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What is this "gay agenda" that I've heard so much about?

Enkidu Warrior said:
We can't have a thread on homosexuality without the obligatory fascist call for genocide now can we.

Call for genocide? Huh? Someone is having some creative interpretation it seems.
MobBoss said:
Call for genocide? Huh? Someone is having some creative interpretation it seems.
How many interpretations of curing a tumor are there? You gonna tell someone with cancer to talk to it nicely in the hope that it will change its ways?

That line is a well known and often used metaphor for genocide. Take your head out of the sand.
Enkidu Warrior said:
How many interpretations of curing a tumor are there? You gonna tell someone with cancer to talk to it nicely in the hope that it will change its ways?

Well, I would think plenty. You can treat them in a variety of ways. If one considers the whole body the race, then removing a tumor hardly qualifies as "genocide" correct?

That line is a well known and often used metaphor for genocide. Take your head out of the sand.

Rofl, I dont think so. I for one, dont see it as a comment on genocide in any, way, shape or form, but possibly a call for a moritorium on unacceptble behavior.

Anyway, which "race" would this genocide be committed against?:lol:
MobBoss said:
I would say a lot of lesbians would disagree with you.:p
Do you have any experiences with that or are you just making up insinuations about things you do not know?
"Well, you can't break an omelete without breaking a few eggs!"

I more associate this expression with acceptable casualties while instituting a social change.

Red Stranger: so, what did you mean?
CivGeneral said:
Um, ok. They want to raise awareness about their sexual lifestyle by parading around wearing flamboyant clothing and wearing and waving around dilldos. It only makes their love lives more creapyer as well as reenforce the negative steryotypes towards them.

The parades are only a part of the awareness raising campaign, and well hey, I don't find that sort of thing creepy. Not my kind of thing, but then again neither is golf, I don't find that creepy either.
sysyphus said:
The parades are only a part of the awareness raising campaign, and well hey, I don't find that sort of thing creepy. Not my kind of thing, but then again neither is golf, I don't find that creepy either.
I dont see how their parades are helping rasing awareness in a positive sense. To me they are only rasing awareness to the negative steryotypes.
CivGeneral said:
I dont see how their parades are helping rasing awareness in a positive sense. To me they are only rasing awareness to the negative steryotypes.

Well, a pride parade doesn't really have much of an effect if its just a bunch of men and women walking quietly down the street in suits and ties! The whole point is to bring people's attention to the fact that they are queer, and how do you do that without emphasizing thier sexuality? The 'stereotypes' that they portray to me just say that they have a sense of humour about themselves and aren't afraid to embrace thier culture in all its forms...
CivGeneral said:
I dont see how their parades are helping rasing awareness in a positive sense. To me they are only rasing awareness to the negative steryotypes.
What's negative about flamboyant clothing and dildos?
CivGeneral said:
I dont see how their parades are helping rasing awareness in a positive sense. To me they are only rasing awareness to the negative steryotypes.

Actually, I agree. I think the goal could be to show people that 'their type' exists in the normal population and thus are unworthy of discrimination.

Flayboyantly personifying the stereotype to raise awareness seems counter intuitive to me. I, while a proponent of gay marriage, really don't want anybody's bedroom on my street.

There are many people who are discriminated against because of stereotypes; I think none of these people should exemplify the stereotype to gain respect.
I am gay myself an don't consider myself as having "an agenda" other than equality but I don't have any interest whatsoever in adopting children and don't really empathise that much with other gay people who want this. Our Justice Minister is talking about bringing in gay civil-unions and the Opposition is probably more enthusiastic about it than they are and they are likely to take over after the 2007 elections. I would like to see civil-unions and possibly marriages. The positives of full gay-marriage are that it sends a clear message from the State that gay people and homosexuality is part of modern life which is no harm to any consenting adult person or to heterosexuals. A disadvantage would be the risk that it would be used by illegal immigrants to claim citizenship and prevent deportations. However the latter would be surmountable through legislative changes.

I think the "gay agenda" is a term sometimes used by social-conservatives to disparage gay people and to perpetuate the myth that homosexuality is a "lifestyle choice" rather than a genetic sexual-orientation. It is also designed to block greater equality for gay people. I am certain gayness is genetic because I find women physically very unattractive and this has always been the case. At the same time I prefer them as platonic friends. I know what I like looking at and don't need some cleric/redneck/hater telling me otherwise. There are several pieces of anecdotal and scientific evidence for homosexuality being natural. It could be argued that while yes nature wants us to reproduce, that it also wants to prevent overpopulation, and that's where a minority of the population being gay comes in. I personally believe this to be so. Furthermore, many gay people have effeminitive voices which would be very difficult for a straight macho man to act. This would seem to indicate a genetic cause for gayness too. I have also heard media reports about evidence of differences between gay men's brains and those of straight men.

I particularly resent how measures to prevent gays being discriminated against in employment being referred to as "the gay agenda". Latvia joined the EU in 2004 and are now reneging on a commitment to bring in a law outlawing such discrimination. Polish politicians have talked about removing from school textbooks references to how discrimination against gay people is wrong. I think these new EU states should have a word put in their ear the next time they come begging for our Western EU money.
Enkidu Warrior said:
How many interpretations of curing a tumor are there? You gonna tell someone with cancer to talk to it nicely in the hope that it will change its ways?

That line is a well known and often used metaphor for genocide. Take your head out of the sand.

You're reading way too much into Red Stranger's post. You don't have your head in the sand, you have your fingers in your ears.
ZiggyS said:
What's negative about flamboyant clothing and dildos?
For that matter, what wrong with flamboyant dildos and clothing?
Well, my eyes can be offended too. Flamboyancy can assault my senses, and I don't like it. Of course, there are heaps of things that I find too flamboyant for my tastes.

I can complain about the flamboyancy of any parade - which I think is what I discriminate against.

Agreed. A stupid argument is a stupid argument, regardless of whether they're on your side or not. If I ever mention priests or some other flippant remark to show how some other group is depraved, please slap me.

I would pay a thousand dollars for the ability to slap people over the internet. I think it's really 'the next big thing' (TM)
Regardless of the purpose behind gay pride parades, or what they feel can't be accomplished through other means, they have to know that dressing up in sex toys or wearing diapers and nothing else or whatever is going to give a lot of people the impression that they are all just a bunch of sexual deviants. They probably don't really need to convince the sort of people who aren't bothered by it of anything, either.
carlosMM said:
Do you have any experiences with that or are you just making up insinuations about things you do not know?

Lets just say I have seen a few nature films in my day and leave it at that.:mischief:
MobBoss said:
Anyway, which "race" would this genocide be committed against?:lol:

It doesn't need to be but I'm sure if we started hog tying Christian conservatives to lodgepoles for a weenie roast the precise definition of the term would quickly percolate to the surface.

gen·o·cide ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jn-sd)
The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.
El_Machinae said:
Well, my eyes can be offended too. Flamboyancy can assault my senses, and I don't like it. Of course, there are heaps of things that I find too flamboyant for my tastes.

Fair enough, but that's entering the realm of personal tastes rather than morality.

Alot of straight people like falmboyant clothes and dildos as well anyway.
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