Clown Car IV: The Dotard and Dunce Parade

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Mike Ertel, secretary of state for Florida, resigned within hours of his blackface photo from 15 years ago coming out.

That was 2 weeks ago.

He was Republican.

You are referring to his mockery of Katrina victims, right? Has it occurred to you that maybe that's the more significant difference in the events?
That is a good point.

So the governor with the blackface/kkk photo is toast right?

I dunno. Was the photo op some sort of KKK support thing, or an opposition to the KKK thing? I honestly haven't looked into that.

I think he's most likely toast, for a number of reasons...perhaps the biggest one being his "oh, yeah, I remember dressing up as Michael Jackson, let me show you I can still moonwalk" first response, assuming that's the same governor. That was just a blatant "not only did I not see a problem then, but heck I'd do it today" moment.
...the top 3 Democrats in Virginia come tumbling down leaving a Republican to become governor

What will the Democrats do now? Defend the guys in black face or the sex offender.
The precedent is underway! There is a chance for Nancy P to become president! She only needs two old white guys to fall afoul of the law and common decency.
Well I'm sure with a little work ...
...we could find a picture of Pence having lunch with a woman who is not his wife. That might do it for him. :)
Forgot is a nebulous concept. I haven't "forgotten" that day in tenth grade that I ate a cheese sandwich. If all of a sudden the cheese police started rounding up cheese sandwich eaters it may have leapt right to mind, but I can't say that I currently dwell on the consequences of "the facts coming out" on any regular basis.

A more realistic example...guys I knew who played football in high school probably haven't thought about the annual powder puff game since high school. But if one of them is in office somewhere it is safe to say that a yearbook picture of them in drag with giant balloon breasts being a sexist jerk suddenly surfacing would make all of them pause.

Then why assume Northam was hiding it and the other guy just forgot? I cant imagine anyone wearing black face forgetting, I can imagine them not thinking about it much or at all unless people started getting in trouble. The AG took a while to come clean after Northam got in trouble, that suggests he was waiting to see how things played out rather than admit to his past sin. In fact, he waited until after the Lt Gov got in trouble and his name was coming up as the man next in line.
Donald Trump has accidentally told an audience of global religious leaders that America’s greatest accomplishments include the “abolition of civil rights” during the National Prayer Breakfast.

“Since the founding of our nation, many of our greatest strides, from gaining our independence to abolition of civil rights, to extending the vote for women, have been led by people of faith and started in prayer,” the president said on Thursday. “When we open our hearts to faith we fill our hearts with love.”

The president attended the breakfast in Washington, where speakers addressed the level of division in the country and what one described as a “fracturing of the American family”.

The annual gathering brought together members of the president’s cabinet and members of congress, including Democratic house speaker Nancy Pelosi. Among those delivering readings on Thursday was Michael Curry, a reverend who made headlines around the world with his stirring sermon about the power of love at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Mr Trump’s speech came after the president this week offered a fierce denunciation of late-term abortions in his annual State of the Union address, as he moved to re-energise evangelical voters who have been among his most loyal supporters and who will be vital in heading off any possible 2020 primary challenge.

Best public speaker ever.
But unless he wrote it in a diary or something to be discovered, or told people he shouldn't trust, we will never really know. His coming forward first bought some "cut him some slack" with me. Much better than I'm sorry, hmm not good enough, I guess it wasn't me. ;)
Liam Neeson is in hot water, he said a friend was raped a while back by a black perp so he spent the next few days walking about black neighborhoods hoping some black guy got in his face so he could attack them. He came to his senses and sought help for his anger from a priest. Neeson has since clarified he's not a racist and that he would have had the same impulse if the perp was white.

Michelle Rodriguez jumped in after him, she said Liam cant be racist because of how passionately he kissed a black actress in some movie. I'd post a link but she swears ;)
R's: Clinton is blowing up deficit! Clinton eliminates deficit. Bush wins. Bush blows up deficit. Cheney: Deficits don't matter! Obama wins. R's: Obama is blowing up deficit! Obama reduces deficit. Trump wins. Trump blows up deficit. Mulvaney: Nobody cares about deficits!
The dutch still do blackface massively each christmas, with that swartepiet festival of hatred :) i propose usa cuts all ties with holland.

We've tried, but they control the entire worlds' supply of flowers for some reason.

Offend the bright orange fist, and they cut you off!

Liam Neeson is in hot water, he said a friend was raped a while back by a black perp so he spent the next few days walking about black neighborhoods hoping some black guy got in his face so he could attack them. He came to his senses and sought help for his anger from a priest. Neeson has since clarified he's not a racist and that he would have had the same impulse if the perp was white.

Michelle Rodriguez jumped in after him, she said Liam cant be racist because of how passionately he kissed a black actress in some movie. I'd post a link but she swears ;)

I think we all knew Neeson had a murderous rage problem.

Way too smooth playing a vigilante.
R's: Clinton is blowing up deficit! Clinton eliminates deficit. Bush wins. Bush blows up deficit. Cheney: Deficits don't matter! Obama wins. R's: Obama is blowing up deficit! Obama reduces deficit. Trump wins. Trump blows up deficit. Mulvaney: Nobody cares about deficits!

the Rs only get fiscally conservative when the D's are in the WH
Then why assume Northam was hiding it and the other guy just forgot?

Who assumed that? I think Northam's response when it came out was idiotic, but I never thought he was hiding anything. Stuff in forty year old yearbooks is neither forgotten nor's just old stuff that generally no one gives a thought to.

Man, I hope my fourth grade picture never surfaces. It was freakin' awful.
Powerful Repub in Virginia state senate got caught in the black face scandal

A Virginia Military Institute yearbook overseen by future state Senate Majority Leader Tommy Norment in 1968 features a host of racist photos and slurs, including blackface.

The revelation about one of Virginia's most powerful Republicans comes as the state’s Democratic governor and attorney general are facing calls to resign over their own admissions they wore blackface as young men.

It doesn't say he wore black face but he was the editor

Who assumed that? I think Northam's response when it came out was idiotic, but I never thought he was hiding anything. Stuff in forty year old yearbooks is neither forgotten nor's just old stuff that generally no one gives a thought to.

Man, I hope my fourth grade picture never surfaces. It was freakin' awful.

I thought you did:

A response of "oh, crap, I did that too now that you mention it" is a whole lot different from "oh, crap, I've been hiding that all these years and now there's sure to be a search party looking for it."

I thought you were referring to Northam and the AG. I hope God dont punish me for the sins I committed when I was young, or maybe I am being punished with middle age
I hope God dont punish me for the sins I committed when I was young, or maybe I am being punished with middle age
God works in mysterious ways! :)
I thought you were referring to Northam and the AG. I hope God dont punish me for the sins I committed when I was young, or maybe I am being punished with middle age

Those were both meant as possible responses from the AG. I lean towards the "oh, crap, I did that too now that you mention it" rather than towards any sort of "I've been hiding it all this time and now it's sure to come out." I think it's likely enough that when the governor got his feet in that fire the AG was reminded of his own youthful stupidity, probably broke out a couple yearbooks to see just how bad the photos were, scratched his head for a bit about what to do, and then did as close to the right thing as he could figure out. Thinking it was some 'dark secret' that he's been plotting about how to hide for several decades seems unwarranted.

Northam I don't think was plotting to hide anything either, but his response when it came out was awful so I'm not inclined to give him any slack. Also, he was older at the time of the incident, so theoretically we can expect him to be a bit wiser; plus it was about five years later and things were changing pretty fast. Like I said before, black face skits were pretty much normal when I was in high school in the 70s, but by the late 90s when my kids were in school they had been declared off limits completely and I think pretty much everyone not living under a rock had been informed. So the difference between 1980 and 1984 might have been significant.
...we could find a picture of Pence having lunch with a woman who is not his wife. That might do it for him. :)
Heck, just get video of him calling his wife "Mother". The collective "ewwww" should be enough to send him back to that godforsaken hellhole called Indiana.
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After the Attorney General, the 3rd in line for Governor would be the Speaker of the Virginia House.

It is a Republican named Kirk Cox.

He is Speaker entirely because one of the house members David Yancey won a tie by picking his name out of a bowl. :eek:

Thankfully this kind of stuff doesn't make the world news, or my country might be a laughingstock.
You are a laughingstock already regardless of whether this particular scandal makes the world news or not.
The dutch still do blackface massively each christmas, with that swartepiet festival of hatred :) i propose usa cuts all ties with holland.
The US government was modelled on the Seven United Provinces, y'know.
We've tried, but they control the entire worlds' supply of flowers for some reason.

Offend the bright orange fist, and they cut you off!
They also control the diamond trade through their evil Afrikaner cousins. If you flipped off the Dutch nobody in USia would ever get married.
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