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Something you should know about pizza delivery

Instead of quibbling over the dollar amount of Zelig's post I think we should instead focus on the point he was trying to make (at least in my eyes, correct me if I'm wrong Zelig):

If you continuously make excuses for why you can't do something then nothing in your situation will ever change.
So the fact that I can't fit my life into one suitcase and have a family to consider means I'm making excuses? :huh:

I've already had the experience of fighting with people who figured I should just leave home with my belongings in a couple of shopping bags, abandon my cats, and if that meant being homeless, so be it. Been there, done that, fought that <unmentionable words> for over two years, until I could resolve the situation on my terms.
So the fact that I can't fit my life into one suitcase and have a family to consider means I'm making excuses? :huh:

Bootstraps. Clearly you haven't heard of them.
That's assuming you make enough to spent $1000/month on rent besides having to cover utilities, food, phone/TV/internet, transportation expenses, and a host of other things. Not everyone is that lucky.

Utilities included at a hostel, food included in the $200/m cost I gave, phone is like $20/m for unlimited minutes or cheaper if you do a creative VOIP solution, tv is a waste of time/money, internet is free at a hostel, transportation is $90/m max for a transit pass.

It rubs me the wrong way much like the people who just throw, "Learn programming and make thousands within weeks." into the faces of the unemployed and if the person without a job dares to say no to that idea then they're just lazy slobs who are leeching off of welfare.

I'd never recommend that, most programmers aren't smart enough to be good programmers, it certainly isn't a realistic option for the unemployed.

Zelig's point is meeting resistance because it's naive and assumes everyone is superior like him and can pack up their singular suitcase of belongings and move across the country off the dime of their enormous intellect and social prowess. Hanging negative situations over people's heads and then smirking at them while saying, "well, you should just be more like me," is not my idea of fantastic advice or a gem of wisdom.

I haven't made any claim about whether or when people should move, just that moving really isn't all that difficult. "Stuff" you own is just that, it's not very important and it will break down within a few years anyway. Moving is an opportunity to get new stuff.
You're assuming a hostel is in any way acceptable. Sure, maybe for you youth, but I would never willingly stay in one. Seriously, never going to happen. For one thing, where the hell would I keep my pets? Plus, communal sleeping? No, I'm not putting up with that crap. Had enough of that in my youth. So if a hostel expense is what you are using to calculate moving expenses, then those figures are simply irrelevant for me because that's not an experience I find acceptable and I would not put up with it.

Also... Slaad and Veter.
You're assuming a hostel is in any way acceptable. Sure, maybe for you youth, but I would never willingly stay in one. Seriously, never going to happen. For one thing, where the hell would I keep my pets? Plus, communal sleeping? No, I'm not putting up with that crap. Had enough of that in my youth. So if a hostel expense is what you are using to calculate moving expenses, then those figures are simply irrelevant for me because that's not an experience I find acceptable and I would not put up with it.

Also... Slaad and Veter.

Oldest guy I met in a hostel was 87 or 88. He was far from a down'n'outer. Real cool guy. Was showing me pictures of architecture, and one of his granddaughter :p, on his galaxy tablet. "English?" He asked me "No, wait, American. I've always had love for Americans, ever since you guys liberated me". I was like
Living in a hotel permanently is horrible.
Bootstraps. Clearly you haven't heard of them.
they do work wonders for family

They also aren't THAT common in large swaths of the US. My hometown of Columbus, Ohio, population of over 700,000, has only 1, and it's tiny. Indianapolis, which is even bigger, only has one as well...and they aren't *that* much cheaper than a typical hotel.

An extended stay hotel in the midwest runs between $170 and $200 a week.
I don't really see how blaming the victim is an alright act in this situation. The point was made rather clear: The goal posts of the business are shifting with no consequence in the favour of the business and the detriment of the employee. There is nothing the employee can do about it except make the situation known and, in your esteemed grace of blessed knowledge, "make excuses".

So Askthepizzaguy is clearly an intelligent and articulate poster. There isn't anyone here on this forum (Askthepizzaguy included) that could honestly says that he isn't capable of more than what he is doing in his current job. He has taken some college courses so one can assume that he aspires (or once aspired) to do something other than deliver pizzas for the rest of his life.

But your "fantastic advice or gem of wisdom" is that there is nothing he can do except "make the situation known" and then wallow in his victimhood?

Awesome, I'm sure thats just what he needs to have a more fulfilling life...

When you were a young person did you have a mentor or role model like a teacher who taught you to dream big and that you could accomplish anything or be anything you wanted if you applied yourself?
So Askthepizzaguy is clearly an intelligent and articulate poster. There isn't anyone here on this forum (Askthepizzaguy included) that could honestly says that he isn't capable of more than what he is doing in his current job. He has taken some college courses so one can assume that he aspires (or once aspired) to do something other than deliver pizzas for the rest of his life.

But your "fantastic advice or gem of wisdom" is that there is nothing he can do except "make the situation known" and then wallow in his victimhood?

Awesome, I'm sure thats just what he needs to have a more fulfilling life...

When you were a young person did you have a mentor or role model like a teacher who taught you to dream big and that you could accomplish anything or be anything you wanted if you applied yourself?

I did not.

That isn't what I was trying to say, however. If a better job was available to Pizzaguy this very minute, I am sure he'd take it. I doubt he willingly gets screwed over and rejects awesome job offers because of his love for delivering pizzas. Assuming what he needs is life advice instead of taking what he shared at face value is my issue.
Bootstraps. Clearly you haven't heard of them.

My family consists of two cats and a father who has dementia and is in a nursing home. I'm his legal guardian and I am NOT going to leave town while he's still alive and there, because even though this particular nursing home is currently well-run, that may not always be the case. Horrible things can happen to people in nursing homes when their family members aren't close enough to keep an eye on things and make sure they're not treated like inanimate furniture.

I haven't made any claim about whether or when people should move, just that moving really isn't all that difficult. "Stuff" you own is just that, it's not very important and it will break down within a few years anyway. Moving is an opportunity to get new stuff.
That may be true of your stuff. It's certainly not true of my stuff, some of which is over 250 years old, and other items of which are priceless to me (my grandmother's paintings, for example). Add a book collection that's been building up for ~40 years (more if you count my family's books), and it's not stuff that breaks down in a few years. I take it most of the things you own are electronic?
I did not.

That isn't what I was trying to say, however. If a better job was available to Pizzaguy this very minute, I am sure he'd take it. I doubt he willingly gets screwed over and rejects awesome job offers because of his love for delivering pizzas. Assuming what he needs is life advice instead of taking what he shared at face value is my issue.

But giving him advice is exactly what you did do when you said he couldn't do anything about his situation except to "make it known."

You come across as someone who has never really had to struggle for anything. I'm sure "awesome job offers" just fell into your lap naturally as part of your life trajectory.

So for you the fact that Askthepizzaguy doesn't have people knocking down his door to offer him jobs (without him having to lift a finger) just means he is one of the poor victims in the world for you to take (enlightened) pity on. It's not like he has to get out there and work really hard to change his current lot in life. It's simply his destiny to deliver pizzas.

For me the fact that Askthepizzaguy 1.) posted about his problem on here and 2.) has been in the pizza business for as long as he has been means that he does need advice. The advice I'm giving him is to get out of the deadend pizza business now before it becomes too late. There are better jobs available to him right now. It will take hard work and will certainly take him outside his current comfort zone but he can do it.

You know he was being sarcastic, right?

You come across as someone who has never really had to struggle for anything. I'm sure "awesome job offers" just fell into your lap naturally as part of your life trajectory.

What, have you never seen half of the threads Synsensa has posted in? He's had plenty of struggles to deal with.

So for you the fact that Askthepizzaguy doesn't have people knocking down his door to offer him jobs (without him having to lift a finger) just means he is one of the poor victims in the world for you to take (enlightened) pity on. It's not like he has to get out there and work really hard to change his current lot in life. It's simply his destiny to deliver pizzas.

Wait, what?
But giving him advice is exactly what you did do when you said he couldn't do anything about his situation except to "make it known."

You come across as someone who has never really had to struggle for anything. I'm sure "awesome job offers" just fell into your lap naturally as part of your life trajectory.

So for you the fact that Askthepizzaguy doesn't have people knocking down his door to offer him jobs (without him having to lift a finger) just means he is one of the poor victims in the world for you to take (enlightened) pity on. It's not like he has to get out there and work really hard to change his current lot in life. It's simply his destiny to deliver pizzas.

For me the fact that Askthepizzaguy 1.) posted about his problem on here and 2.) has been in the pizza business for as long as he has been means that he does need advice. The advice I'm giving him is to get out of the deadend pizza business now before it becomes too late. There are better jobs available to him right now. It will take hard work and will certainly take him outside his current comfort zone but he can do it.

I literally cannot fathom how you came to any of these conclusions. Please elaborate.
You come across as someone who has never really had to struggle for anything. I'm sure "awesome job offers" just fell into your lap naturally as part of your life trajectory.

So for you the fact that Askthepizzaguy doesn't have people knocking down his door to offer him jobs (without him having to lift a finger) just means he is one of the poor victims in the world for you to take (enlightened) pity on. It's not like he has to get out there and work really hard to change his current lot in life. It's simply his destiny to deliver pizzas.

For me the fact that Askthepizzaguy 1.) posted about his problem on here and 2.) has been in the pizza business for as long as he has been means that he does need advice. The advice I'm giving him is to get out of the deadend pizza business now before it becomes too late. There are better jobs available to him right now. It will take hard work and will certainly take him outside his current comfort zone but he can do it.
Synsensa has never been the sort of person to stick his nose in the air and look down on other people. That was an unwarranted conclusion you just jumped to, and not a very nice one.

You know he was being sarcastic, right?
There are some kinds of sarcasm I don't find the least bit funny.
I literally cannot fathom how you came to any of these conclusions. Please elaborate.

I got the impression that you considered Askthepizzaguy a unredeemable victim in the same way that someone from a postion of privilege unconciously looks down upon someone who doesn't have their same advantages (like Americans who felt bad about the tragedy in Haiti so they texted $10 to a celebrity relief fund and then posted about how much an enlighted humanitarian they were on facebook/twitter).

You then indicated that you never had a mentor or role model provide you with any motivation or encouragement growing up. I took this to mean that you didn't need any because presumeably your future was already assured.
Some people are not fortunate enough to have a mentor or role model. I don't know if that's how it was with Synsensa, but that's how it is with all too many people.
That may be true of your stuff. It's certainly not true of my stuff, some of which is over 250 years old, and other items of which are priceless to me (my grandmother's paintings, for example). Add a book collection that's been building up for ~40 years (more if you count my family's books), and it's not stuff that breaks down in a few years. I take it most of the things you own are electronic?

It's still just stuff. You don't get to keep it when you die, and none of it is particularly important compared to relationships and knowledge.
There are some kinds of sarcasm I don't find the least bit funny.

Good thing I wasn't trying to be funny. It's more tragedy because there are indeed people who honestly believe what I was attempting to parody.

It's still just stuff. You don't get to keep it when you die, and none of it is particularly important compared to relationships and knowledge.

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