• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

What is your go-to game nowadays?

Red Dead Redemption and the 1257 AD mod for Mount & Blade: Warband, lately. Great stuff. There's something deeply satisfying about fighting from horseback.
I go through periods sort of like that sometimes. But, generally, it fades away too and then I get renewed interest in whatever game(s) I get interested in.

Yeah, I've noticed I go through phases of interest and non-interest too. This phase has just been obnoxiously long and has yet to fade.
Perhaps an opportunity to do something different?
Just saying...

Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. (Though when it does work it's usually more like something different that I haven't played in a while more than something different I've never tried, period.) It's more like a general attitude towards gaming, I suppose, is what I'm getting at. To be fair, though, sometimes doing something radically different works; I think my longest and worst gaming slump (that wasn't caused by external factors, i.e. RL stuff), caused by when I grew tired of the old TW games and Civ4, ended when I tried Oblivion, and before then I rarely ever played RPGs at all. Oblivion not only re-sparked my interest in video games, but it ensured that I am the TES fanboi that I am.
If it wasn't obvious, Fallout. Plus some EU3 from time to time, and an attempt to carry over my punch-a-lot-attitude in D&D with a half-elf monk.

Because why not.
After ignoring Hearthstone since the Beta was rubbish, I was surprised to see it win numerous GOTY awards so went back and had a go, the two expansion added in a large chunk of content. Its a pretty fun card game. The two problems are, bad match making and nothing to do once you have finished your daily quests which I queue up three at a time.
I don't game all that often anymore, to be honest. I've been playing Red Dead Redemption again on and off for the past month or so, but its only a few hours a week. If I don't have a single player game I'm working through, I might play NBA 2K for a little bit to kill time, but I probably watch more Netflix or read books more than I play video games.

I don't really play computer games at all. I don't think I've touched Civ for nearly a year.
I loaded up settlers 2, not played it in ages. This time I WILL finish the campaign.
When I just need something quick to play, I fire up Toy Soldiers on Xbox Live Arcade.
BTS PBEMs (12 of them, just started WW1 with 3 other players) and RFC modmods when none of my multiplayer games has a file in my mailbox.
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