What is your religion?

The Condor

On an excellent adventure
Oct 25, 2005
Where the streets have no name.
Hi, just a simple thread by me (no poll*). Just curious (due to all the religious debates and stuff going on here) what religions people here believe in. Also, if possible maybe you could say what brought you around to that religion too.

My family is technically Christian though we really don't pray, or go to church, or really believe in God so I guess you can say we are pretty much Atheists. However, we do practice some Buddhist stuff.

*I'd make a poll but I am 99% sure I'd forget some really important religion and piss off all those people and also there are so many religions out there I am sure I would exceed the 100 char limit/20 possible answers easily:p.

Now it is your turn to share:)....
I'm an atheist, but I believe in making a society that treats people the way I want to be treated. I cannot expect someone to sacrifice more than I would be willing to sacrifice. Therefore, I believe in a safety net for people, and I have certain views with regards the right-to-die and the death penalty.
Depends on the mood, really. Sometimes I act atheist, sometimes I act panthiest, and sometimes I act a bit more spiritual than that. I did create my own fictional religion based on some of my spiritual side, but in the end, a label isn't really good for me as I am not focused on the concept of religion. Perhaps just "Pantheist" will do.
Agnostic / Buddhist / a tiny bit of Hindu / some Taoism / maybe a little bit of the Western religions, I think they probably influence me more than I realize. I am very much a religious mishmash. When I'm religious at all.
Eastern Orthodox Christian, formally Protestant.
I believe in the Father of the sinless risen Son of the one true God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who sacrificed himself for our sins by death on the cross, was buried and rose again on the third day, ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will return to claim his own and judge the unrighteous (those who are not covered by HIS righteousness).
I don't have a religion. I rejected it because it is false, immoral or unproven (depending on your definitions, it's either of the three).
Was roman/irish catholic. Now athiest. Why the change? My brain sees through the hogwash and understands that a god is is not posible or probable. For every step foward siece goes religion takes two back.
I am a Latter-day Saint (better known as Mormon), and by extension a Christian. I am fairly orthodox as Mormons go, as I adhere to almost all of the church's moral teachings although I have my own opinion on some issues of doctrine. I also believe that one of the most fundamental human rights is to believe, or not believe, whatever they see fit. In addition, I believe strongly in science and humanity's ability to use logic to better understand the world around them.
I'm a pyramatolite

I believe that we were created by aliens, who left a message in the egyptian pyramids/sphinx for us to find out. Once we are smart enough to find out what that message is they will come back and teach us enough crap so that we can build our own god damn planets.
I'm with fifty cause that sounds so damn cool.
Fifty said:
I'm a pyramatolite

I believe that we were created by aliens, who left a message in the egyptian pyramids/sphinx for us to find out. Once we are smart enough to find out what that message is they will come back and teach us enough crap so that we can build our own god damn planets.
Thats what Tom Cruise believes I heard (in a rumor)

I'm one of the few people here that are catholic.
That's scientology you ignoramus! Although the founder of scientology happened to belong to the same yacht club as I, so religion-founding must be common in the group.
I too am a Mormon. I suspect that I might be slightly more liberal about it than Eran, but i'm still adhere to everything, and go to church every sunday.
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