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New Beta Version - May 21st (5/21)

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Lord of the Community Patch
Sep 26, 2010
Little Rock
Hey all,

New version inbound. Short changelog:

  • Bugfixes for many things reported on github
  • Some CTD and saveload issue bugs fixed
  • New events by Xony
  • Buffed Trireme and Quinquereme slightly
  • Added an additional tier 4 promotion for each of the core promotion tiers (Accuracy, Barrage, etc.)

Not savegame compatible (caching issues), but otherwise quite stable. I'll be out of town until next week, so this will most likely be the next official version of the mod. We're getting quite close to a final version here, especially for the CBO.

Beta Downloads Folder

Online as of 12:30am EST.

Hurray, bugfixes! About how many new Events are we talking here, G?

Looking forward to the increased tier-4 promotion flexibility too.
Hurray, bugfixes! About how many new Events are we talking here, G?

If you were in the Event System Development Team you would know. :mischief:
Hey Gazebo, not having much luck with this or the previous beta. I know its a beta so it will only work for everyone but I am getting stuck in a loop and cannot progress any further when I start a new game. Looking at the lua log the last entry is [9526.250] WorldBuilderMapLoader: Map Generation - Adding Resources
Hey Gazebo, not having much luck with this or the previous beta. I know its a beta so it will only work for everyone but I am getting stuck in a loop and cannot progress any further when I start a new game. Looking at the lua log the last entry is [9526.250] WorldBuilderMapLoader: Map Generation - Adding Resources

Post an issue on github, however my assumption is that you are encountering an install error, you are missing DLC, or you are using an incompatible mapscript.

Hey Gazebo, not having much luck with this or the previous beta. I know its a beta so it will only work for everyone but I am getting stuck in a loop and cannot progress any further when I start a new game. Looking at the lua log the last entry is [9526.250] WorldBuilderMapLoader: Map Generation - Adding Resources

Have you tried deleting your cache folder? I had to do that for the last beta.
Have you tried deleting your cache folder? I had to do that for the last beta.

Yeah, I have tried this but still not working. I will have a look at the github and see if anyone else had had this issue.

EDIT: Problem solved I deleted Communitas.lua as it was the only script I could see that did map generation stuff and it works now.
Note about the Bandeirantes: the unit doesn't have the "Ignores Terrain Cost" promotion that the Explorer has, which I suppose that wasn't intended. Posting in the github now.
Question about the future: does reaching a final version of the mod mean that there will still be balance tweaks but no more major features added, or that there will not be any new versions/patches at all?
Question about the future: does reaching a final version of the mod mean that there will still be balance tweaks but no more major features added, or that there will not be any new versions/patches at all?

I think it mean only bug-correction versions (with maybe some exceptions)
Just started a game with the 05-14 version yesterday. :(

Anyway, I have a question: In the last couple of months' versions, I've experienced that the AI pays zero attention to Natural Wonders when settling. Before that, it would always settle Natural Wonders first priority (which I really liked). Examples of current behaviour not only includes "bad" natural wonders (like the Grand Mesa), but AI routinely places cities so that they can NOT work Great Barrier Reef (even when placing cities one hex off would allow them to do it) and prime wonders like Uluru, Mount Sinai and Sri Pada frequently go unclaimed for long stretches of the game in spite of being fairly close to the AI's starting position.
I just wanted to say thank you for your input and efforts in making this patch that brings the best out of CIV V. I dont experience any more crashes and the AI is much more capable at attacking and defending.

All the best to you and all the contributors :) you guys deserve a drink
Has anyone managed to get this working with Wine? I'm still just getting CTDs 10-20 turns in when processing opponent's turns.

What I'd really like to know is how I can run the .exe from a terminal so I can see the Wine output, might be able to nail down the call that's causing the crashes and submit a bug report to WineHQ.
I did 2 games with this version. Here my reports.

1st, Random Civ on communitas map in Deity. Denmark. WOOO first time trying them they were never appealing to me and i feel them a little underpowered. ANyway random is random lets play !
Finally denmark isnt at all underpowered, free pillage (and gold from city attack) make me really rich in early war (i always struggle in economy when i build units usually but there even if i had a negativ GPT, i had a big treasury !) and the unique building (lighthouse replacement) is not limitated to coastal city and is awesome ! Fun game even if my first ancient war against Marocco, the IA didnt do great job in managing his units due to bad terrain.... But my second war (end of classical/start of medieval) against Netherlands was really awesome. The IA did great job in managing his units. a lot of hills mountains and narrow passages so it was hard to advance for me and could never catch the injured dutch units.... so a really long war ! Great job with the IA !

First time i play with events fun, i like bad or good one but often i got the same event multiple times in a row maybe a little boring

2nd Game, same configuration, this time i got Portugal.

First bug found :
horde near the neighbouring city state. Positionning my military units on the border to wait for filthy barbarians... A barbarian spawns litterally on my archer, moving my archer one tile away and killing the great general who was under my archer (and him was not pushed away !) had to reload with new random seeds cuz it was a little furstating to lose a general like this !

In summary i go for scientific victory (germany + Siam + Autria in the same game, so i dont want to go for diplomatic ^^) now im in modern Era and start trading tech with other IA.

Siam offered me 2 coals and some flat gold for a tech... he is 5 tech behind so i dont care to sell him one tech, i need coal so the deal is appealing but.... i can trade this same tech for 3 of his main cities ! (giving me access to 5 coal by this way). I tried and Siam accepted... sorry but its really disappointing and killing all the fun of the game .... Really 3 rich wealthy and big cities for 1 tech ? are u kidding me. Well I should purpose that deal, but really IA undervalued the "price" of cities ! Siam was 3rd in scoreboard and me 7th. Now after the deal im 3rd and he is 7th .... he offered me one city with 35 pop, 28 pop and 24 pop when u know at this moment the biggest city of the wolrd is 38 pop....
IA really struggles to estimates the right price of a city... for Siam, his little city newly founded on 1 tile tiny island is near the same value of is 2nd founded city with 35 pop (and was his biggest city ahead his capital ! )

Sorry for the long post, i wanted to share both my experience and the little "bugs" i found (not only to bug report) ! and sorry for my english !

Regarding tech trading, I've had better results turning that off and re-enabling research agreements instead. I think the tech trading needs to be re-balanced a bit, but it's been a while since I've played with that option, so I don't remember specifics.
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