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Ask A Girl IV: Boundless Questions

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Boundless, we are playing Smash Bro's when I get back to Brighton... I never knew!
And nearly every woman I met playing WoW was one of the following:

(C) Normal, well-adjusted, and married.
(D) Normal, well-adjusted, and a grandmother.

Take your pick! :lol:

@ OP what do you think about the foreveralone meme?
What do you need to be virtually self sustainable on a boat?
Boundless, we are playing Smash Bro's when I get back to Brighton... I never knew!

I'm full of surprises me ;-).
Now hurry back so I can kick your butt :D

I'm even better at Street Fighter actually - you boys must've played that right?
Chun Li is the best in Street Fighter.



Why do women wear high heels? All the women I have talked to say they are incredibly uncomfortable.

Isn't it like walking on an incline constantly if they have a large slope?
That means you walk faster.

Basically, it's to make them look taller and their legs look longer.

EDIT: So you don't notice how enormous her bum looks.
What is your goal in life ?
What do you want to achieve ?

and finally ;)

How many husbands do you want before you will settle on the last one ?
How many kids do you want to have ? with each husband ?
You've not played street fighter? Yikes. (Street Fighter II turbo was the best I think).

Now let's see who gets the reference.

1000 posts in 7 days? I don't know if that's awesome or sad, but I'm leaning toward sad. Sorry everyone. There's something about a female on the internet that brings out all the nerdy boys. I've seen it with my sister on WoW, and wow the attention she got! Some of it was downright creepy too, like someone sending me, her older brother, messages about him being in love with her and wanting to marry her...real honest messages not trolling.

It's sort of like throwing a sheep in a lion pen. :lol: (except without the ripping and killing)
All the time - I would love to be both a highly successful business woman and a stay-at-home mum who has a cake ready for her kids and hubbie at the end of a long day when they get home all the time. I will always wear a bra though... always.
'Ello treacle, dear. At my girlfriend's company, her and the rest of the executive team are all working moms. Her best salespeople live in London, Milwaukee and Philadelphia and she lives in Chicago. The company was just valued at $40 million and could probably fetch $70 million by year end with the company's current growth trajectory. So it's out there but she is stretched to her limit and never seems to miss any kid events unless she's traveling.

Anyhow, how do you manage "ex's" on facebook? What particular etiquette is there that you've discovered?
Why do women, despite a centuries worth of advancement of women's rights to attain sexual equality, expect men to pay for the whole date?
Shouldn't women, regardless of whether it is the 1st, 10th or 100th date (with the exception of a birthday or a celebration of her of some sort) be expected to pay their full and equal share of the meal?

Similarly. Why is it alright for women to slap men but it is suddenly spousal abuse if a man slaps a woman?

I seem to remember there being one of those joke emails about what results can be expected if you buy expensive dinners/gifts for women, broken down by country/culture and the bit describing Singaporean or Hongki chinese women basically being "Nothing happens. You get Nowhere. Squat. Diddily. Nadda. You're just expected to buy more dinners and gifts."

As much as I've observed the stereotype being completely false (my wife is Malaysian chinese), I've also seen plenty of instances where the stereotype demonstrates why it became a stereotype in the first place.

Got a bit of a shock when I visited the U.S. to find that what extent the kind of car you drive or job you have plays in dating as well, relative to where I live. I think it's a cultural thing that varies a little from country to country?
Got a bit of a shock when I visited the U.S. to find that what extent the kind of car you drive or job you have plays in dating as well, relative to where I live. I think it's a cultural thing that varies a little from country to country?
Sounds like you were in California or maybe Dallas. I'm not sure that plays in the real cities.
'Ello treacle, dear. At my girlfriend's company, her and the rest of the executive team are all working moms. Her best salespeople live in London, Milwaukee and Philadelphia and she lives in Chicago. The company was just valued at $40 million and could probably fetch $70 million by year end with the company's current growth trajectory. So it's out there but she is stretched to her limit and never seems to miss any kid events unless she's traveling.

Anyhow, how do you manage "ex's" on facebook? What particular etiquette is there that you've discovered?

Well good, I'm glad to hear that firstly, although no doubt it must be pretty difficult. My dad was away more than he was at home when I was little and I'd never want to do that myself.

As for managing ex's on facebook, do you mean how do I manage the FB relationship status, or whether I keep them on my facebook etc? As for the relationship status firstly, I won't get myself into one - it's just a bit complicated (when do you do it, how long before it's weird and too short before it's insensitive etc), saves all the awkward questions from your friends doesn't it. As for keeping them on my facebook, I'm friends with a fair few of my exs, and the only one I'm not, deleted me because, as he put it, 'he couldn't take seeing me appear all over his news feed with other men'.
What are all your facebook ex etiquettes then? A friend of mine said he would definitely WANT to get into a relationship on fb because otherwise he feels like there's something to hide...

Why do women wear high heels? All the women I have talked to say they are incredibly uncomfortable.

Isn't it like walking on an incline constantly if they have a large slope?

This is one of the funniest things I've ever heard (it's probably not, but it's 6:25am and I'm tired). No it's not like walking on an incline. I don't find heels uncomfortable, but having been forced to wear shoes for various jobs that are both 2 sizes too big and 2 sizes too small (now that is painful) so I don't think I'm the person to ask. Heels just make you look hot! Or attempt to anyway ;)

What is your goal in life ?
What do you want to achieve ?

and finally ;)

How many husbands do you want before you will settle on the last one ?
How many kids do you want to have ? with each husband ?

I only ever want to have one husband if I can help it!
My goal in life is to have kiddies and a family :). As much as I do want to have a successful career, I know I'd get a huge amount more satisfaction from the first. As for what I want to achieve in my career, I really don't know. I've landed myself a job on a grad scheme I don't want, but will do it because I know it'll give me some decent prospects, whatever those prospects are (meeting a rich man wink wink nudge nudge).
As for number of kids, I don't really mind, I just want to have a boy first and then a girl (I always wanted an older brother). Would quite like 2? 2 or 4. Not 3 because then one has middle child syndrome :p

What about you?
What about you?

Goal 1: to marry my high school sweetheart and stay married = Done (going on to 25 years)
Goal 2: to pay off mortgage of home in a nice neighbourhood = Done (in 5 years, 10 years ago now)
Goal 3: to have a nice high performance car and look after well = Done (8 years now)
Goal 4: to retire at 55 = Done (retired at 48)

No kids wanted or planned for ... there really are too many people in the world already.
Goal 1: to marry my high school sweetheart and stay married = Done (going on to 25 years)
Goal 2: to pay off mortgage of home in a nice neighbourhood = Done (in 5 years, 10 years ago now)
Goal 3: to have a nice high performance car and look after well = Done (8 years now)
Goal 4: to retire at 55 = Done (retired at 48)

No kids wanted or planned for ... there really are too many people in the world already.

Not to knock you're achievements, you're obviously getting what you want out of life.. but having kids would have probably knocked much of those dreams/wishes for a few more years..
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