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DipNES 05 - Give One and Take Ten

You should. The rest of us have it, and use it quite frequently.
Except me, because my computer is stupid and wont accept .bin's but i have an account, which is the important part. ;)
okay, cool, thanks. deadline is this evening at some point.
I know that in no circumstances have italian orders affected any other nation's orders, however, if you would like, I can make a rule saying that only a non-player can send orders for qoou.

(I knew turkey was taking greece before he knew italy was moving to albania, and russia and italy have had nothing to do with each other beforehand)

I actually was ~80% sure that Turkey would backstab me (but it was my best option neways), but I will stop using players to send my orders. j_eps, what's your e-mail?

Also, my orders are in, right?
UPDATE: The save file has been corrupted. HOWEVER, I, being a genius, kept all of the orders, therefore i am now taking the time to go and recreate the scenario. because of this, update will be delayed, however it is incoming.
nice try norway ;)
lol@Chan (10 characters)
For rapidity you could use the DPjudge's "Map It!" app.
Or you could use jDip's Edit function.
writing update now, its back to date
*bump* Did I win, yet?
Fall 1903

So I'm trying something different - stories will be written after retreat (aka I need time I dont have today and want to get this up)

Austria:A bud s F sev->rum
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.
A ser s F sev->rum
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.
A tri Supports A ser
Support cut by Move from Venice
A tyr Supports A tri

England: F eng->iri
A lvp Holds
F nwy s F nwg->nth
F nwg->nth

France: A bur ->bel
A ruh s A bur->bel

Germany: No order for unit at Belgium. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Gulf of Bothnia. Hold order assigned

F bal-kie
F bel H
Disloged from Bur (2 against 1).
F bot H
A kie->hol
A mun->bur
A sil->mun

Italy: F apu->adr
A ven -> tri
Bounced with tri (2 against 2)
F alb s A ven->tri
A rom->tus

Norway: F den->nth
Bounced with nwg 1 against 1
F swe->den
Failed becasue Norway: F den->nth failed

Russia: A lvn->swe by convoy
No convoy route
A mos s F sev
F sev H
F stp/nc H

Spain: No order for unit at Marseilles. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Paris. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Tunis. Hold order assigned

F bre->eng
A cat->gas
A par H
A mar H
F mao s F bre->eng
F tun H

Turkey: F aeg s A gre
A gre H
A bul->ser
Bounced with ser (1 against 1)
A rum s F bla->sev
F bla->sev
Bounced with sev (2 against 2)

Fall 1903 Moves:
Spoiler :

Fall 1903 Retreats:
Spoiler :

RETREAT: Germany: F Bel -> ? (Pic or disband)

Why the hell am I still alive?
Return of the Penguins

Risk laughed maniacally. The armies of Turkey were at his command!

The Sultan, predictably, was not amused.

"Really now, this isn't amusing."

"The coup? It really is, actually- I liked the bit with the Laser-Janissaries."

"Sickeningly althistorical. You should be ashame-"

"It's not historical if no one lived to record it. Now shut up."

"-but that's not the worst part- look at your track record as the Turks! Pathetic! You'll ruin all I struggled to achieve!"

Risk froze. His eyes narrowed.

"That, sir, was very poorly considered." Dramatically, he drew out a control pad, with a large, glowing red button square in the center. He pressed down. A 1-ton weight fell from the ceiling, crushing an nearby penguin. The Sultan blinked.

"You would want to move, say, six steps over to the right, would you?"

"I'd rather die than take an order from you."

"Hahah!" laughed Risk, "That's quite ironic, for as fact would have it... I am going to... well... anyway... oh, hell with it." Risk pulled out a gun and fired a black hole at the Sultan. He collapsed into a singularity, making a strange noise something like a crumpling paper.

"Diplomacy time!"
wow talk about screwups all over the place.
I was more afraid of ruh-hol or ruh-kie than the move that Dachs made. It wasn't a screw up at all.
disband the fleet.
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