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Ukraine Crisis News Thread

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At least now they don't have to hypocritically meet as the G7 when they wish to exclude Russia.
There are reports that Sashko Bely (Alexandr Muzychko) was shot.

This is the guy who has beaten an attorney and attended government meetings with firearms, one of the leaders of Pravy Sektor and UNA-UNSO, who fought in Chechnya against Russian forces and committed atrocities against prisoners of war... now he is cold dead... GOT ONE!!! :ar15: [pissed]

Spoiler :


The guy was also a sexual masochist (from 00:25, WARNING!):

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Crazy bastard! :lol:
At least now they don't have to hypocritically meet as the G7 when they wish to exclude Russia.

Did they ever met as G7 after Russia joined in 1997?
Another phone conversation leaked to the net. Tymoshenko and Shufrych this time (T and S):

March 18

S: What happened in Crimea... I tell you, I am shocked, you bet... I am shocked. I've just talked with our friend today. He almost cries. I tell him: how we now... who is gonna...

T: I am ready to take an automatic gun myself, you know, to go there to shoot this bastard in the head.

S: Well, I've said yesterday: if there would be a military conflict (bless the mark!) – I was giving a speech on Svoboda Slova – I said: if there would be a military conflict, I, as an officer in reserve, and my son, as an officer in reserve, we would take arms and would go defend our country!

T: 100%... Listen, it oversteps all the limits now. F*ck, we need to take arms and go whack those... f*cking blasted Katsaps together with their leader!

S: I'm telling you...

T: I simply regret that I am not there now. That I have not led all these developments: they would get shїt instead of Crimea if I were there!

S: You know, I have the same idea. If you were at your place it would not happen, perhaps. However, we had no force potential. But they... you know, what's the most annoying thing...

T: I would find a way of how to whack those mudaks. I hope that I will exploit all my connections, I will raise the whole world, as hard as I can, to... shїt... so that there is not a burnt field left of this Russia.

S: I'm telling you I am your ally here, of course, and not just an ally. And I want to tell you that we talked about... it was in the morning, a meeting of faction leaders, and then me and Viktor... Vitya said: "What shall 8 millions of Russians do who is there on the territory of Ukraine? They are outcasts now!"

T: F*ck... shoot them with nuclear weapons!

S: Well, wait... I am not arguing with you here... because of what has happened, it is terrifying. But the picture we have now is this: we have acts today which are certainly illegal. We should deal with these acts in some... jurisdictional... international institute.

T: Well, we are going to the Hague... international court...

The record itself:

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They speak Russian. It is clear now Tymoshenko prefers to speak Russian when not recorded... err... when she thinks she is not recorded (not the first time!) :lol:

"Katsap" is far more negative word than "Moskal" and frequently used by racists when they talk about killing Russians.
first time as tragedy, second time as farce
This is bad actually, this moron was much more useful alive.
Please forward my condolences to Russian propaganda services.
I understand that painting Ukraine as crazy fascist junta just got even more difficult.
Please forward my condolences to Russian propaganda services.
I understand that painting Ukraine as crazy fascist junta just got even more difficult.
Oh, don't worry about it, Right Sector already promised to kill police chief in response :lol:
Russian propaganda may rest easy, Ukrainians doing job for them well enough so far.

Reciprocal killings would make for a rather clear distinction between Pravy Sector and government.
It would, however, justify the intervention of benevolent Russian forces, in order to protect the poor government, beset by the fascists!
Reciprocal killings would make for a rather clear distinction between Pravy Sector and government.

Rest assured that even if the new Ukraine gov. banned all organisations smelling of nationalist tendencies and introduced 10-year prison sentences for hate speech against Russians, Putin et al. (including his CFC minions such as red_elk and Aleks) would find a way how to spin the story so that it would justify further Russian incursions into Ukraine.

The Kremlin regime cannot be trusted in anything it says, its thoroughly Orwellian and disingenuous; what it says today can be forgotten tomorrow and a completely contradictory opinion may be used to justify aggression. There's a Czech saying whose English equivalent I don't remember: "he who wants to beat his dog will always find a rod". Meaning it doesn't matter what justification Russia invents; the intent do undermine and delegitimise Ukraine and the means to do it will change as it suits Putin.
The possible difference down the line might well be, that at this point a great many Russians are engaging in the extremely human activity of rationalisation — man being a rationalising rather than rational animal — i.e. they are actively looking for any and all kinds of ecused, pumping up potential enemy figures, to fight back the cognitive dissonance caused by the basis assumption that since it's "our" side doing things, and "we" are the Good Guys, then it stands to reason that anything "we" do, well is just going to have to be justified...

But, depending on how things develop, that might be getting harder down the line. And in the end, it's highly improbable Putin even cares about the present levels of general Russian loyalty towards the state he operates.
The possible difference down the line might well be, that at this point a great many Russians are engaging in the extremely human activity of rationalisation — man being a rationalising rather than rational animal — i.e. they are actively looking for any and all kinds of ecused, pumping up potential enemy figures, to fight back the cognitive dissonance caused by the basis assumption that since it's "our" side doing things, and "we" are the Good Guys, then it stands to reason that anything "we" do, well is just going to have to be justified...

That's perhaps what red_elk and company are doing. I doubt the people actually in charge in Kremlin are under any illusions as to the integrity of what they're doing.
And you probably think that you are supporting the real "good guys", unlike those Russians, right? :)
I can read the post my prime minister receives every morning. That's public information. Can you do the same with your president?

Aside from that, I would think it a good thing if Russia does not proceed to destabilise Ukraine.
And... it means... you are supporting the right side in Ukraine?
When did this start to be about Ukraine again?

There are a number of scenarios for Ukraine I would think worthwhile. Political implosion and/or fragmentation just aren't part of those. And I'll reserve judgement on exactly where Ukraine is currently headed, since that's not known yet. But Russian meddling is distincly unhelpful, as is the current self-serving Russian playing fast and lose with the principles of soverignity and international treaties. Makes Russia highly undependable, and a problem. So on that score, I'm in opposition to the current brand of politics-by-paratrooper coming out of Moscow.

The other aspect of all this, is that I enjoy a transparent, distinctly uncorrupt representative system of government, where political hidden agendas are, by the very functioning of the system, extremly difficult to even attempt.

You, on the other hand, enjoying the privilege of being a citizen of Putin's Russia, can search the inside of your backside — like the rest of us — for what he might actually be planning, the same as the rest of us. The present situation just currently comforts you. The next round of developments might not, but you by definition is unable to have a better idea than I. You can derive some comfort from understanding Russia. But that only works as long as Putin also does. Otherwise it literally doesn't matter, if he comes up with some other conviction, or decides Russia needs pulling in some direction of his choice.

Autocracy theoretically works fine, if the autocrat is a good man. But by the very nature of autocracy, the good men stop being good men eventually. Only question is how far along the declining trajectory Putin is yet.
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