Altered Maps XVI: Gerardus Mercator Must Die

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I wonder how much of that is just the simpler hate of your current government as opposed to love of the EU. It's a further-away government so it's less intricate, less detailed, there's less to hate - it's not in the news as often with specific scandals or opposing parties.

There is indeed a general tendency to trust supranational more than national.
(There is a nice Ipsos poll on that... I try to find it)
There is also a tendency that when the trust in national governments is higher, the EU is trusted more.
And ofc there are local effects when a national government is very corrupt etc.

Too bad... I can't find that specific poll back that showed that general tendency so nice.

Back on topic regarding Belgium
I think that while acknowledging that general effect you can for Belgium nicely see (the point I made in my answer to Kyr) how different the North and South in Belgium look upon their national government and the EU.
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Need altered map? Why not Balkanberg?

Is not of containing Smyrna clay.
What is with those...uh...phallic looking symbols?
calling a nation with a name begins with T , in the short hand form of Richard Nixon . But we have Fleet Standart 71 Phantoms and our dear neighbours do not .

ignore Trump , right ?
this thread now needs a map of the New York areas that went dark , so that we could see how the Trump Tower lightened its area with an inspiring orange glow and saved people's souls .

ı didn't do it .

but apparently Jennifer Lopez did .
This is the truth cartographers have been hiding from us!
Cartograms often have trouble dealing with Alaska.
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