but I don&#8217;t see how we do that efficiently. What else do we need?
lol kcd. My theory is that "quartermaster" is a devious pun. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

We need to find some way to build units. That, a little more than science, looks like the sticking point. Whipping will only go so far if we have no happiness.

As long as we don't have rifling/Military science (I don't remember which one) we can pillage our iron and whip into warriors like the Ducks do. We can always build trebuchets or catapults the few turns we are whipping. I'm not very familiar with how to play like this, but I remember one very impressive GOTM game by Duckweed where he built wonders in the arctic this way.

The only other alternative is to go for guilds and caste system for workshops, but I really think we want slavery.
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