Altered maps IZ: gib clay!

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From which world You are ?


I'm from blue ;) aka. You could never swim from Korea to Japan of a raft. More major differences include :
Country-wise : Modern Mongolia didn't existed and her territory split between Russia and China. Space-wise : Sun was yellow and not white star. How about You people ? Any bizzare changes You feel You've encountered ? :)
I don't think that "the general public are bad at geography" requires any elaborate, multi-verse based explanation.
I don't think that "the general public are bad at geography" requires any elaborate, multi-verse based explanation.

Which one is the correct one ? ;)
That is not a map of Eastern Europe.
bah , ı haven't flown in a saucer since like 1990s , it's a girlish thing and we boys are like more angular .

edit: Oh , conspiracy , conspiracy , he is tricking me to use non-Turkish names on the map !
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Zwarte Piet map.


@Hrothbern , wth is "Roetveeg Piet"? :lol:

What you see on that map is the urban-rural divide in the Netherlands regarding social-liberal versus conservative.

Those black Pete dots are small traditional villages with some or some more residential areas added (a house with a garden instead of compact flats residential in Rotterdam etc) for commuters having jobs in the "Roetveeg Piet" cities like Rotterdam.
Better how? Better why? What does this mean?
Zwarte Piet map.


@Hrothbern , wth is "Roetveeg Piet"? :lol:

I'll take the guess that the "Roetveeg Piet" is where the official stance is that the Piet is black due to the ash from the chimneys, and they make him only a tad bit black, instead of fully black.
I'll take the guess that the "Roetveeg Piet" is where the official stance is that the Piet is black due to the ash from the chimneys, and they make him only a tad bit black, instead of fully black.


Which still does not adress that most "roetveeg" pieten have frizzy hair wigs

My hopefull guess is that we end up over time with Petes in all rainbow colors of their skin and wigs... and the wigs in different kinds.

Will go slowly

When I was a kid, all kids loved the Black Petes because they were merry, were dancing, made jokes and threw around the candy.
Sinterklaas, St Nicholas, was the authoritarian strict bully.. and many small kids started crying when they had to sit on his lap at school before receiving their gift.
That old part of the tradition is now history
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Better how? Better why? What does this mean?
Better in the soil than in the atmosphere.

It shows more intense farming where land is plowed and soil is exposed.

Ireland is red really only not because we are better farmers but because the soil is so poor (peat / bog, especially here on the west coast) that the soil isn't generally plowed and is left as grassland for grazing. Minimising carbon release. If we changed our land use policies we could make it even better - carbon neutral beef even possibly.
There's some weirdness in this map, at least relating to Spain. It seems to account for some of the projected reactors whose construction was stopped in 1984 and also for some reactors which were long ago dismantled, but it also ignores at least one active reactor.
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