• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

What are you going to do after dollar's collapse?

I doubt any of this Anglo-Saxon sites will be able to suit any of my Russian needs, guys.

Hmm...demands subservient, submissive, traditional-gender-role women? Bit tricky to find, methinks. Have you tried the 19th century?
Hmm...demands subservient, submissive, traditional-gender-role women? Bit tricky to find, methinks. Have you tried the 19th century?
Let's hope for the best. Feminism is nonsense and nonsense will sooner or later expose itself, just as socialism did. For now, it seems, it is better just to enjoy the life.
That's why I said in the beginning if civilization wants to survive or, even more, advance it is in the best interest of the said society to provide men with women as this is the strongest incentive for them to participate in it and contribute to it. Or perish, or find a novel ways (feminist society maybe? at which wonders shall retreated men gaze in awe).

Well The Machine now demands you step your game up, so step up or get weeded out. The system is working as intended. Austerity capitalism in action, bro. Start pumping iron get therapy take your medicine get money be funny and learn empathy. Get good in bed, good in the head, be nice, and have passion. Groom well, dress nice, have good hygiene, stand upright and have good eye contact. Speak effectively, find common interests and let go of your construct of self so that the more whole you can grow into its place.
Personally I think the response "you just need to get laid" is not really productive or helpful (though I'm aware that "productive and helpful" isn't the intent of such comments). Rather, the response should be "you need to figure out how to be happy even when you're not getting laid". Which, as Luiz and Hygro said, involves things like travelling, socialising, sports -- you know, things that might just make you a more interesting, charming, funny, empathetic, well-rounded person: the kind of person that women might actually want to be with.

Weirdly, women seem to like well-adjusted, emotionally healthy men, who don't blame all of society or womankind for their problems.

EDIT: I mean I don't really know much about women obviously, I'm not exactly an authority. You'd have to ask some women I suppose.
Weirdly, women seem to like well-adjusted, emotionally healthy men, who don't blame all of society or womankind for their problems.

Honestly, men only have themselves to blame for feminism. Feminism basically means that plenty of women have out-maled the males themselves. But it is up to us males to make good for it, rather than blaming women.
I can't decide if Snorrius is some loser trying to justify his frustrations with a worldview that makes him right and the world wrong, or if he's some kind of snarky trollish vigilante who is trying to ridicule the simplistic "solutions" offered for frustrating life by opposing them with an even more ridiculous solution.
That's amusing.

Next time I will say: "I dislike Islam" and will point out some obvious deficiencies.

A group of staunch Islam defenders will rise and answer: no, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Islam or its adherents. It is you, Snorrius, who have problems, frustrated and blaming Islam for everything bad in your life. Start traveling to Middle East, socialize more, be a men with whom Muslims like to be nearby.

Well, guys, I traveled to Muslim countries more times than majority on this forum, and there I socialized a lot enough, and was quite charming. I still dislike Islam and think it has structural problems which are not solved even by my personal successes :D.

Now, if anything, these days it is easier to believe in feminism if one do not get laid than vice versa.

(Funny enough, for some reason when I said I dislike racial-based slavery because it has certain deficiencies, nobody said it was due to my personal problems, nobody advised to get a slave or something)

Honestly, men only have themselves to blame for feminism. Feminism basically means that plenty of women have out-maled the males themselves. But it is up to us males to make good for it, rather than blaming women.
That's I am fully agree with. Women are not agents of history, they were not those who started feminism, nor they will be those who put it to the (gory) end.
I don't really endorse that statement, truth be told.
Well, I hope it will be just a change of hearts or something peaceful like that, but if we consider feminism to be a part of broader problem then things are not looking this well. Rotterham seriously shattered my belief in ability of European culture to sort out these problems in orderly manner.
If finding a girl that meets your standards is too difficult, you might be better off finding a submissive, subservient guy who likes dressing up in women's clothing.
If finding a girl that meets your standards is too difficult, you might be better off finding a submissive, subservient guy who likes dressing up in women's clothing.
It seems, people here thinks I am the God or something. Irrelevantly of my actions, feminism is utterly broken; no action on my part can fix it.
That's why I said in the beginning if civilization wants to survive or, even more, advance it is in the best interest of the said society to provide men with women as this is the strongest incentive for them to participate in it and contribute to it. Or perish, or find a novel ways (feminist society maybe? at which wonders shall retreated men gaze in awe).

Why provide men with women, why not provide women with men? It's the women who are doing the birthing after all - shouldn't they be given men by society every couple years so that they can pop another baby out and continue the glorious forward march of society?
Why provide men with women, why not provide women with men? It's the women who are doing the birthing after all - shouldn't they be given men by society every couple years so that they can pop another baby out and continue the glorious forward march of society?
Well, if you provided woman to man, it means you've provided man to woman, doesn't it?
Well, if you provided woman to man, it means you've provided man to woman, doesn't it?

So you're basically just talking about arranged relationships and marriages, not women being delivered to men as gifts?

You should have been a lot more clear if that's indeed what you mean.

Are your parents going to find a woman for you to marry by the way? Or who's responsibility exactly is that going to be?
That's amusing.

Next time I will say: "I dislike Islam" and will point out some obvious deficiencies.
That would probably work better.
Because the problem is that in your rants against "feminism", you don't point obvious deficiencies, you just defend (as said above, I'm not sure if it's actually serious or trollishly snarky) an opinion that is both caricatural, outdated and above all devoid of any actual real argument - at the same time, your piece about how people deal with a frustrating world state was rather spot-on, and a better analysis than the "just do [typical mainstream activities] and suddendly all will be right".

I'm not even touching on the repulsive idea of making one half of humanity slave to the other, just plain cold hard lack of anything factual.
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