• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

IdIOT: Shock and Terror

What happened?
I have to agree with Megan on this one. While I feel like she is taking everything out of proportion and if this happened ANY other ****ing time I doubt she would be so hardline about the whole thing. It just happened at the single ****ing worst time, where Megan feels like she has no power at all in her real life, so she is trying to get any, ANY power, and doesn't want anyone here to "walk all over her" because everyone is doing that IRL to her and she is not going to let anyone do that here, even if it's a harmless mistake.

However, I personally do not like the idea that anyone can write anything they want ever whether it's on their nation or not. (disclaimer I haven't read the offending rp) Megan's rp was a tiny aspect of my nation, it took place in a school and was more or less describing HER nation far more than it was describing mine. My nation was solely used as a backdrop to talk about the culture of Vietnam. It rarely tried to say anything about my nation, and when it barely did, with the questions, she made sure she talked to me to make sure my nation's characterization was correct. Because I know my nation better than someone else, because I created it. Even before she started however, she had the courtesy to ask first, and CG screwed up in that aspect, and IMO if you are going to try to create a cooperative rp or do any rp that is set in someone else's nation, you should at least have the courtesy to ask first, and you shouldn't be suprised when someone gets upset if you still do it, or do something that potentially is going to affect someone else's nation.

That's my opinion, sure anyone can really do anything they want, but is it the courteous thing? The courteous thing would have been for CG to ask Megan first, he didn't realize that, he should have apologized, and Megan should have let it go knowing that CG now knows to ask first. But no, of course every ***ING worst possible thing happens at the worst ***ING times and now this game is DEAD. I hope you are all ****ing happy.
I agree that CG should have checked with Omega first. This sets a dangerous precedent - after all, what's to stop me from RP'ing something like 'GRUNKLE STAN BACKFLIPED OUT OF THE SKY AND STABED [insert world leader here] IN BRANE'

That's all I'll say on the matter.
I agree that CG should have checked with Omega first. This sets a dangerous precedent - after all, what's to stop me from RP'ing something like 'GRUNKLE STAN BACKFLIPED OUT OF THE SKY AND STABED [insert world leader here] IN BRANE'

That's all I'll say on the matter.
But I was using Grunkle Stan for my RP!! :cry:
Since Tony Abbott is no longer the supreme leader of Australia in our dimension, does this mean I have permission to finish the deed in this dimension, as well?
Since there's a huge issue with my RP. I will remove it ASAP.
Since there's a huge issue with my RP. I will remove it ASAP.

While this is one of my resolution points and thank you doing so, at this point I will not return until rules 6 and 7 are recanted. I don't want legal precedent for other people in the game that it's ok to ignore creative ownership, and that we just have to hope that the situation doesn't repeat itself.

If those rules are axed I will rejoin.

Once again thank you civg.
And I'm sorry Megs for not consulting you earlier about my role play. I will in the future consult you in future role plays that I come up with.
Okay, there seems to be a few misconceptions about the update. I'll try to clarify them here with general questions rather than by individually quoting posters as that will just be too difficult.

Will this give me the player the ability to write unreasonable/powergamey RP involving my nation somehow damaging the other people's nations?

No, not at all. You can expect me to overrule any unreasonable RP that breaks game rules or is blatant powergaming, that is literally what the position of GM was created for. :p

Does this mean that we can't ask for permission or ask people to ask for permission before we post RP?

No, but I am not going to encourage, endorse or enforce these sorts of things. I mean I can't exactly stop you from demanding permission or asking for permission, but I really don't think it is something that people should have to do so I'm not making it mandatory.

What is your policy on deleting RP?

I would really rather you not do it or demand it except under the most exceptional circumstances. RP makes writing updates fun and it makes this game fun. If people are discouraged to write RP and if RP is deleted then what is the bloody point of investing all this time and effort into this game. I would rather the player edit a big fat sign that says "THIS IS NON-CANONICAL" or something at the top of their post than that.

What's with Rule Seven?

I have rule seven in there for similar reasons I don't like deleting posts, I want people to write RP and for that RP to stay up. As an aside, I think that allowing RP where people can interact with the world outside of their nation makes for a richer game.

Tell me more about the process of requesting a player alter their RP

Sure. Only request a person alter their RP if it either goes against what you canonically consider you nation, is blatant powergaming or goes against forum rules. Firstly, read the entirety offending post(s). Think about if there is any way you can work around this RP. If there isn't truly any way you think you can work around this RP, then contact the other player (preferably in thread) and ask them to alter their RP to make it more in line with canon or your vision of your nation. If the post is blatant powergaming or breaks forum rules then skip that last step and immediately contact the other player. You may request me to intervene if you do not reach a satisfactory conclusion after contacting the other player, although I may intervene at an earlier time if I deem it necessary. If you do not reach a satisfactory outcome with that, then contact a Moderator but keep Rule Four and the Forum Rules in mind.

The Peaceful Skeleton Realm blew up the world, Reus wins.
I have revised the rules slightly. Rule seven know reads:

7. Don’t let Rule Six discourage you from posting RP, the process described in Rule Six rarely happens and probably won't be as cold and bureaucratic as described. However, it is generally a good idea to communicate with players whose nation's have a major part in your work.

Spoiler :

1. Don’t be a dick, to the GM or to the other players.
2. Follow the forum rules.
3. The GM (Game Moderator) is supreme and answers only to the CFC Moderators and Saber. As the GM, I have absolute authority over the universe and the way the game is run, subject only to the restrictions outlined in the Forum Rules and the IOT Constitution (a.k.a Rules and Guidelines for IOT Games).
4. If you have a problem with my decisions, then contact me. If you don’t receive a satisfactory outcome after contacting me, then take it up with the CFC moderators. Please note that contacting the moderators is extremely serious, please don’t send trivial requests to them and please make every effort to resolve the situation before you call them in.
5. OOC and IC doesn’t mix. Don’t post OOC unnecessarily and try and keep OOC opinions about other players, RL politics and other sensitive topics out of IC comments and RP. Also follow the OOC guidelines outlined in the IOT Constitution.
6. By posting RP in this thread, you agree to relinquish some forms of creative control of your nation and your RP to me as the GM. You have no authority to override other player’s RP or my RP, only the GM and the CFC moderators have the ability to say something is non-canonical. If you have a problem with another player’s depiction of your nation (or the GM’s), take it up with the other player. If you cannot reach an agreement on your own, then contact me. If you don’t receive a satisfactory outcome after contacting me, then take it up with the CFC moderators keeping Rule Four in mind.
7. Don’t let Rule Six discourage you from posting RP, the process described in Rule Six rarely happens and probably won't be as cold and bureaucratic as described. However, it is generally a good idea to communicate with players whose nation's have a major part in your work.
8. Don’t powergame. Powergaming is difficult to define, but most people know it when they see it. The best definition I can give is when you portray your nation as unrealistically powerful or utopic, this goes especially if the GM disagrees with your portrayal.
9. If you post in this thread or participate in this IOT in any way, it will be done under the assumption that you have read and fully understand these rules.
Tentative Orders Lock on the 7th of January (Canberra time). I will be not online as often as I usually am, so if there are any questions you'd usually ask via chat then it would probably be a better idea to send me a VM or a PM.
In spite of everything that had happened recently, the Holy Neko Empire seemed to be trundling along quite nicely. Sure their military had taken a beating in the EVIL invasion and the Psych civil war, but Empress Managan had successfully negotiated a ceasefire and had secured land that her two new advisers had encouraged her to win on behalf of the Siberian cats. Her new Ministers of Culture and Entertainment (Felicia had been promoted to Minister of Health, by her request) worked well with one another, and with a promising secret project coming up they were expected to do a lot of good for the nation. In addition, while the military had suffered some losses including the coup in Scandanavia, the genius general Pang Tong and the deposed queen Aslaug were working closely with scientists from the Lethian immigration group to modernize and strengthen a new military for both nations. Sure things were rough, but Katia was nothing if not optimistic nowadays, so she was hoping for the best outcome.

In the meantime, during the quiet months following the resolution of the EVIL conflict and the Siberian Cat's independence war, she had decided it was time to clean out the old stupid yo-yo-hating Zahmahni's files. Upon seeing the gargantuan mounds of papers stacked almost to the ceiling of the room, she decide to enlist the help of a few ministers who weren't doing much, Aslaug's husband Raul and a posse of royal guards to help clean up the mess. She had only just returned to the room with a pineapple smoothie in her hand when she narrowly dodged a sled zipping down from a mound of trash.

"Whoo, again, again!" one of the new C+E ministers named Leo shouted, the bell on his blue shirt jingling happily and his tail wagging as he bounced off the sled and started dragging it back up the hill. His co-minister, a pink cat named Aeris, simply rolled her eyes as she tore her way through a tiny pile of periodicals.

"This is a most distressing task," Panther Caruso remarked glumly, handing off a box of garbage to an outgoing guardsman. "Who knew the late Sultana was so disorganized?"

"Vell, zat seems to be vhy ve are all here," the German-accented Lethian Jhan Albrecht said, looking pleased as punch as he neatly sorted through some critical files. "Nothink like a bit of order to brighten one's day, ja?" he said to Raul, who was standing next to him trying to tear open a suspicious cardboard box.

"Order is fine, yes, but- EUUUGH," Raul blurted out as he sunk a peak at the contents. "More porn..."

"Toss it on the pile," Aeris said, jerking a thumb at the more massive pile that her co-advisor was sledding down. "Seriously, this Sultana had an obscene amount of porn."

"I'll say," Dink interjected, jumping out from within the dirty picture pile, several magazines visibly stuffed under his collar. "She has more then I do, and that's no small feat! What kind of ruler has this much of it anyway?"

Katia averted her gaze, attempting to casually sip her pineapple smoothie.

"Naughtiness aside, I think I found some mustard-based tech schematics that could help out the armed force rebuilding," Marina the Junior Tech Minister said, perusing through a few blueprints. "I know my bosses would love to get their hands on some of this stuff. I mean, look at this readout for a transistor interjector module!"

"That's not sexy at all," Dink said, sounding disappointing.

Smiling, Katia sucked down the last of her smoothie and moved to a pile next to Albrecht to sort through some more of the important files. After quite a few status reports that went unopened, she found a note stuck inside a folder containing pictures of the old Japanese giantesses.

"Albrecht , look at this," Katia piped up, brandishing the envelope. "It's a note from someone called Dr. Dijon Mustard."

"Ze esteemed Pony condimentologist Dr. Dijon Mustard?" Albrecht said with marked interest.

"...how do you know that?" Katia replied suspiciously.

"Oh, I minored in Condiment Scziences," Albrecht said matter-of-factly. "Fasczinating subject. Mustard is known for her three Theories of Flavor, vhich have greatly impacted ze field of condimentology for ze past decade or so. Pretty big stuff. Vhat did she say in ze letter?"

"I'll find out!" Katia exclaimed, cheerfully tearing open the letter and reading through it. Slowly, her smile faltered and her eyes widened in shock as she got to the end.

"By the Nine," she said in a haunted tone before handing it over to Albrecht. "I haven't the slightest idea what any of this means."

Albrecht rolled his eyes and quickly read through the letter, until his eyes widened in shock too, the hand holding the letter shaking with anxiety as he muttered in haunting Germanic tones under his breath. Everyone in the room seemed to notice his panic as they drew in to hear the news.

"What's up with the mustard lady?" Leo asked bluntly.

"Is not good, is not good at all," Albrecht said in a terrified tone. "It is... ze mustard vein. It...is radioactive!"

This did not seem to have the desired effect on anyone besides Albrecht. Marina, on the other hand, had a look of dawning realization on her face, which drew puzzled stares from the others.

"Do you know something about this?" Aeris remarked suspiciously.

"Well no," Marina said. "But if that mustard vein is unconstrained and radioactive that explains where I got the laser eyes from!"

"...you have laser eyes?" everyone else in the room chorused.

"Well, yeah!" Marina said as though this was entirely normal. "I know at least two other people my age that shoot lasers from their eyes. My best friend Mike can fly, and I know a few guys who can lift cars and stuff. Hormones, am I right?"

Her innocent little grin faltered at everyone's shocked expression.

"I think we need to have a meeting," Katia said, breaking the stunned silence.

Unless I have seriously misunderstood how date and time works, in about two hours it will be the one year anniversary of when I originally posted this thread. IdIOT will have been running for a whole year, which is kind of surreal. One whole year of the toppest keks and the dankest memes. Although we have had our fair share of hiccups along the way it has been a great experience for me and I hope it has been a great experience for you as well. I want to thank all of my players, every single one of you have contributed to what IdIOT is today. From people who posted a minimum amount to sign up then never sent in orders to my most prolific RPers, all of you have shaped this game.

Now I want to talk about the future. Usually I would say "here's to another year of IdIOT" or something to that effect, but who knows what the next year will bring? Don't get me wrong, IdIOT isn't going away and the next update is happening. However, it will have to end sometime and I don't think this is going to last as long as End of Empires (although if it did then that would be hilarious). Saber willing, I will bring IdIOT to a satisfying and natural conclusion. Will that be next year? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, I foresee a great amount of epic funposting to be had. Here's to the past, present and future. May this next year keep #rudeness to a minimum and be exblemely ebic : DDDDD

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