Zara has regained a seeded position!!!
With four points in this game, his total jumped up to 25 - and he wins the tiebreaker over Louis/Alexander. Alex thus presumably drops back out of Pool Two after a brief stay, while Louis is now definitely on the bubble. If anybody else scores enough to hit 25 total points or more (if Alex scores any points next week, for example), he's out.
Fun game! I honestly found myself rooting against the Hatty culture train this time, and it certainly made for a more interesting contest when Zara attacked her instead of just sitting back and letting her win.
The weirdest thing about this contest to me was the barbs and how they ended up playing out. Overall not having too devastating of an effect makes sense, but, well, things certainly ran counter to my expectations in terms of who did and didn't get hit badly by them. I wonder how much of that was normal.
Pericles, for example, received what I thought was one of the biggest blows, as he got a bad early surge that seriously hampered his early expansion - he didn't end up sheltered at all! That completely threw my idea of him founding later religions and going for culture out the window; even if he
did win in the end, it definitely wasn't how I thought he would do it. I wonder if that's normal, and what his games look like if he handles them better and doesn't get out to such a slow start? Based on how solidly he played even in this case, I'm willing to bet pretty well! He ought to be one of the AH's top scorers.
On the flip side,
Hatty barely struggled at all despite what had looked like an exposed position; that really helped jumpstart her economy and when Zara attacked Cathy, I thought that was GG Hatty! Definitely a big turnaround from there, and clearly she's going to win some cultural victories in the alternate histories. But will she always be this strong out of the gate in those, or did she get lucky this time? That's what I'm really wondering. (Also, as far as that kill credit that was "robbed" from her and kept her locked out of points... it would have been a
very flukey kill credit if she had gotten it, since that was the only city she took! As far as overall effort goes, Zara clearly deserved it more.)
Cathy seemed to more or less get her worst-case scenario here, with everybody except Joao dogpiling her. There was real potential for her here too, with Asoka starting as weakly as she did; I think a snowball should be in the cards for her some of the time, when she gets luckier in diplomacy. I don't know how much better she would have been even if she'd picked up Islam, because who else would her neighbors have been attacking, anyway? As it was, this was a perfect storm.
Zara definitely outperformed expectations and didn't seem very bothered by the barbs at all, but at the same time betrayed his ineffectiveness at actually pulling out a victory. He deserved to lose after signing Heliopolis back to Hatty.
My opinion of
Joao's abilities has definitely gone down after this season; clearly he needs some way to keep his economy afloat in order to actually compete. With that said, I think my comment about the lack of culture compared to everybody else sinking his chances on its own was pretty accurate. That really put him in a rough position this time. We've seen now that he got unlucky in Game 6 and that was actually a good setup for him, so he's clearly not a total dud, but this time I think he did actually have a bad setup and I'd be surprised to see much from him in the AHs.
Finally, what a stinker from
Asoka! It didn't seem to me that the barbs even hit him that hard - I think they just happened to strike at the right places/times to work perfectly with his own problems with lack of food to really keep him in the basement. Definitely not a game that reflects well on him as an AI leader.
Pericles ought to serve as a good meatshield for the English in the playoffs; if I had to guess right now without analyzing the map too closely, looks like one of those will probably win, and one of the four westerners will take second place after eventually growing through conquest. But we'll see!