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What are you going to do after dollar's collapse?

Good points.

Woman alone should not be allowed to decide only by herself whether to give birth to a child or not, because this child is only 50% her.

Father of a child should have a right to sue a woman in court if she wants abortion and he doesn't want it, and compromise is impossible.
This is one of two coherent answers. Either woman decides but then father can not be forces to support a child but only make voluntary decision, or they have 50%/50%. The problem with feminism is that it tries to get the best of the two worlds for women and leave the worst to men. Basically it gives women advantages and freedom but decouples it with responsibility. And freedom without responsibility is usually becomes slavery to passions.
A man should have freedom to have intercourse with a woman without taking responsibility for the child? Are you advocating enslaving men?
Essentically, correct.

Close but I do not think government should do it like a modern government does it. I.e. it will not hand out women directly.

Traditional European society solved several problems:

1) First, by supporting set of rules which encouraged women and men to marry one on one, they gave most men a stake in society in form of family. They also encouraged him to be a head of family so he would have something to live, work and achieve for.

2) If you set people free from chains of culture, they revert to very simple mode of operation. A result is promiscious women mate with men most desired by their older brain structures -- basically guys who are wonderful to be around in African savannah but not so good in settled society. Culture is trying to override these unproductive patterns employing human ability to override these older patterns with learned new. It is not only women who were put in chains of culture, of course, and not only this specific activity. When feminism preaches liberation of women -- it preaches slavery to animalistic passions. One-night stands are surely not the sign of civilization or self-restraint.

3) Now about the government. I would start somewhat more humble -- first, to make women who decided to follow feminist ways to take responsibility for the choice done, i.e. remove welfare, most of child support etc., stop feminist propaganda. Actually, feminist ways are so irrational that they need to be overwhelmly supported. Battle with discrimination -- is the way to redistribute created wealth from men to women using government policies. Remove them, and see, how long feminism will stand on its own.

Another way would be actually force feminists to accept logical conclusions of their dogma. For example, woman owns here body now and can decide whether she wants a child or not. Why man forced to pay for the child irrelevantly of his own desires? It is her body -- her responsibility. These days women have necessary information as well as necessary tools to control their pregnancy. If we accept that woman "owns her body", she is fully responsible for what happens with it, so guy should make voluntary decision if he wants to support this child or not. If we do not accept that woman is responsible for her body, it means we do not accept she actually owns it and can make meaningful decisions. In this case she should be guided.

Next one, most important, what government should do is to allow long-term contracts. In my opinion, the main problem with modern marriage is that it is way one-sided deal -- and you can not plan it. People should be able to sign a long-term contract which they would not be able to break easily. Modern no-fault marriage is not a such contract.

That's for starters.

Now, there is also another thing. Actually, feminism, as I said, is not a decease itself. It is just one of the most of its ugly companions. That's why I am not "fighting" with feminism specifically, it is quite useless. I like to "fight" democracy more as it is closer to the root of the evil. Feminism is just something to be utterly ridiculed.

Okay let me see if I can't give some counter arguments to this
1)This set of rules was hypocritical and bore down more heavily on women than on men. Not only that, it also bred hypocrisy because if the relationship floundered there was no way to get out of it. Many couples could be left resenting each other after a while. Simply put, it isn't the best way of setting up a family. Also why is family required for men to have a stake in society? It certainly helps. The family isn't dying in this day in age, it is simply evolving.

2) Here is what you don't understand- the freedom to be different is not the end of culture. If a woman doesn't want to fit the mold, she now has the freedom to do so. Sexual liberation is a part of that, and really why shouldn't it be? The freedom of the individual is sacrosanct and should be guarded zealously, as without it, all society is left with is hypocrisy, something which is more abominable to me than anything you can describe.

3) Saying that the redistribution of wealth from men to women is happening is ridiculous. Women pay taxes too you know. They work jobs and are responsible employees. I know you'll point to the example of single mothers and welfare but several things
1) These people make their choices when they are teens, and haven't been educated properly about birth control.
2) In a way they are no different from women back in old days who got married and found out they weren't ready to be mothers and to be married. Unfortunately for those people, they were stuck with a man they didn't exactly like, and a baby they didn't know how to deal with.
3) The men acted irresponsible here too, fleeing the women after she became pregnant, yet I sense no criticism from you about him.

Basically, the liberation of women from the family unit allowed them to enter the work force; thus, it broadened the pool of talent that can be used to develop technology, and build great projects. Feminism is about women's equality to men. Women have suffered the responsibilities of men without the privileges (there was a point there women had to pay taxes but couldn't vote). Now they have the privileges and the same responsibility. As for abortion, I make no comment on that, my views are horribly confused.
Do you think Snorrius realise that there are large stretches of Europe where "traditional society" and "government" have historically been mutually-exclusive institutions? And I don't mean some valley halfway up the Carpathians, I mean, like, Ireland.
Do you think Snorrius realise that there are large stretches of Europe where "traditional society" and "government" have historically been mutually-exclusive institutions? And I don't mean some valley halfway up the Carpathians, I mean, like, Ireland. Which casts his lectures in a ye more dubious light.

That's correct. That is why reactionaries like me admittedly tend have a strong libertarian streak and intellectual appreciation for libertarianism, even if they do not universally agree.
It does not follow from my reasoning that women are commodities. If a woman can not have her one-night stands or divorce freely and have to plan for early marriage it does not mean she is "commodity". If anything modern feminism degrades women to an animal level with its uncultureness and encouraging of self-irresponsibility and self-indulgence.

Maybe you didn't intend to, but the word "supply" does connote a capitalist frame of reference where women would be demanded and supplied just as food, shelter, video games, et cetera would be.

You do realize that women as well as men can fulfill the move towards colonization of space right? There are women scientists and doctors and lawyers who are just as qualified as their male counterparts. And what is wrong with making men work harder to keep a relationship? Relationships are supposed to be a lot of work unless you want to reduce them to slavery of one person over another.

It's a general contention of the manosphere that it is already expected for the man in a heterosexual relationship to be the one working on the relationship (suggesting that either the woman is not expected to "work on the relationship" or is doing substantially less than the man). The argument is over the perception that men are encumbered with enough of the relationship burden and if there is slack to be picked up, it should be picked up by the other party. If one were going counter this argument, I suggest arguing the merit of said perception.

Some dudes don't want to do the work of, I dunno, being attractive to the people they are attracted to :dunno:

You and the PUA crowd have something in common. :mischief:
What are you going to do after dollar's collapse?

I don't plan on being around, but I would definitely not get marked with a UPC symbol, and become just another commodity even if technically I am one right now.
A man should have freedom to have intercourse with a woman without taking responsibility for the child? Are you advocating enslaving men?

You cant get pregnant from being "legitimate" Rape. :mad:
Do you think Snorrius realise that there are large stretches of Europe where "traditional society" and "government" have historically been mutually-exclusive institutions? And I don't mean some valley halfway up the Carpathians, I mean, like, Ireland.
It seems like large swathes of Catholic Germany pre-Vatican II would have counted given the decidedly uneasy relation between the Church and secular government.
The Sonderbundskrieg, the lack of episcopal hierarchy in the Catholic parts of the Netherlands....
In 2020, another thread will be made, entitled "What are you going to do after dollar's collapse?" And in 2025, another thread will be made, also entitled "What are you going to do after dollar's collapse?" And so on.
On the bright side, the ruble won't get the same treatment, as it already happened. Several times, matter of a fact.
In 2020, another thread will be made, entitled "What are you going to do after dollar's collapse?" And in 2025, another thread will be made, also entitled "What are you going to do after dollar's collapse?" And so on.

Well, I don't predict the collapse of the dollar, though it might possibly lose its status as the world's reserve currency. Someday.
Traditional European society solved several problems:

I have not followed enough of this thread to understand how this discussion has become about traditional values, feminism, and why some people on this forum just can't get . . . never mind.

Was somebody trying to link society decay to the collapse of the currency?

I like to "fight" democracy more as it is closer to the root of the evil.

I am curious what form of government you support?
It's like those pits of Hell Dante described; it just goes deeper and deeper, but there's no Virgil, and you're not even close to the bottom.
Perhaps this is a different story. Maybe we're Faust and he's Mephistophel; in that case, all we need to do is to wait and die.
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