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Ukraine Crisis News Thread

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I am not too surprised China abstained. Doesn't it often abstain in situations like this anyways? I think they abstained when it came to Syria if I remember correctly.

This was their usual position in the 90s when they were much weaker.

They are a much bigger player now and they could have wielded that power likely without much consequence by voting one way or another, so their abstention is interesting but it makes a lot of sense. With the Russian veto, their veto would have been overkill other than to send a signal that Russia is not alone.

By abstaining, they give the west their moral victory, without really changing their position. I also probably think they have an interest against the kind of games Russia is playing with the west because of Tibet and Xinjiang
Paramilitary of Southeast appeals to the junta in Kiev:

Link to video.

We, the united people's militia of Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkov oblasts, address to the self-proclaimed government.

We will never recognize the authority which came to power illegally and with Fascist slogans.

There is a unit of self-defense in every city of Southeast oblasts now. These units are controlled by a single mobile headquarters. The quantity of these forces outnumbers your hastily formed army several times.

We will not tolerate national guard and there will be none of your militants on our land, ever. We know all the locations of your groups and we're monitoring their moves. Which is confirmed by an order not to attend mass demonstrations and protests in Lugansk oblast on 16 March.

I announce that any kind of offensive actions against Southeast, be it threats, arrests, invasion, will be regarded as a declaration of war. We offer you to take your military vehicles and band groups away from our territories.

Think about this: we are on our land, and you are aliens here.

Previously, some Maidan politicians, such as representatives of the Radical Party, suggested to arrest and even execute anti-Maidanist protesters and those disposed to separatism. Some anti-Maidanists were shot and killed in Kharkov during the protests there several days ago.
More censorship from the West:


This account has been suspended due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy against spam, gaming, misleading content, or other Terms of Service violations.

Before the ban: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lPy7r8OkHDMJ:www.youtube.com/user/RussiaToday

I congratulate all those who still believe that there's freedom of speech or free media in the West. Anyways, you can always make an excuse saying it was propaganda or spam (how familiar, lol) :lol:


More and more blogs on various Western hosting services are being banned. An example:


This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.

Before the ban: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Jb4zSha8J5IJ:koltovskiy.wordpress.com/

I've seen a few complains on forums when people were banned for anti-Maidanist/pro-Russian comments on Western news sites such as Guardian.
17-18 March
- Supreme Soviet of Transnistria asked Duma to pass the law which will allow to accept the republic as part of Russia.
- Gagauzia (autonomous region in Moldova) declared it will create its own armed forces and seek reunification with Russia.
- Russian parliament issued a statement offering EU and US to extend sanctions to all 436 of its members.
Russia's President Putin moves towards annexing Crimea

-> Here we go, it's pre-WW2 times again. Which Russia should be worried about, come to think of it... :crazyeye:

17-18 March
- Russian parliament issued a statement offering EU and US to extend sanctions to all 436 of its members.

I sincerely hope this request is responded to positively. Also, all members of the Russian government, all major business leaders connected with the Russian government. Asset freezes and ban on extending credit to Russia by Western financial institutions should follow ASAP.

(Then Kaliningrad.)
RT is back on YouTube again, move along.
I sincerely hope this request is responded to positively. Also, all members of the Russian government, all major business leaders connected with the Russian government. Asset freezes and ban on extending credit to Russia by Western financial institutions should follow ASAP.

(Then Kaliningrad.)
Absolutely, must do. Cut off all trade and diplomatic relations! Start preparation of Army Group Center! [pissed]
Absolutely, must do. Cut off all trade and diplomatic relations. Start preparation of Army Group Center. :)

Nope, there's nothing in Russia that's worth invading it for. But we should definitely Iranize that country until Putin and is out of power.
Absolutely, must do. Cut off all trade and diplomatic relations! Start preparation of Army Group Center! [pissed]

Move "ZIG"! For great justice!
The theme song for Command and Cnquer Red Alert is laying in my head for some reason.

Anyhow, Russia is moving way fast at this rate.
News, people... this is a news thread.

Russian Deputy PM Laughs at Sanctions

MOSCOW - Russia's deputy prime minister laughed off President Obama's sanction against him today asking "Comrade @BarackObama" if "some prankster" came up with the list.

The Obama administration hit 11 Russian and Ukrainian officials with sanctions today as punishment for Russia's support of Crimea's referendum. Among them: aides to President Vladimir Putin, a top government official, senior lawmakers, Crimean officials, the ousted president of Ukraine, and a Ukrainian politician and businessman allegedly tied to violence against protesters in Kiev.

It remains to be seen whether the sanctions will dissuade Russia from annexing Crimea, but one an early clue that they will not be effective came just hours later when President Putin signed a decree recognizing Crimea as an independent state, perhaps an early step towards annexation.

U.S. official have warned of additional sanctions for Russian action, hoping it will deter Russia from any further aggression towards Ukraine, but it didn't appear to upset the often outspoke Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

I think the Russians prepared for this

WASHINGTON — A record $100 billion in withdrawals of Treasury bills is raising speculation that the Kremlin and Russian oligarchs are yanking their money out of the United States to avoid upcoming sanctions over Ukraine.
The massive outflow over the past week came as President Obama and other top US officials repeatedly warned Russia would face a “cost” if it didn’t reverse course in Ukraine.

The total amount of foreign-held US Treasury securities dropped to $2.86 trillion — lowest in more than a year.

Last year, the most moved out in a week was $32 billion.
Analysts said that if the switch was made by Russia, it would represent about 80 percent of that nation’s US Treasury holdings.
A record $100 billion in withdrawals of Treasury bills

The global financial pyramid of the United States forced upon most of the world is coming to its end. And it is probably the only thing (plus to the largest military it makes possible) which provides the high well-being of Americans. Not democracy, not technology, not any cultural or mental superiority.

The XXI century will not be "all about America". It will be all about nations of the world breaking free from the Anglo-Saxon domination, as well as from Eurocentrism.
The XXI century will not be "all about America". It will be all about nations of the world breaking free from the Anglo-Saxon domination, as well as from Eurocentrism.

Yes. I hope so. I hope too that the world doesn't just become dominated by someone else.
Ukrainian serviceman killed in Crimea


A Ukrainian serviceman has been killed in an attack at a military facility in the Crimean capital Simferopol, the defence ministry has said.

Our correspondent said Ukrainian authorities described the dead soldier as a warrant officer, but a Crimean news agency, which cited a source in Ukraine's Interior Ministry, called the victim a self-defence fighter.

It said self-defence fighters were shot by a sniper from an uncompleted building opposite a Ukrainian military base, which is flying a Russian flag.

Al Jazeera's Nick Schifrin, reporting from Simferepol, said there was evidence of bullet marks on the uncompleted building opposite the army base, suggesting some shots had been fired.

"We saw what appeared to be Russian snipers leaving positions from a separate building that overlooks the base," he said.
Ukraine authorizes use of weapons

Ukrainian forces have been authorized to use weapons to defend themselves, Reuters reports, citing acting President Turchynov’s press service. Other sources have confirmed with Ukrainian military sources.

Update: The Ukrainian government has issued a statement authorizing use of arms, which also confirms that a junior officer has been killed and a captain injured in the neck.
Yes. I hope so. I hope too that the world doesn't just become dominated by someone else.

There's China and in 20-50 years they will balance any other power or powers, be it Russia or any other. And Chinese never cared or been interested in world domination.


Loved the dialogue. There's a supposed shooting accident, police and journalists are there. Maidanist journalist vs old local man:

J: Do you work here or who are you? Sorry for the question. <hehe>
O: You've asked me such question already. ;)
J: No, I have not asked you this one.
O: I am a civilian, a citizen like you, but not sure what country I am citizen of, now.
J: Why are you not sure about that? <hehe>
O: Because of the events happened! :yeah:
J: So, where do you want to live: in Russia or in Ukraine? :scan:
O: What do you think, if I am Rossiyanin, where do I want to live?..
J: You are Rossiyanin? :confused:
O: By birth I am.
J: What are you doing here? :cringe:
O: I am at home.
J: No. Right now, this moment? :huh:
O: Right this moment I am staying near my fence.
J: Uhm... This is your house there? Uhm... :undecide:
O: Yes. This is my house.


Comment: "Rossiyanin" translates as an inhabitant of Russia. The man (judging by his age) born when Crimea was still part of Russia (RSFSR). This part is too complex for a Maidanist journalist to get through her head, so she thought at first he calls himself Rossiyanin because he arrived from Russia. A widespread legend among Maidanists that all those pro-Russians on the streets of Ukraine arrive from Russia. Even journalists fall into their own lie :lol:


A third time already, afaik :lol:
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