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Is Donald Trump Done for?

Except when Trump probably is done for, he'll just resign. No one will ever want to be the President that gets impeached(and removed from office). Otherwise, you hold steady like Johnson and Clinton knowing that you have done literally nothing wrong. Therefore, Trump isn't done for at all.
Except when Trump probably is done for, he'll just resign. No one will ever want to be the President that gets impeached(and removed from office). Otherwise, you hold steady like Johnson and Clinton knowing that you have done literally nothing wrong. Therefore, Trump isn't done for at all.
Except that once out of office it looks like there will be prosecutions for more than one illegal deed. Money laundering is my top bet followed by tax fraud and actions by his charity. The foreign corrupt practices act may also bite him in the butt.
Except that once out of office it looks like there will be prosecutions for more than one illegal deed. Money laundering is my top bet followed by tax fraud and actions by his charity. The foreign corrupt practices act may also bite him in the butt.
Getting your hopes up too high though. Government officials have rarely been caught with money laundering especially even if they get out of office. :sleep:
Getting your hopes up too high though. Government officials have rarely been caught with money laundering especially even if they get out of office. :sleep:
Money laundering Russian money is separate from stealing from your charity. There will be lots of folks wanting to get in on that action.
Money laundering Russian money is separate from stealing from your charity. There will be lots of folks wanting to get in on that action.
I doubt it. My wager is that if Trump suddenly stops being the President or somehow lose the 2020 election or succeeds after his 2nd term, all these controversies and investigations will run cold.
Paying for dirt is not a crime but asking someone to expose dirt is?
Paying for opposition research is not a crime. A campaign receiving anything of value from a foreign country is. Let alone conspiracy to defraud the United States by subverting the American electoral process.

This has been explained to you.
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Funny how all the people he's seeking to ban just happen to have the same skin color.
Even if that was true, which it is not it would still be irrelevant. They would still be just a subset of a wider group that also shares that same attribute that he has not banned. Call me when you can show he would have restricted access to Chinese or European muslims or citizens of those regions of arab descent.

Also to say nothing of this bizarre semantic end-around apologists want to play any time discussion of immigration pops up. Let's say for a second that this end-around successfully proves that these immigration bans were not undertaken with a racial animus, does that thereby render the act no longer morally reprehensible? Does it render his treatment of immigrants as no longer a human rights disaster? Does it render his motivation for these bans as no longer predicated on unfounded fearmongering? Even if you were to win this patently absurd semantic game, what did you win? What of substance has changed about his actions? Or how we are to perceive them?
There is absolutely nothing morally wrong with restricting migration on any grounds. Moving to another country is a privilege that country can give or deny at will and not a right.

Maybe "mexican" isn't a race, and maybe "Muslim" isn't a race. But Trump's immigration policy has, from the very outset, been constructed around an "us vs them" narrative. "They" are coming to rape and/or steal and/or murder "our" women. "They" are coming to sell drugs to "our" opioid-addicted children. "They" are coming to take "our" jobs and depress "our" wages. "They" are coming to exploit systems originally set up to benefit "us". Maybe the "they" isn't a race, but I'd say it's pretty undeniable who the "us" is referring to in Trump's speeches.
All migration politics are. Unless you subscribe to the abolishment of nationality and infinite freedom of movement. Indeed all politics are us vs them because it is one nation vs another. You literally have to abolish countries to get rid of that.

So unless you are actually advocating for that I don't see your point. And if you are I vehemently disagree.

This is such a laughable mischaracterization of something which has been emphatically and repeatedly explained to you.
I am not characterizing anything. I just disagree with your line of reasoning. I find your your explanations to be based on conjecture, assumption, logical leaps and an interpretation of the facts that I don't see as reasonable.

Lexicus is describing an understanding that many (other) people have of "our existing meritocracy" and how Trump disrupts that order. That order is a large social institution that claims the mantel of meritocracy regardless of a fuller understanding of merits.
But that understanding is wrong, and evidently so as shown by every democratic system that exists on the face of the planet and every political figure in any position of any power irregardless how large or small within those systems.

The facts demonstrate clearly that democracy is just rule by popularity pageant. If for no other reason than because no democratic system in existence has or ever had any sort of prescribed list of additional qualifications of a professional nature. At best they may require citizenship or being born in the country or something like that.

It's literally a job interview with no requirements other than who impresses the interviewer the most.

I try to explain
Stability and continuity of policies of a country have as much a value as the opinion of the moment, of the people of that moment and at that moment.
Polarised flipflopping laws every time your government changes from Red to Blue is imo a primitive and wastefull/confusing way to be "democratic".
Which is why you don't often see radical shifts from business as usual in party programs. And when you do you know it won't be followed upon.
The people think they want change. What they actually want business as usual but with them being on top for a change. What they are promised is radical change. And what they get is business as usual but with the ruling class playing musical chairs for a term or two.

The whole system is basically designed around the fact that no matter what you do you can't keep the ruling class from screwing you over, but you can at least give them enough pause that they don't go all Caligula on you.
There is absolutely nothing morally wrong with restricting migration on any grounds. Moving to another country is a privilege that country can give or deny at will and not a right.

On the contrary, free movement of people has been defined by the United Nations as a right. But let's be clear how far you'd go in this - do you believe that the United States' immigration laws in the past were not morally wrong? The restriction of citizenship to free white men? The explicit racial quotas of the 1920s which only ended, mind, in 1965?
I'll also not let the 'restricting migration is amoral' slide.

It's also an explicit restriction on the freedoms of your own citizenry. The government is putting a barrier between me and the person I am willing to hire. A barrier between me and the person I want to transact with. I put up a job advertisement, and a person in another country says "I am qualified to do this work" and then protectionists say that I am not allowed to hire this person. I am not allowed to rent them an apartment. I am not allowed to serve them at my restaurant.

I don't deny that a country should treat its borders like a resource, mainly due to game-theory. But it's not amoral. It's a deliberate infringement on your own citizenry. It's insignificantly different from a union physically not allowing strikebreaking scabs to cross the picket line.

As to why people find Trump despicable, there's no real point in arguing against it, because you'll just end up showing how any combination of odious behaviours aren't a dealbreaker for you. There are always more. He's racist, he's an egregious liar, he doesn't have self-awareness, he's sexually assaulted (at least) Natasha Stoynoff, he faked charity efforts, and he engages in negative-sum thinking. I also dislike a large number of the policies he's forwarded, pursued, and enacted.
I can understand more exec orders during a war but I'm surprised there were so many up to WWII, they've really dropped off. I wonder why
Wasn't WWII the moment when a lot of functions were finally delegated to separate independentish agencies? Until at least 1945 U.S. citizenship was granted by special (read: bought) Acts of Congress. The same might have happened with other areas.
Funny how all the people he's seeking to ban just happen to have the same skin color.
And they are the non-rich type. Saudi dynasts, oil sheikhs, Egyptian generals and the like have no trouble getting in or out. It's almost as though Donald Trump was withholding things from people who need them and giving them for free to those who have so much that they cannot even use what they have… oh wait.
Like which ones? I have not been paying too much attention. So please, present your case. I am genuinely curious.


"You can put it on your nachos and eat it". This is classic racist trope added to an inhumane point. So yea since Fox and Friends is an extension of Trump (or Trump is an extension of Fox and Friends I can;t figure that part out yet), this administration is overtly racist politically.
But that understanding is wrong, and evidently so as shown by every democratic system that exists on the face of the planet and every political figure in any position of any power irregardless how large or small within those systems.

The facts demonstrate clearly that democracy is just rule by popularity pageant. If for no other reason than because no democratic system in existence has or ever had any sort of prescribed list of additional qualifications of a professional nature. At best they may require citizenship or being born in the country or something like that.

It's literally a job interview with no requirements other than who impresses the interviewer the most.

No, see: all literature of Political Theory.

Now, there are more definitions of Democracy than there are scholars working on it, but quite possibly all of them go farther than a "popularity pageant". A choice or election is almost always a central part of any democratic conception, but there are other facets. Some of course are more tangential, like whether a capitalistic system is required. Some are more basic pre-conditions: the Guarantee of Human Rights for example which leads you to problems as some human rights are in conflict with others. The way to guarantee those rights is the Rule of Law. Protecting the citizenry from the tyranny of the king's will and whim was a huge part of the parliamentary push. The Separation of Powers stems directly from the wish to not allow such concentrations of powers to happen, Checks and Balances you know. So no, Democracy is not a popularity contest, since the ones elected don't hold automatic unbound power to just do whatever they want. They are constraint by the system. My own personal definition (of those uncountable ones I mentioned at the beginning) puts not that element of choice at the core of democracy, but the element of "institutionalized processes that were agreed upon beforehand". It's that dance of time and power.

But I fear that point will be lost on you since you seem to be trolling with your arguments, but I couldn't let the democracy = popularity contest stand as a political scientist. If not for you, for everyone else who'll read these posts...
But that understanding is wrong
It's better described as an ideology or value system but you're preaching to the choir in some of us. Discussion ≠ endorsement.
Trump walked off the stage again, was reported saying get "me out of here" as one of he asides ran after him and the President of Argentina was left on the stage bewildered

Overshadowed by this was Trumps trade war in which the Chinese would start negotiating in exchange a freeze on new tariffs for 90 days, Chinese would increase us imports by an unspecified amount.
Trump announcement seems to be somewhat different though saying Chinese would start importing US agriculture and energy again. Even though US oil was never tariffed and only US coal was tariffed. This is actually a surprise I expected Trump to gaslight, threaten and insult China again escalating the trade war.

Lets see if China resumes soybean imports, since US soy prices are now low that even with the Chinese paying tariffs it would be a good time to buy. And to me it looks like Chinese government had essentially ordered a US soy boycott that was preventing soy purchases.

EDIT: Link to Trump walking off stage while an aside chases after him
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Overshadowed by this was Trumps trade war in which the Chinese would start negotiating in exchange a freeze on new tariffs for 90 days, Chinese would increase us imports by an unspecified amount.
Trump announcement seems to be somewhat different though saying Chinese would start importing US agriculture and energy again. Even though US oil was never tariffed and only US coal was tariffed. This is actually a surprise I expected Trump to gaslight, threaten and insult China again escalating the trade war.
The gaslighting has already happened.
More to the point, does @Old Hippy remember that Mueller himself is a life long Republican, who was appointed as head of the FBI by a Republican president? Or has he soaked so much Trumpist Kool-Aid into his brain that he's buying into the "if you aren't bending the knee and swearing loyalty to Trump then you must be a Democrat" nonsense that the Ministry of Propaganda is pumping out?
The kool aid is thinking that the corrupt swamp is only applied to democrats by Trump.
Who says he is going to drain ''the swamp'' corrupt life long republicans included
The kool aid is thinking that the corrupt swamp is only applied to democrats by Trump.
Who says he is going to drain ''the swamp'' corrupt life long republicans included
You never answered my question about why you use RT.com as a source of your information. Do you not know who they are?
Muslim is not a race, it's a religion.

When your best argument against someone being racist is one of semantics, you may have a problem.

It's especially obnoxious when a cursory read of the relevant wiki page would show you that you're not even semantically correct: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism

"Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art or physical appearance."
"According to a United Nations convention on racial discrimination, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination."

There is absolutely nothing morally wrong with restricting migration on any grounds.

Doing something on immoral grounds cannot be moral.
The kool aid is thinking that the corrupt swamp is only applied to democrats by Trump.
Who says he is going to drain ''the swamp'' corrupt life long republicans included .

Oh Trump is draining the swamp alright, I look forward to all of Trump associates being indicted one by one.
Looks like Trump Tax accountant is going to be drained for running tax frauds next I hear that one Trump Jnr is up for draining.

Thats some 4D chess move by Trump FBI appointee that Trump personally handpicked.
its all coming up TRUMP
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