• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

IdIOT: Shock and Terror

To: Everyone but EVIL
From: USV
CC: EVIL I guess

Dear whomever it may concern,

As you may or may not be aware, EVIL kidnapped citizens from every nation on Earth during the World Cup. Therefore, they directly attacked each and everyone of your national sovereignty. Vietnam is not going to let this trangession go unawnsered.

Therefore, we coridally invite every nation to join us in an international coalition to kick EVIL right in the sack and remove them from the face of the earth. We welcome anyone who wants to enact revenge against these annoying little *censored*

Refreshments of MREs will be served!



To: Rhomania

Our offer for a one turn ceasefire in our brushfire conflicts so we can divert all of our attention to EVIL still stands.
To: Everyone but EVIL
From: USV
CC: EVIL I guess

Dear whomever it may concern,

As you may or may not be aware, EVIL kidnapped citizens from every nation on Earth during the World Cup. Therefore, they directly attacked each and everyone of your national sovereignty. Vietnam is not going to let this trangession go unawnsered.

Therefore, we coridally invite every nation to join us in an international coalition to kick EVIL right in the sack and remove them from the face of the earth. We welcome anyone who wants to enact revenge against these annoying little *censored*

Refreshments of MREs will be served!



To: Rhomania

Our offer for a one turn ceasefire in our brushfire conflicts so we can divert all of our attention to EVIL still stands.

Agreed and Agreed.

Party at EVIL's Place, Romania will bring the cannons.

(ooc: i have some rp ideas, but school is kicking my flank, hopefully there will be something before the order lock)
The Holy Neko Empire accepts the invitation to this shindig. Let's nut some skulls!
While we won't participate directly in this battle, might we offer you some strength-stimulators, under the brand name of Buffout, all for your brave soldiers?
The Church of Goomy could contribute some Pokemon to the war effort.
To: Everyone but EVIL
From: USV
CC: EVIL I guess

Dear whomever it may concern,

As you may or may not be aware, EVIL kidnapped citizens from every nation on Earth during the World Cup. Therefore, they directly attacked each and everyone of your national sovereignty. Vietnam is not going to let this trangession go unawnsered.

Therefore, we coridally invite every nation to join us in an international coalition to kick EVIL right in the sack and remove them from the face of the earth. We welcome anyone who wants to enact revenge against these annoying little *censored*

Refreshments of MREs will be served!



From: Nationalist Nova Terra

We will definitely be there. Oh it's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum...

...and I'm all out of gum.

Let the rampage of EVIL's Headquarters, begin!

Imperitrix Connie Marshall
We will be hosts of a dinner we do not want to host; all we can do now is welcome our guests.

EVIL will promise to pay its live insurance in full to its defenders; if we die we will die standing!
~48 hours until orders lock
*sigh*. Make that ~70 Hours Until Lock. Don't blame me, blame people changing plans last minute.
24 hours until lock people! Go Go Go!
To E.V.I.L.
From The Mystery Country

Hey doods,

Uh, no hard feelings, but I've been asked to tell you we're at war now. Sorry dawg.

To E.V.I.L.
From The Mystery Country

Hey doods,

Uh, no hard feelings, but I've been asked to tell you we're at war now. Sorry dawg.


There is not going to be enough coffee and tea to ensure our guest are given a good visit.

Perhaps we should start supplying you all liquid lead? Whatever the case we will indeed make you most welcome; with our fortress base secure and our guards loyal you will find this a most splendid tea party indeed. E.V.I.L will not disappoint its guests; that is a promise we will keep to the end! We can even give you a special tour of our dolphin pools and allow you in close to the killer dolphins within them...
Lock extended 48 hours. I'm really not happy about this.

Pacific Fleet Mobilizes to Strike Against EVIL

The Pacific Aquatic Fleet has mobilized it's forces, along with Nova Terran Marine divisions, to set out to strike against EVIL under the flagship of the Battleship Thunderchild. General Artemes Devarian of the Nova Terran Marines expect to give EVIL Agents a pounding "I will ensure that the will of the Imperitrix is followed, that no EVIL Agents will die standing. Instead, we will ensure they are forced to the ground. Even if our marksmen and shotgunners have to blow out their knee-caps. Nova Terra does not forget, nor does it forgive. We will make sure EVIL knows that as they're sent to oblivion". General Veers has also stated that he's going to be involved in the assault against EVIL. However the details of his mission is kept classified.


Local Elder Readies Himself for One Man Assault Against EVIL

A local man named Charles Green, otherwise known as Angry Grandpa, has declared that he's going to personally go to EVIL's Headquarters to destroy the contents of the building "The [Explicit deleted] is going to get wrecked. He may offer us tea and coffee, but I'm going to personally pour them down the [Explicit deleted]'s pants. He's going to pay for the [Explicit deleted] he has done, not just to what he did to our troops in the Cyberwar, but for what he [Explicit deleted] did to the world. I have no words to say to the Director of EVIL except that I want his [Explicit deleted]ing scalp! I won't stop until I chop the [Explicit deleted]'s knees off and dies lying down. The [Explicit deleted] wont stand dying, he will [Explicit deleted] lie down on the ground, bleeding out like the [Explicit deleted] dog that he is. None of EVIL's troops will stand dying, they will all have their [Explicit deleted] knee caps blown the [Explicit deleted] off and fall to the ground to die! I will personally [Explicit deleted] burn all of their insurance papers! I tell you what, I will [Explicit deleted] stand over De Veen and smile at him while he [Explicit deleted] dies like a [Explicit deleted] dog."

Angry Grandpa then continues on "Oh I've been waiting for [Explicit deleted] ages to wage my revenge. I know the youngin's are up in arms to see the knee caps of EVIL [Explicit deleted] blown off to die on the floor. I've been waiting a long time for this, now's my [Explicit deleted] chance". Man, how foul mouth is this guy? Can't believe I had to interview him. Well, at least it's just one Nova Terran that's insane. - Pipper Wright


Bryyo Fuel Gel Production Doubles

The Nova Terran planet of Bryyo has unexpectedly struck a new source of Fuel Gel deposits. Poseidon Energy has projected an output of Fuel Gel, a substance that bears the similarities of petroleum, to double in the first few quarters of operation. Poseidon Energy epects to have an increase in construction of Fuel Gel refineries dotting across Bryyo to distribute refined petroleum products across Nova Terra. Poseidon Energy CEO Jatt Baralein states that the increase of Fuel Gel reservoirs came in an opportune time when Earthian nations have started to make inroads into space. "While the Earthians are making inroads into space. I have made strides to ensure that Nova Terra is not left behind and get overtaken. Space has been and will be the main dominion of Nova Terra." Jatt Baralein stated.


Department of State Undergoes Reformation Within it's Ranks

In the aftermath of the treachery of E.V.I.L. that has damaged the international standing with Nova Terra, including Abbotsford. Under the blessing of Imperitrix Marshall, Dennis Crocker has conducted a reformation movement within the State Department. "It goes to show, that the past events during the SADS crisis that things wen't overboard. The Galaxy News Network certainly didn't help things ether, making us look nutter than Kim Jong-il. However, it did shed light on the behavior of our diplomats during the crisis. In the process of the rapprochement with Abbotsford, both Connie and I have decided as part of it, to reform the diplomacy corps within the Department of State. Lilith Aensland has been appointed to be the head of the diplomatic corps within the State Department".

The process the diplomats had to go through were a session of anger management in order to have cool and level headed diplomats within the diplomacy corps. Both old and new diplomats are said to go through the process. As well as a regimen of diplomacy related classes. "It's quite hard" Crocker stated "We've always, for the longest time, been a nation that has only relied on hard power. Since the nations we've encountered have always been obtrusive and seeking our utter destruction. As a consequence, we've have always looked after our own. By the looks of Abbott's government looking to reconsider the nature of our alliance, is evident that we may end up having to look after our own once again and end up in a self-imposed state of isolationism. That's something I seek to avoid having us go down that path".

The reformation of the State Department was largely motivated not only from the fallout of the Connie-Abbot Feud over SADS, but a segment of an article written by Jack A. Roue. "I personally want to prove that the Nova Terran hegemon is not fragile. Given that a real threat has rolled up on our doorsteps, both I and the Imperitrix want to show to the world that this threat from EVIL is not going to paralyze this nation. Instead, the threat has mobilized our nation instead, seeking revenge for what EVIL has done to us, and to the world. The goal is still rapprochement and better relations between the Government of Abbotsford and the Government of Nova Terra".

When prompted on the rumors of Uncle Stan's displeasure of the authoritarian developments that has happened Crocker responded "It's a sad situation that's been force upon us with years of wars being waged against us. Other nations that want to seek our destruction while we want to be left alone and not be a target. I'm going to be honest that it's tiring to constantly be at war and I can say the Imperitrix says the same. The biggest thing that Nova Terra ask after EVIL has been dealt with is peace. We have never gotten a golden opportunity to engage in soft power politics when all were doing is being constantly on the defense. I can asure Mr. Pines that the authoritarian development is just a phase of Nova Terra being pushed to it's breaking point of 'enoughs enough' with all these wars. The Imperitrix and I wish to see a continued Good Neighbor Policy and a strong Alliance between Nova Terra and the Mystery Nation. I will say, the drums of war, will go silent once EVIL has been dealt with".


Galactic News Network Reforms Itself, Piper Wright named Editor

As the State Department Reforms themselves, so did the Galactic News Network. Largely motivated by a piece written by Jack A. Roue in regards to the State Media. "When I read that piece, I knew I had to do something" Piper Wright said "While it's an opinion article, it's still valuable information for me to rectify the problem Nova Terran media has. Though when I took up the position of Editor by Mr. Nightshade, I only found the Galactic News Network a shell of it's former self after the feud between GNN and ABC with most of the staff having resigned only to leave behind a small set of staffers from the Inquisition producing war media for against EVIL".

Piper has stated that the goals for the reformation of the GNN is to staff the media organization with more level and cool headed staffers. Along with a mission to bring a positive public perception of the Nova Terran government to the world and refraining the press from engaging in knee-jerk reaction to non-issue events.


Homeland Security Issues Wanted Poster of De Veen, Nova Terran Supreme Court issues an Execution Warrant for De Veen

The Department of Homeland Security has released to the world a wanted poster for the most dangerous terrorist on the planet, De Veen. The Nova Terran Supreme Court has also issued an execution warrant on De Veen. Imperitrix Connie Marshall has personally issued the bounty and hopes to see De Veen captured; dead or alive. Preferably, dead. "Herrick De Veen claims that he's going to die standing, I have once piece of news for him" Imperitrix Connie Marshall stated while issuing the bounty notice "De Veen will die on the ground like a dog. My men and women will ensure that De Veen and his men will die on the ground. Even if it means shooting out their knee caps to force them to the ground".


To: Dan Quayle, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Abbotsford, Inc.
From: Roger McDonough, Nova Terran Ambassador to Abbotsford

Salutations, I am Roger McDonough, Nova Terran Ambassador to your great nation. I've personally ensured that this letter gets into the hands of you, Mr. Quayle, as both the State Department of Nova Terra and myself feel that we'd have a better chance at moving forward in continuing the rapprochement process. While it may be evident that Abbott is not going to be inclined to come to our aid, I do hope that Abbott would reconsider and lend in aid against EVIL. Especially given that were fighting a mutual enemy. Nova Terra would be most grateful if Abbotsford come to it's aid to keep our shores safe from EVIL's menace on top of destroying EVIL. In turn, Nova Terra will also keep Australian shores safe from the menace of EVIL.

I also come forward, on behalf of Imperitrix Connie Marshall that she herself apologizes for the slanderous allegations that were made years ago and apologize for the act of plagiarism for Connie's speech made during the Nationalist Party Rally. I do hope that further rapprochement efforts keep the nature of our alliance between us stable and intact for years to come and convince on our behalf that the nature of our alliance to be maintained and is still worth keeping. The Nova Terrans appreciated keeping the Japanese menace at bay as well as aiding us under the table during the Cyberwars.

I also should keep you up to speed that Nova Terra has started to reform it's Diplomatic Corps and it's press to be not as trigger happy as demonstrated during the SADS Crisis. Even anger management clinics have started to spring up across towns to make our citizens, less trigger happy.

Roger McDonough
Orders Locked!
Investment and Industrialization

- Makis Voridis, Minister of Finance​

Makis Voridis, Minister of Finance, announced a program of:

  • Large scale public investment and state intervention for the industrialization of Caucasus.
  • Tax cuts and abolition of much of government regulation to attract private investors.
  • Economic aid to new private companies.

The first scale of the program is state intervention and public investment to industrialize the Caucasus. As private investors do not have the capital or the intention to make large scale investments, the state will take it onto itself to industrialize the country using it's huge capital to make public investments and create industries. At some point in the future, part of those public industries shall be privatized but for now there is a need for state intervention.

The second scale of the program has to do with attracting private investors, as public investment is not enough. To achieve this, there will be cuts in taxes and equal cuts of public spending to make sure that the budget remains balanced despite the tax cuts. The cuts will mainly be in wages and pensions, so as to not affect the public investment program. The cuts in wages and pensions will be proportional to how high they are. Higher wages and pensions shall see some cuts of 15 - 10% while lower ones will see only a cut of about 5%. Also, government regulations would be limited and bureaucracy curbed so as to attract foreign investment.

New companies shall also pay zero taxes for the first three years and be given economic aid so that they can develop and hire new workers, thus combating unemployment.

With those measures, Makis Voridis hopes that the economy will grow, the unemployment will be decreased and the popular support for the government shall be increased.
ZOMG! Christos posted, since forever! :run:

( ;) )
MINOR RULE CHANGE: A while back I said you weren't allowed to transfer POL between countries. I understand why this rule was in place, it would make the system way too complicated to be able to transfer POL from nation to nation directly, but it does make the system rather inflexible. Recently, I thought of a compromise that I could give a try.

If you want, you can order your spies to leave a country that they have infiltrated. This is an all-or-nothing proposition, if you order you spies to leave a country they have infiltrated then they will all leave, you can't order half of them to leave or something like that. If you successfully evacuate then you'll get all the POL back (minus causalities). However, there is a chance you will get caught moving your spies around like this. This chance increases exponentially if you have a large amount of POL invested in a nation, so be careful.
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