• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Fall From Heaven NES

First of, new units available for hiring:


Wild and ferocious animals, bears are in battle akin to heavy cavalry, having an immense charge which only the strongest units can whitstand. Unlike heavy cavalry, bears are weak to reckon units. Every civ with Hunting technology can request trained bears for hire, but Fellowship civs can get them at discount, and their bears also preforms slightly better in combat. Cost is 50 gold, 40 for FoL civs.


Fanaticaly devoted soldiers of Kilmorph, Paramanders are voluntary recruits that come to fight in Kilmorph's name. They are heavy foot infantry, armed with sharp, heavy axes and heavily armored. They have high morale and do not require maintenance, but only Runes civs can recruit them, and only one regiment plus one per every Temple they own. Paramanders will also rally for free in case their lands are under attack. They are similar to Crusader of The Order. Cost is 60 gold.


Clay Golems are Luchuirp creation that fill the role of light infantry in their ranks. They do not require much upkeep, and two regiments can be supported at the cost of one. They are similar to Milita, but slightly slower and also, as all golems, do not tire, become frightened or rout, but they also do not learn and do not have that extra pinch soldiers seem to have when defending their homes. Cost is 65 gold.
Update during Turn 3

Grigori adventurers visit the cave of Groedilnn and seek it's riches. After many fights and struggles, which they likely wouldn't survive if Cassiel hadn't generously supplied with potions and equipment, they have found treasury worth of 75 gold, which can be sold or divided amongst populace for +5 stability. They also found ancient scroll of Call Animal. Scroll can be used to permanently summon a regiment of Bears at any time in the future during your turn, at no cost (You still have to pay their maintenace once they are summoned). They have also found Amulet of Shadows, which makes wearer invisible when in darkness. It slightly increases spy efficiency for owning civ.

These two items can be freely sold to another civ. Perhaps someone is willing to offer gold or technology to Grigori to gain possesion of these precious items?


Balseraph people are angry that they do not know not the secrets of Arts. If they do not obtain them in next 3 turns (until turn 6) they will suffer unrest. If they do obtain them, stability increase that the Arts give will be doubled (+6 instead of +3)


As Luchuirp empire grows, there is much discussion about relationships amongst new city states. The question is how much authority should each city state have? Most agree that the army and foreign policy should be united, but what about trade and internal business? How independent should they be from capitol?

It's on leader to make the decision. More authority to each city state gives more income, and less authority will cause stability drop and unhappiness. But have in mind that decision will affect future events in the empire. It is also possible to completely change government type into something else.
Hmmm ... ? Anyone interested in buying "scroll of Call Animal" (prefered trade for techs)... I don't trade Amulet, because "We are afraid you become too powerful"... (:
Turn 4


As more seasons have passed, Erebus seemed to be without war. Only far on north, in province know amongst scholars and cartographers as "Province 23", few Orcish tribes started to fight among themselves. A minority of Orcs loyal to Cassiel attacked a majority of other tribes in province. Majority claims that Cassiel bribed those few Orc leaders in province with gold and promises of power, and that no true Orc will ever give up worshiping Bhall and accept godless Grigori rule of antitheism.
There might be some truth in their claims, as Grigori army is indeed present in province, but it's also true that their army has not engaged in single fight yet. It remains to see how this will develop.
Some Orcs call upon Kuriotates and the Boy-King to save them. They heard stories about great tolerance in their kingdom and freedom that servants of Cardith enjoy, but most Orcish elders shun any foreign government and desire to rule themselves. In any case, dire times of strife await all inhabitants of the province.
Nations have once more expanded, and now many share land borders with each other. Trade will soon become the most potent source of income for almost all nations of the world.
How are you doing magic? Or aren't you including it? I once had a FFH forum game planned but it ran into difficulty and my co-gm was abducted by TEH ALIENZ while we were planning it.
How are you doing magic? Or aren't you including it? I once had a FFH forum game planned but it ran into difficulty and my co-gm was abducted by TEH ALIENZ while we were planning it.

In battle, mages and archmages you field cast spells based on what mana you have and how well you write your strategy plan. Just having mages with fireballs is good, but it's even better if you order them to hit cavalry units that attempt to charge your formations or to hit enemy cannons and blast them. I will elaborate on this later, extra spheres will be purchasable.

Other spells like Spring, Vitalize, Trust, Enchant weapons... will be done as projects. In your orders you write what would you like to do (Like enchanting weapons of our entire army) and what do you expect to get from that (extra combat efficiency) and I determine time and cost of project.
Next turn all orders will be revised slightly. We have developed enough to start trading with each other. So this is how we will do it.
Each civilization will be assigned a number of Trading Capacity points (TC). This number depends on:
1) Number of provinces you own
2) Buildings and improvements you own
3) Diversity of improvements you own (Village, mine and farm is better than 3 villages)
4) Number of owned resources
5) Techs you own
6) Your proximity to other civilizations

and so on.
Each TC is worth 5 gold.

You send your TC's to other civs (they do NOT need to border you). That establishes one trade route. Your partner needs not to confirm trade route, it's considered accepted automatically, he can however explicitly embargo you. You can not trade with those you are at war with.
Keep in mind that whenever you 'export' your TC, your partner also gains 5 gold income. And vice versa – whenever someone trades with you, you get 5 gold as well.
So this creates interesting twists:
1) Your goal here is to lure as much foreign TC's you can. Everyone can export TC, but it takes skill and diplomacy to get trades in.
2) You do not want to trade with enemies, with those who will use gold you generated for them against you.
3) You strengthen your allies by trading with them.
4) If you trade with one civ much, it is unlikely they will risk war with you and lose precious income.
5) Trading with only one civ is possible, you can send as many trade routes to one civ as you want, however beware as it will likely piss off all others.
6) Use all means necessary to get as much trades in as possible- offer techs or gold, or bribery, coercion, threats, embargoes against third party, whatever you can think of.

I'll assign TCs later, and turn 5 will be the first one with trade orders. You have time until then to sing all trade agreements. Take your time, as this will be a major source of income
(Public) Official Grigoris Government annunciation about incidents in area #23

We are concerned about what happened in province #23. We still haven't much information about this incident, because we've got this info moment ago, but this shouldn't happened. It seems, like some orcs tribes near our borders has bring near with our people and that probably causes problems between border tribes and conservative inland tribes. It seems like our people have planned, along with orcs, ambush, but they didn't tell us about that. And they have reason, we would never agree with that.
We have already sent message to our Border Watch, to investigate what happened and to stop that bloodshed. But we are afraid, it's too late. There's much losses so we decided to send them aid, and help them to rebuild their infrastructure. And if they will to join us, we accept them.

-- Cassiel
## End of Message
The amount of TC's is as follows:
Balseraphs: 4 TC
Grigori: 3 TC
Kuriotates: 3 TC
Khazad: 3 TC
Luchuirp: 3 TC
Svartalfarl: 2 TC
Amurites: 2 TC
Who do you need orders from?
Turn 4 report

After the latest events, Grigori manage to assume total control over Shazaak province. With the aid that Grigori were sending also came many Grigori officials, administrators and bureaucrats. Cassiel named a new governor of Shazaak province, minister Lenk Faer, who has reputation of mediator and negotiator. Still, the province is far from calm, as battles raging inside are more fierce than ever, and Grigori still have lots of work to do.

Province 23 is now Grigori and costs -1 gold per turn to upkeep, so Grigori lose money here for few turns.
WISHING to promote peace and cooperation between our people;

EMBRACING the idea of freedom and equality of all sentient beings of Creation;

We hereby,

ABOLISH all forms of border control and tariffs between our empires;

PERMIT to collect civic road tolls, non-discriminating Grigori and Kuriotates citizens;

ENABLE our citizens to move freely in our borders;

SUBORDINATE them to local laws.

Cassiel, Leader of Grigori
Cardith Lorda, Emperor of Kuriotates
Turn 4 Report

A New Religion

A new religion, The Order Of Junil, appeared on Erebus. Their faith spreads rapidly and followers diligently work to spread their word. So far it has spread to Kuriotate lands, where it had Significant success in converting the populace and no problems or tensions were reported. Still, number of followers is far less than one half.

Order spread to Khazad and Luchuirp lands, where it had Moderate success and no problems were reported. Khazad were even less influenced than Luchuirp, as their faith in Kilmorph is strong.

Order also spread to Amurite lands, where it was immediately repressed, so it keeps spreading in silence, its members hiding from government and working on overthrow of corrupted magocracy.

Barbarian activity

Barbarian activity was reported in some unowned provinces. It was usually about one militia regiment of rowing barbarians, and usually Orcs, though in one province tribes of desert dwelling human nomads called Malakim were reported. Civilizations of Erebus should be aware. A map shows dangerous areas:

Order? No! My moderator why have you forsaken me?
Ehmm...sorry. I'll be fine. But is anyone interested in trading one Order for two Councils of Esus?
The Khazad clergy doesn't worry about this Order sect. Misguided dwarves will soon realise that this Junil can't bring them the riches of Kilmorph and they will eventually come back to the true faith when they realise their mistakes.

(Of course, dwarves are stubborn, so it may take some time.)
The official Luchuirp response to the Order:
The national government of the Luchuirp will not discriminate against those who follow the Order unless they force their beliefs upon the unwilling or attempt to suppress the progress of science, magic, or art. Note this is the national opinion, the opinion of the individual governors may differ.
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