[RD] Clinton vs. Trump - USA Presidential race.

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That's actually good advice. The Republicans did not choose Donald Trump. They are appalled that the voters did. Not as appalled as the Democrats should be, but it's not a perfect world.
As far as I know, the people voting in the Republican primaries were Republicans.
Girl, it is a hot mess.
Bring it on anyway!
Reince Priebus has now resigned himself to not having any control whatsoever over what his party is doing.

Reince Priebus on Trump campaign hires: 'I go with the flow'

Channelling Lao Tzu, Glenn Frey and Jeffrey “the Dude” Lebowski, Republican national committee chairman Reince Priebus said on Sunday that when it came to personnel issues with the Donald Trump campaign, “I go with the flow.”

“Look, you know, I go with the flow based on what the campaign wants to do,” Priebus told NBC’s Meet the Press. “I think Kellyanne is doing a phenomenal job. I don’t know Steve Bannon, to tell you the truth, very well.”

Kellyanne is Kellyanne Conway, the pollster who was promoted to campaign manager by Trump two weeks ago. Bannon is the driving force behind the rightwing Breitbart website who was named campaign “CEO” in the same round of musical chairs.

For a less chill national party chairman, the kind of headlines about Bannon that have surfaced in the last week could be a real bummer. Bannon’s past includes domestic violence charges, allegations of antisemitism and a mysterious arrangement in which he was registered to vote at a home where he did not live.

“I’m going to get to know him,” Priebus told Meet the Press host Chuck Todd, 72 days before the election.

Todd asked whether Bannon might hurt Trump’s attempt to appeal to women.

“Look, and I don’t know how much of it is true or not and neither do you,” Priebus said. “And so, I don’t speculate based on what other third parties say about people. I tend to judge people based on what I see and what I interact with.”

Police documents regarding the domestic violence charges against Bannon, charges which were eventually dropped, were published by Politico this week.

Presidential nominees typically work closely with their party’s national committee to raise money and coordinate on strategy, messaging and ground operations. As RNC chair, Priebus said, he speaks “every day” with Trump.

Priebus, who has been noted for his gallows humor, is not known as a “go-with-the-flow” type. Asked in April about the stress of running a party often at odds with its presidential nominee, he said: “I’m not pouring Bailey’s in my cereal.”

He appeared to be kidding and serious both.​
Eat your heart out, Kevin Spacey!
As far as I know, the people voting in the Republican primaries were Republicans.

Bring it on anyway!

Theyve been win at all costs hypocrites in campaigns for a while, this time anyone with a backbone left in the party got out participating while the getting was good when it became obvious this Trump thing was happening. The same bananas lies that we saw with Obama just gained traction among people who have the same good judgment and principles to look past the myriad historical and daily indignities Trump bestows upon our great nation. Beating Hillary is apparently only guiding principle that motivates those who claim to have them at all (opposed to the in the tank for Trump because they earnestly think he's awesome)
You will get falsely accused of being racist as as part and parcel of you being falsely accused of falsely accusing a Republican of racism. If that makes you go:crazyeye:, then quit while you're ahead.
That's actually good advice. The Republicans did not choose Donald Trump. They are appalled that the voters did.
This is profound doublethink J... not even sure how else to respond...
And J is never going to win a "I know mine's bad but yours is worse" because Trump undermines him on a daily basis.
I am a racist for calling other racist? But if they then call me racist then they're the racists and OMG it's circularlogicasifIwereinsideawashingmachineatfullspeedsomeonestopthisthing
I am a racist for calling other racist? But if they then call me racist then they're the racists and OMG it's circularlogicasifIwereinsideawashingmachineatfullspeedsomeonestopthisthing

I'm gonna put a few more quarters in this thing, needs more time.
You will get falsely accused of being racist as as part and parcel of you being falsely accused of falsely accusing a Republican of racism. If that makes you go:crazyeye:, then quit while you're ahead.
Try it this way. Racism is a term that should never be used lightly or broadly. To do so is prejudice.

And J is never going to win a "I know mine's bad but yours is worse" because Trump undermines him on a daily basis.
Sure I will. Hillary really is the worst.

I'm gonna put a few more quarters in this thing, needs more time.
That makes a great deal of sense, but it's a confusion of terms. If you call someone a racist without good reason, you are prejudiced, a bigot. The irony, of course, is that you are doing what you accuse the other person of doing. It's a standard way of avoiding an actual discussion of racial inequality.

The term racist should be used with great care and deference. If there is any doubt, avoid it. Otherwise you become what you hate.

please make it stop please
Sure I will. Hillary really is the worst.


We already know your opinion is this. Now that we've got that out of the way, once again, what else ya got?

Try it this way. Racism is a term that should never be used lightly or broadly. To do so is prejudice.


The Republicans are just unfortunate that they consistently deserve to carry that label around with them. That you don't think it's fairly applied is just another humorous part of life for the rest of us. Seriously if you're going to sanctimoniously tell us to treat it like political plutonium then show some sort of level of respect that we aren't just making this up. It seems like it would literally take a GOP rep shooting a black man in cold blood on camera and boldy proclaiming with racial slurs that he killed him and we was damn proud of it before you'd listen to any accusation of racism coming from anyone not on your side of the partisan spectrum.

Find indisputable, to you, a few examples of when a Republican said or did something racist and with further commentary, provided by yourself, on what the GOP reaction was to those comments and what your reaction is. I don't want to say you live in partisan denialism, but I don't think you could do this. 3 Examples since 2015, one including Trump?

Not up for it? Good.

In the big picture, your disagreement with an opposing opinion isn't in itself enough to invalidate that other opinion. It still exists, you still have to deal with it.
Theyve been win at all costs hypocrites in campaigns for a while, this time anyone with a backbone left in the party got out participating while the getting was good when it became obvious this Trump thing was happening. The same bananas lies that we saw with Obama just gained traction among people who have the same good judgment and principles to look past the myriad historical and daily indignities Trump bestows upon our great nation. Beating Hillary is apparently only guiding principle that motivates those who claim to have them at all (opposed to the in the tank for Trump because they earnestly think he's awesome)

Banana lies ?
But those lies are Obama fault ! :mad:
The Republicans are just unfortunate that they consistently deserve to carry that label around with them. That you don't think it's fairly applied is just another humorous part of life for the rest of us. Seriously if you're going to sanctimoniously tell us to treat it like political plutonium then show some sort of level of respect that we aren't just making this up. It seems like it would literally take a GOP rep shooting a black man in cold blood on camera and boldy proclaiming with racial slurs that he killed him and we was damn proud of it before you'd listen to any accusation of racism coming from anyone not on your side of the partisan spectrum.

Find indisputable, to you, a few examples of when a Republican said or did something racist and with further commentary, provided by yourself, on what the GOP reaction was to those comments and what your reaction is. I don't want to say you live in partisan denialism, but I don't think you could do this. 3 Examples since 2015, one including Trump?

Not up for it? Good.

In the big picture, your disagreement with an opposing opinion isn't in itself enough to invalidate that other opinion. It still exists, you still have to deal with it.

You are entitled to your opinion. It seems to be the majority on this forum, largely because of intolerance to other opinions, of which your post is a case in point. For what it may be worth, President Obama calls dropping out of the discussion self-censorship as if it were a bad thing. However, feel free to continue the nasty. I can take it.

I'm only intolerant of opinions that get repeated over and over despite clearly flying in the face of reality.

It's sort of like the difference between "she's a bigot" repeated over and over by someone who at this point we aren't even sure understands what the word means and "here's a thirteen point indictment with examples of racist behaviors and statements over the past four decades."
You are entitled to your opinion. It seems to be the majority on this forum, largely because of intolerance to other opinions, of which your post is a case in point. For what it may be worth, President Obama calls dropping out of the discussion self-censorship as if it were a bad thing. However, feel free to continue the nasty. I can take it.


I want you to improve the level of discourse you bring to any discussion to be above "But Hillary is the worst". Actualize what the candidate you ARE voting for is doing.

I'm only intolerant of opinions that get repeated over and over despite clearly flying in the face of reality.

It's sort of like the difference between "she's a bigot" repeated over and over by someone who at this point we aren't even sure understands what the word means and "here's a thirteen point indictment with examples of racist behaviors and statements over the past four decades."

Stop with your intolerance of opinions Tim, cmon.
This is profound doublethink J... not even sure how else to respond...
The same doublethink that makes someone who is constantly defending Republicans including Donald Trump claim they're an independent.

It's no surprise he perceives it as intolerance every time he gets a reality check.

Try it this way. Racism is a term that should never be used lightly or broadly. To do so is prejudice.
No. If someone behaves in a way that is consistent with how racists behave, they have proven themselves to be a racist, no prejudice involved. Not calling racism out perpetuates racism. There is no neutral ground to take here.
Try it this way. Racism is a term that should never be used lightly or broadly. To do so is prejudice.

J, enough. Stop crying about it, stop acting like this is somehow unfair. We know it's serious to charge people with racism. We also know the elements Trump has been cozy with, who is supporting him, and why Trump not being straight with any of it is dangerous and disappointing. You can't explain Trump's embrace of the alt-right, so don't come complaining about us pointing it out.

Here's something for you to consider. In 1991, George H.W. Bush, Republican president, took it upon himself to comment on David Duke's candidacy for Senator in Louisiana. This was among a widespread effort of Republicans to denounce Duke. Here is some of what Bush said:

"When someone asserts the Holocaust never took place, then I don't believe that person ever deserves one iota of public trust. When someone has so recently endorsed Nazism, it is inconceivable that someone can reasonably aspire to a leadership role in a free society."

"When someone has a long record, an ugly record of racism and of bigotry, that record simply cannot be erased by the glib rhetoric of a political campaign. So I believe David Duke is an insincere charlatan. I believe he's attempting to hoodwink the voters of Louisiana, I believe he should be rejected for what he is and what he stands for."

See, this is what a leader does. A leader doesn't waffle when asked about David Duke, a leader calls him out for what he is, unless of course that person is indifferent to David Duke and his ilk. These are the kinds of people that a generation ago, the Republican party would forcefully denounce at every turn. Many in the party still do; Donald Trump does not. He seems at the very least indifferent to these people; a more accurate description would be to say he is quietly courting them because he knows they support his policies and will vote for him.

Silence is not enough. Waffling is not enough. History will judge people who stood with Trump as enabling this garbage. So think about that next time you want to obfuscate, or try to make a false equivalency between the candidates. Trump is treading in waters that are dangerous, and are terrible for anyone who cares the slightest bit about racial equality. Think about it.
Fighting bad manners or fighting racism. I'm glad that with this tough choice, you decided to fight the good fight.
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