It is tho, because it is tho. Maybe do a tour? You can start in Riyadh in finish in Tel Aviv. Lmk how it goes, and which one doesn't oppress half the people within its territorial control. Then let me know whose the most politically free and progressive with its other half.
If your country supports queer people, except the brown queer people whom we murder
Supports universal suffrage except the brown voters whom we disenfranchise and murder
Extends broad civil liberties and property rights except the brown people for whom we suspend civil liberties and whose property we expropriate arbitrarily
Promotes religious tolerance except the brown worshippers whom we harass and murder, and whose places of worship we vandalize
Offers high quality healthcare except the brown people whose hospitals we bomb
Support freedom of speech and the press except for the people who speak out in favor of the brown people, whom we murder and whose families we also murder
Like no, at that point you don’t get to call yourself anything like a progressive democracy. You lose. The only thing for it is to dissolve the country and start over. Nothing good can ever come from a country whose very and exclusive basis for existence is expropriation of land and resources from an othered brown people for the enrichment of your own “divinely chosen people”
No lgbt person would ever actually want to live in a Palestinian state (or any islamist nation) or seriously thinks they'd have more freedom and safety there than in Israel. This is not to necessarily condone all of Israel's military actions but as a place to live, a Palestinian state vs Israel? It's not even a question.
there are vast swathes of my own country where I would not chance holding hands with my partner for fear of what might happen to us if we were to do so. In fact there are several states now where simply going to the bathroom would land me in jail. Yet when I suggest that such a restriction on my civil liberties should warrant military intervention I am accused of being overdramatic.
Why is it such concern over the safety of queer people only ever seems to be raised when I, a queer person, speak out in defense of an oppressed group whose population includes queer people who are being murdered right now, not by that oppressed group, but rather, by the “progressive” oppressors who claim to support queer people?