Stranger in a Strange land - A Fallout 3 AAR

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Hey? What's going on here?

HOLY MONKEY ON A STICK!!!!! You shot them! Erm...

...Oh I see nothing! I was not here! I did not even get UP this morning!

Erm? Are you SURE it's safe for us to talk out in the open like this?

Wait, what the? Were still using stockades?! What is this? A puritan colony?!

What's a trog? The trolls that lurk in Off Topic?

AHHH!!! A supprise guest!! What's next in this constant parade of interuptions?

Well, time to head to the steal yard. Wait, what's that slapping noise? Riiiight. I'll just move along in THAT direction.

Jesus H. Christ. Would someone PLEASE tell me what do you mean by "Scab". This palce does not look like a unionized factory. It's more like forced labor!

What did I just say?! This place aint unionized!

Yeah, I'm not too thrilled about this one bit.
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