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Ask an Israeli

1. Which part? USSR was 1/5 of the world.

3. No they couldn't. Some of them were expelled by your forces. Others fled from war zone for the fear of their lives. Only a couple of villages were evacuated by Arabs. What is your personal excuse for depriving them of their houses, land, memories and appropriating all that by Israel?

4. Why should Jerusalem be under full Israeli control? Why shouldn't Christian and Muslim holy sites be under Palestinian rule? And what would you offer Palestinians in return for Jerusalem?

7. Were the Israelis visiting Jordan and Egypt experience many problems? Were there any attacks against them? I'm sure the population was hostile, and many would gladly attack them, but I wonder if there actually were attacks

8. Are there any historical monuments?

9. You evit the question: why do many Israelis not know nazis were Germans?

10. Why can't you?

12, 13. So you actually say Jews should be privileged over non-Jews in Israel, and non-Jews should be second class citizens?
Moderator Action: I've upgraded this to an RD thread. From now on this is an RD "Ask a" thread, with the usual rules that apply in such a thread. Please do not make troll posts or trollish rhetorical questions, refrain from answering unless you are an Israeli, don't just post your opinion without asking questions, and so on.
Squonk - but have you actually quoted evidence that "many Israelis don't know that Nazis were Germans"?

I can also ask "why do many Israelis believe that Earth is flat?" without proving that it is the case.

Thank you for faith in me. :rolleyes:


He believes that one factor in this recent shift has been a growing trend of Israelis visiting death camps in Poland. As a result, he said, Israelis place a large part of the blame for the Holocaust on Poles instead of Germans.

In a poll he ran last year, a quarter of Israelis said they thought that Poles were as responsible as Germans for the Holocaust.

But the main reason, Prof Zimmerman has concluded, is that as enmity towards the Palestinians and the Islamic world becomes more entrenched, Israelis feel that enmity towards Germany is outdated.

So it was 1/4 of ALL Israelis, not just youth; but, on another hand, they "only" ascribed co-responsibility to Poles, on an equal level to Germans.
Squonk said:
Thank you for faith in me.

OK, sorry for being a doubting Thomas. :p

By the way - in 2001 Hollywood movie "Uprising" there is a scene in which one of characters says a thing which might be interpreted in such a way, that he claims that Poland let the Germans overrun their country in September 1939 because they wanted those Germans to kill Jews in Poland. :crazyeye:

Why spending money on building and running death camps, it's better to invite Germans to build and run death camps for their money. :crazyeye:

Especially that Germans have this "Ordnung must sein" and are overall much better organizers, right?
What do you currently see as the realistic end-game concerning the Israeli-Palestinian problem?

Which is the better city, Tel Aviv or Jerusalem? (Choose your own criteria for 'better')

Which European countries do you perceive as being most Pro-Israel, and which one as being least?

Do you think Palestinians are of Jewish descent, given their locale? Do you think Palestinian-Israelis are supportive of Israel?

There recently was a piece in German media about young Israelis emigrating to Berlin in relatively large numbers. The background story was that Israeli rent had become ridiculously high + struggling economy + unhappiness with the political climate.

Is that a phenomena which people actually talk about in Israel? I mean not necessarily emigrants to Berlin, but in general some kind of push for emigration of Israelis for economic / political causes.

Let's say I go for a visit and can only eat one item from the local cuisine. What do you recommend for said item?

Also, tell me about your best museums.

How do you view non-Jewish Americans, Europeans and other free peoples who enlist in the IDF when Israel is under threat for ideological or humanitarian reasons?

What is your desired solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

1. Which part? USSR was 1/5 of the world.

3. No they couldn't. Some of them were expelled by your forces. Others fled from war zone for the fear of their lives. Only a couple of villages were evacuated by Arabs. What is your personal excuse for depriving them of their houses, land, memories and appropriating all that by Israel?

4. Why should Jerusalem be under full Israeli control? Why shouldn't Christian and Muslim holy sites be under Palestinian rule? And what would you offer Palestinians in return for Jerusalem?

7. Were the Israelis visiting Jordan and Egypt experience many problems? Were there any attacks against them? I'm sure the population was hostile, and many would gladly attack them, but I wonder if there actually were attacks

8. Are there any historical monuments?

9. You evit the question: why do many Israelis not know nazis were Germans?

10. Why can't you?

12, 13. So you actually say Jews should be privileged over non-Jews in Israel, and non-Jews should be second class citizens?

Can Izrael teach us Mooslimes how 2 quickscope?

What is your opinion of Islam?

OK, sorry for being a doubting Thomas. :p

By the way - in 2001 Hollywood movie "Uprising" there is a scene in which one of characters says a thing which might be interpreted in such a way, that he claims that Poland let the Germans overrun their country in September 1939 because they wanted those Germans to kill Jews in Poland. :crazyeye:

Why spending money on building and running death camps, it's better to invite Germans to build and run death camps for their money. :crazyeye:

Especially that Germans have this "Ordnung must sein" and are overall much better organizers, right?

End game?
Peace or violence.

Tel aviv. It is much more advanced.
Pro israel? Italy, France. anti israel: Sweden, Russia.
No. They are not Jews, because their parents nor their grandparents are jews. they are israelies, citizens of Israel.

Economic? Yes. Political? No way. Those people voted for the current Israeli minister yair lapid, and he failed them.

Hmmm...:).... that would be falafel, Israeli street food.
I would like to thank those people. My country, however, doesn't really do that... until they die in action.
Desired solution? Peace, israel keeping Jerusalem and Ariel settlements, Palestinians keep the rest.

1. Moldova and Ukraine.
3. Ask a american.
4. Why can't i go to mecca? Visit Yemen? Walk across Baghdad?
7. I don't know. I can give you a link that may answer you're questions.
9. Thats a lie. The correct percentage is about 5%, and that is simply dumb(sorry) people.
10. I don't remember question ten.
12,13. Yes i do. This is a jewish country.
Islam? I haven't got problems with Muslims, as long they don't hurt me.

Thats it till 16:00 in israel time, people!
Natan out :D
Why the double standard? Why not recognise Palestine? Why then the upset when Israel isn't recognised as a state?

Shouldn't both be recognised as state entities in order to proceed with any kind of peace process?
Pro israel? Italy, France. anti israel: Sweden, Russia

Why do you think that? You can skip Sweden since I can understand why you would think that.
I don't even care about Africa and south America. Those can't really force Israel's hand, can they?
Those countries are the reason that the Israeli right wing is so strong, and the left wing is weakened.

Do you think Israel would be more Pro-Palestinian if there weren't Pro-Palestinian activists in general that are sprouting inflaming rethoric?
Nothing about museums? I'm sure Israel has plenty of stuff to put in museums.
How much truth is there to the joke that "If there are two Jews in a room, there will be three opinions on what to do"?
I don't even care about Africa and south America. Those can't really force Israel's hand, can they?
Those countries are the reason that the Israeli right wing is so strong, and the left wing is weakened.

I think you need to answer this question: Why is it good for Sweden to recognize Israel, but not good for Sweden to recognize Palestine?

Do you not think countries recognizing Israel would have pushed Palestinian politics a bit to the right as well?

And how could Sweden force Israel's hand anyway? It's a tiny insignificant country. It's a silly place, really. :p
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