The remarkable similarities between Trump, Julius Caesar, and Malcolm X.

another word ı can't spell , Don Kişot , the guy against the windmills . Which ı might have been perfectly one , too , in case am not one already . The post translated as poster opposes any idea that Trump would have principles .
What about bliblieocracy where the bliblies rule makes you think
What about Trump? Trump has revamped American politics for the foreseeable future, to say the least… and that’s even supposing he goes out peacefully without getting reelected!
I don’t think Trump has revamped politics at all, just that he is a unique figure in his time and can’t be replicated. Unless there is a big change in the next few years, I don’t see him having a lasting impact on the Presidency or the country any more than I would say George W. Bush or Barack Obama did, and I would not call either of them “transformative”—that is to say, having a lasting legacy either within their parties or with the public at large.

Two people I would say had that legacy were Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, at least most recently since FDR, Eisenhower and Kennedy.

Ten or fifteen years is a long enough time in politics, especially when your party is out of power, to be long forgotten. When Dukakis ran in 1988, nobody was talking about Jimmy Carter or Richard Nixon, and I suspect by 2030 we won’t be talking about Trump or Obama either.
Two people I would say had that legacy were Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, at least most recently since FDR, Eisenhower and Kennedy.
No love for LBJ?
LBJ was very much responsible for giving the federal government an active role in promoting civil rights and economic progress/development.
Kennedy is an overrated New England aristocrat who is only fondly remembered because he was killed and had a very good group of toadies sniping at LBJ for being, in their eyes, an uneducated hick from Texan hill country.
@Ajidica, I mean in the public consciousness more than policy. LBJ and Nixon both had lasting policy impacts, but Vietnam and then Watergate overshadowed them.
another word ı can't spell , Don Kişot , the guy against the windmills . Which ı might have been perfectly one , too , in case am not one already . The post translated as poster opposes any idea that Trump would have principles .

That's interesting, as Don Quixote try to become a knight, you try to become a Star ship Admiral, Trump try to become a president of US and A. However the different is if Don Quixote have Sanchez to play along, r16 have some cfc members to play along, Trump got his millions of voters to play along. Hence Trump became what he is through the belief of his millions supporter that carry his imagination.
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I wouldn't say Reagan revamped politics ad much as he poisoned any future attempt at improving America, both literally, ideologically and metaphorically.
donald Trump got into White House not because millions believed him , with mass media and the layout of the US the same millions would have voted for anyone . After 8 years of Obama , it would be a Republican no matter what , but American people of "influence" were dismayed by the total crash of their long lasting plans for a Kurdish Nation State and all the bloodbath that implied . So much that their annoyance at Mrs. Rodham (and her own failures) turned into self loathing and class hating (of their own class) to deny the throne to Bush lll . So , returning back to Kurds and how those plans crashed because deterrence because Starfleet , do you know what these people would say to me , if and when they discovered who could be like held responsible ? Despite me saying it wasn't me , before Trump got the nomination ? ı can already see people coming up with some TVtropes page ...
düşene bir tekme / everybody kicks the one (who has fallen) down
I don't think Trump can stage a successful coup because like I said (and as the link above it shows) his own party isn't defending him here. If the presidency is stolen from Biden there is virtually guaranteed to be chaos and mass violence on the streets. The George Floyd protests would pale in comparison, which is a bold statement but true.

edit: Biden also won the popular vote by quite a comfortable margin so Trump has virtually no leverage here.
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I watched ten minutes of the Van Jones video, and stopped when he was talking about the President’s party walking away. That’s what’ll happen if there is a sincere challenge to the result, and I doubt there will be; the wrangling now as I see it is theater—observers? Recounts? It’s not going anywhere. Huff and puff and the brick house goes nowhere.

Even people, as far as I’ve read, in the White House aren’t gung-ho about challenging the outcome when it’s becoming increasingly obvious who the winner is. The more the rhetoric is escalated, the fewer actual options are left for Trump in both legal and pragmatic terms.

Hope I’m right! For once!
I will say though that there is a reason why Trump explicitly wants this to go to the supreme court in conjunction with being militant to nominate another supreme court justice while still in office. Those two variables aren't coincidences we should add to the equation of this possible legal coup.
I will say though that there is a reason why Trump explicitly wants this to go to the supreme court in conjunction with being militant to nominate another supreme court justice while still in office. Those two variables aren't coincidences we should add to the equation of this possible legal coup.
It depends on how many gamblers there are on the Supreme Court.

The gamble is this: pulling the rug out from Biden's victory via judicial would, to put it lightly, intensify scrutiny on the institution of the Supreme Court itself. What's the possible benefit? Maybe another justice, for now. But what of the threat of court-packing? If the court ruled against Trump and for Biden, it would take the heat off of them.

There might be a couple of justices who would be willing to play this game of brinksmanship, but I doubt you could get five of them.
I doubt it too. But just because it isn't going to happen (or is unlikely to happen) doesn't mean Trump would assume otherwise. And the President has already said bluntly on Twitter that he wants this to be taken to the supreme court. I am just holding Trump to his own word at face value.
I forgot about this thread but I think it deserves a bump because of the events that took place on capital grounds. He tried to incite a coup, with one of his supporters Gulliani verbatim saying "trial by combat", his supporters going directly to the capital to remove our current regime and install Trump as their charismatic populist dictator. It wasn't successful (yet) but legitimate comparisons to Julius Caesar could be made. Especially considering no US president has done something like this before (at least to the best of my knowledge.) If he runs for office in 2024 he's virtually guaranteed to win the republican nomination and the GOP will do everything in their power to voter suppress, sabotage democracy and ensure he gets a second term. He has an incredible amount of power over the establishment of the GOP right now, far more than any other individual who isn't an incumbent Republican president has had possibly ever, AFAIK. You cannot deny we are headed to entirely new territory here. Even if not all this happens, you cannot deny legitimate similarities between Trump, Caesar and Malcolm X at this point. The only question is how much will continue unfold.
I forgot about this thread but I think it deserves a bump because of the events that took place on capital grounds. He tried to incite a coup, with one of his supporters Gulliani verbatim saying "trial by combat", his supporters going directly to the capital to remove our current regime and install Trump as their charismatic populist dictator. It wasn't successful (yet) but legitimate comparisons to Julius Caesar could be made. Especially considering no US president has done something like this before (at least to the best of my knowledge.) If he runs for office in 2024 he's virtually guaranteed to win the republican nomination and the GOP will do everything in their power to voter suppress, sabotage democracy and ensure he gets a second term. He has an incredible amount of power over the establishment of the GOP right now, far more than any other individual who isn't an incumbent Republican president has had possibly ever, AFAIK. You cannot deny we are headed to entirely new territory here. Even if not all this happens, you cannot deny legitimate similarities between Trump, Caesar and Malcolm X at this point. The only question is how much will continue unfold.

You've cherry-picked several similarities which are interesting at some minor level.
But you have ignored the enormous numbers of significant differences between them to amplify your belief
in a prediction of what might transpire in the future. If you include those differences what does your prediction
look like?
It wasn't successful (yet) but legitimate comparisons to Julius Caesar could be made.
Julius Caesar conquered Gaul and crossed the Rubicon with a disciplined legion.
Donald Trump shuffled down a ramp and rambled at Y'all Qaeda.
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