[RD] Surrender Summit

The real danger of Trump presidency is possible sudden outbreak of peace...
Establishment of all progressive countries cannot let that happen.

Detente Bad, Cold War Good
The entire “liberal” media and political establishment of the Western world reveals its militarist, authoritarian soul today with the screaming and hysterical attacks on the very prospect of detente with Russia. Peace apparently is a terrible thing; a renewed arms race, with quite literally trillions of dollars pumped into the military industrial complex and hundreds of thousands dying in proxy wars, is apparently the “liberal” stance.

Political memories are short, but just 15 years after Iraq was destroyed and the chain reaction sent most of the Arab world back to the dark ages, it is now “treason” to question the word of the Western intelligence agencies, which deliberately and knowingly produced a fabric of lies on Iraqi WMD to justify that destruction.

It would be more rational for it to be treason for leaders to blindly accept the word of the intelligence services.

This is especially true on “Russia hacking the election” when, after three years of crazed accusations and millions of man hours by lawyers and CIA and FBI investigators, they are yet to produce any substantive evidence of accusations which are plainly nuts in the first place. This ridiculous circus has found a few facebook ads and indicted one Russian for every 100,000 man hours worked, for unspecified or minor actions which had no possible bearing on the election result.

There are in fact genuine acts of election rigging to investigate. In particular, the multiple actions of the DNC and Democratic Party establishment to rig the Primary against Bernie Sanders do have some very real documentary evidence to substantiate them, and that evidence is even public. Yet those real acts of election rigging are ignored and instead the huge investigation is focused on catching those who revealed Hillary’s election rigging. This gets even more absurd – the investigation then quite deliberately does not focus on catching whoever leaked Hillary’s election rigging, but instead seeks to prove that the Russians hacked Hillary’s election-rigging, which I can assure you they did not. Meanwhile, those of us who might help them with the truth if they were actually interested, are not questioned at all.

The Russophobic witch hunt has its first real life victim in 29 year old Maria Butina, whose life is to be destroyed for chatting up members of the NRA in order to increase Russian influence. With over 20 years of diplomatic experience, I can tell you that every country, including the UK and US, has bit part players of its own nationals who self-start in a country to make their way, and if they gain any traction are tapped by their national security service as potential “agents of influence”. I could name quite literally scores of such people, but have no desire to get anyone in trouble. The elevation of Butina into a huge threat and part of a gigantic plot, is to ignore the way the United States and the United Kingdom and indeed all major governments’ Embassies behave around the globe.

The war-hawks who were devastated by the loss of champion killer Hillary now see the prospect of their very worst fear coming true. Their very worst fear is the outbreak of peace and international treaties of arms control. Hence the media and political establishment today has reached peaks of hysteria never before seen. Pursuing peace is “treason” and the faux left now stand starkly exposed.
Lol the thing starts with "the liberals are the real authoritarians" because they don't support authoritarian rulers. That person cannot be taken seriously
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Probably not. It's much easier to belief that Trump needed Russian help to win the election than Hillary needed Russian help to win.
It was Putin's defense. :lol: :lol: :lol:
The most telling part to me was when Trump said that Putin gave a denial where he was "very strong, very powerful." What kind of leader says that about another world leader? It's just freaking weird, more than anything. Disturbing, too.
This is the bit that I wanted to say a little something about, because it helps cast light on precisely the kind of liar Trump is.

Trump saying this weird thing is actually indicative of a very strong streak in his own thinking (if you can call it that) and his political practice. Everyone has well established that Trump is a serial liar. But I think this further thing should be said. Trump doesn't believe there is any truth apart from what one person can get another person to accede to. Trump makes up his own truths. We all know that. But then he sees if he can sell them. His techniques for selling them are just repeating the lie again and again and again. Repeating the lie until some people believe it and then citing it as a believed thing. And also just blustering: saying the lie very forcefully, with full conviction. If Trump gets you to believe in his lie through any one of these or a number of other techniques or even just stop asserting the truth because you're so worn out by him, he feels he has established his truth as the truth.

And he has seen this work for him. There is a segment of the population he can count on to believe his lies (so now they have the degree of validity that comes with being believed "a lot of people are saying"). And he does often simply outlast his fact-checkers--keep repeating the lie more often and more forcefully than anyone can be bothered to keep refuting it. So he has often, through these techniques, been able to make his reality count as though it is reality.

So there's a level on which for him, the marker of truth is how strongly and powerfully someone says something. We all know this is crazy; that there's no relation between how forcefully someone says something and its validity. But not Trump; for Trump this is how truth is established: by force of will. Putin used Trump's own method on Trump. He said he didn't interfere in the election. I'm sure he said it calmly, and with absolute self confidence. (Of course one important part of why Trump falls for this is his own narcissism: his not wanting to see his victory besmirched by it being the result of outside interference. He starts out not wanting to believe that Russia interfered on his behalf.) But another part of what he's saying is just that Putin plays this truth-skewing game even better than he himself does.
if Putin was a Hillary fan and helped her get elected the Dems would be defending 'collusion'
I wonder what it means about the two candidates that Putin in fact favored the one he did, though.

This would suggest remarkable philosophical sophistication on Trump's part.

Hence my "if you can call it that" when I mentioned his "thinking." No, I think it's something he learned practically, through a lifetime as a salesman, rather than theoretically. Tim, drawing on his used-car-salesman experience once said that he and his fellow salesmen used to call it moxie: utter lack of concern for the actual truth, and utter willingness to say whatever will make a particular sale.
Lol the thing starts with "the liberals are the real authoritarians" because they don't support authoritarian rulers.
No, the thing starts with "the wannabe liberals are militarists because they want to start new cold war".
It just means that Hillary was active in a Government that was opposing him.
Trump was not part of that active opposition. And Putin didn't have a Hillary pee tape.
Hence my "if you can call it that" when I mentioned his "thinking."

I was being serious. Knowledge is a matter of power. It wouldn't surprise me that Trump learned this intuitively from his experiences in the business world.
I could watch a bit if Melania was on top

We all know she treats sex with Trump as a chore, watching them get it on would be the opposite of fun

tbh would be surprised if they've done it since Barron was conceived. Though maybe Trump raped her like he raped his previous wife.
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