Fall From Heaven NES

What is this Order? Nothing! it does not exist! it never has existed! and it never will! Any caught with propaganda related to this Order Lie will be quickly and cruely punished, for the good of the Nation.
I need all trade routes publicly announced here:

Amurites, Grigori, Khazad

Grigori: Khazad, Khazad, Kuriotates

Khazad: Grigori, Grigori, Kuriotates

Balseraph: Amurites, Luchuirp, Luchuirp, Svartalfarl

Amurite: Balseraphs, Balseraphs

Luchuirp: Balseraphs, Balseraphs, Empty

Svartlafarl: Balseraphs, Kuriotates
Most probably (if they don't change opinion):
Grigori: Balseraph, Balseraph, Kuriotates
Colonization map at start of turn 5:
Routes from Khazad: Balseraph, Balseraph, Kuriotates.

I'd like to make an announcement for the Khazad.
Although I know travelling Erebus is hard, the glorious Khazad people invite all Somnium players in theur city of Hallowell to participate in a great tournament, which will be called Somnium, the Gathering. There will be a 5 gp prize for the winner, and 2gp for the second. Obviously, many citizens of Khazad will participate, but foreigners are most welcome in order to encourage trade en friendship between all nations.
Offerings to the local Kilmorph temples are welcome, but not mandatory.

Waiting for some confirmation fot TC though.
The Salvation Movement

A new movement has sprun up in Grigori empire, and was embraced by their government. The Salvationists seek to enlighten the Orcs and tell them how the Bhall fell, tell them about her corruption and evil and once they realize the error of their old ways Salvationists want Orcs to renounce their allegiance to Bhall and also to any God at all, to accept Cassiels agnosticism.
Many orcs have accepted this teaching already and those who did seem to be enlightened, wiser and less brutal than they used to be, and significantly more civilized than their kin.
Salvationists were funded with 10 gold and their requirement was that any orc who accepts agnosticism should be given full citizenship and be granted all rights of normal citizen - most notably to serve in the army and to work and live in capital city.

The unrests in Shazaak province decreased and province will likely increase in productivity in few turns.
Routes from Kuriotates: Amurites, Grigori,Khazad.

Edit: Also Kuriotates Empire takes no action on the Order issue. Freedom of religion is one of our essential principes, and we don't see a need to comment this.
Updated Routes from Svartalfar: Balseraphs, Kuriotates.
The Order is not welcome in our forests.
Routes for the Luchuirp:

Balseraphs, Balseraphs, Empty
I'm redirecting two TC from Balseraph to Khazad ... We are afraid that Balseraph will have too strong economy. (9 income tc = +45gpt; 4 outcome tc = +20gpt == +65gpt only from TC's ... unacceptable)
Turn 5 has come to an end and the biggest news is that trade routes were opened. This will bring in a huge quantities of income for all parties involved.

Balseraph empire seem to become a center of trade and prosperity. Carnivals are always open and full and games are hosted daily. People are happy, enjoying not only in being fed and sheltered, but also in precious luxuries and entertainment, a rare feat in these days on Erebus. Their government seems to be extremely stable. This is all possible because of tremendous income that Balseraphs are making - merchants and farmers are all rich. This is a remarkable age and some even begin to call it a Golden Age of Baseraphs.

Some have foreseen that and ordered their trade routes away from Balseraphs. Khazad and Grigori agreed not to send merchants to Balseraphs but instead to each other.

A great Somnium tournament was held in Khazad empire. Khazad fully financed travels and accommodation for all who played, and Marcell of Summerspring, an adept from Amurite empire, won the tournament. Amurites are thrilled and winner became hero overnight. Balseraphs were less fortunate. Angry at the defeat of all their contestants, they claim that contest was rigged and demand that their King must host the next Somnium tournament as soon as possible. That new tournament must be even more grandiose than those that cheapskate dwarves did.

While many celebrate and become distracted by such entertainment, reality is much harsher for those who live in Shazaak province. There has been another incident and another revolt, as some less prominent figures of the Salvation movement begun to turn their backs on it and returned to violence. This undermined Salvationists efforts and various groups of Orcs again rose to arms, and Grigori army responded with violence. As order is being restored, a feeling that foreign spies actually funded this disturbance is all-pervasive. Nothing can be proven, though.

Khazad gain +2 stability for hosting the tournament.
Amurites gain +1 stability for winning the tournamnet.
Balseraphs have to either host another Somnium tournament in next 3 turns that will cost at least 15 gold or lose -1 stability
Grigori lose -1 stability, -5 gold and can't build anything in Shazaak this turn.

Cardith Lorda is sadden over the incidents in Shazaak province and he offers help to Grigori.

He however urge Cassiel to refrain from any unnecessary usage of brute force which leads to unavoidalbe backslash at the end .
Cardith Lorda is sadden over the incidents in Shazaak province and he offers help to Grigori.

He however urge Cassiel to refrain from usage of brute force.

Just to clear this out, Cassiel did not order any usage of brute force and soldiers only fought when it was necessary. I don't want to shed any undeserved shame on Grigori.
I should mention that writing a story or two about your civilization, way of life.. anything you can think of, is highly encouraged and you can even earn some extra bonuses from that!

If you describe how is your army managed, equipped, trained ... expect better results in combat, description about courts can yield you gold... Check other NESes for examples
I will gladly host a somnium tournament in jubilee two turns from now. There will be a 15 gold prize for the winning civ, as well as a 15 gold cost for the tournament. We encourage all competitors.
I will gladly host a somnium tournament in jubilee two turns from now. There will be a 15 gold prize for the winning civ, as well as a 15 gold cost for the tournament. We encourage all competitors.

Also to mention, I did not imagine that prize goes to civ but to an individual. Civ gets happiness/stability instead. But of course if you insist on prize going to civ it's fine as well.
The First Somnium Gathering
Aren UnderHammer smiled. Many people had come to Hallowell for the tournament, and Aren had provided beds for all these foreigners, whether they were from other Khazad regions or far away countries like the Amurite lands.
Aren had been paid for the beds of course. He wouldn't have turned into an innkeeper if Kandros Fir hadn't said he would pay for the expenses. But then the players didn't only sleep. They needed cards to play, and had to eat and drink when not playing or sleeping.
It had been expensive to get all that food carried here, but selling it back had proven quite profitable indeed. But then he hadn't been the only one to think of that, and many dwarves had sold food and alcohol to the contestants. The Balseraphs in particular had been quite fond of the beverages, particularly after their champion lost his last game.
What Aren had done that noone else had thought of was printing special collector cards. A limited Somnium edition to commemorate the first gathering. Aren increased the price twice and the cards still sold! If only he had printed more of them...
The tournament might have cost a lot to organise, but some dwarves would definitely benefit from it, and Aren was more than happy to be counted among them.
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