planned coup prevented in Germany

Should be a private "forum" then of a few nations that still care about old hat, not an international one..
Not very old hat to care about being paid back money, it seems ;) (cough, austerity)
Poland already sent invitations to other countries. It also threatened to raise the issue in the UN.
Never did "austerity" here it's not the Burgundian way - we have a budget that rivals Haiti - the Germans and IMF can shove it, we're our own hedge fund

In the present-day Netherlands, inhabitants of the culturally Catholic area of Meierij van 's-Hertogenbosch are considered by the other Dutch to have a Burgundian character, meaning that they are supposed to be companionable people who like to party exuberantly

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Germany hasn't paid Greece any war reparations
This is pretty off-topic, but still incorrect. I wouldn't have commented as it looks like Germany's lack of political commitment to any further reparations has been criticised by its own parties internally, but you stressed "any", and, well, there were some.

The conspiracy theory of "the government did it" continues to be funny, though :) It's amazing how many people buy into the "dangerous leftists / antifa" spiel, but fall over their own feet repeatedly trying to marginalise or otherwise diminish threats from the right-of-centre.
Gorbles, pls. Germany paid something laughable, like two digit millions. That is by all means equal to zero - again you have issues with infinitesimals being identified in practice as zero, but having paid roughly 0.00...1% is not worth bringing up as non-zero.
Not offtopic either, since the claim was that the zero-day Poland threat about german reparations can possibly be influencing this "spiel" about coups and nazis.
Gorbles, pls. Germany paid something laughable, like two digit millions. That is by all means equal to zero - again you have issues with infinitesimals being identified in practice as zero :p
I'm glad you agree that the figure was real and did exist. If we handwave away things that happened for the sake of ideological convenience, it kinda undermines the point being made, no? I get wanting better reparations (and again: there are elements of the Germany political spectrum that would agree!), but when describing history, it's always best to be as accurate as possible.

Especially in a thread where people are insisting that the government ran a false flag operation because they can't be trusted not to. Handwaving away historic reparations suggests a crafted narrative, instead of a factual state of affairs.


Or let's go completely the other way. If you want leeway when making claims about countries we know you have a bone to pick with generally, maybe ease up on your own pedantry :p I'm fine with either. I just want folks to stick to one or the other, instead of one for them and another for others.
I really don't get what you are trying to do. I suppose we are more alike than I originally thought ^^
You said Germany hadn't paid any reparations. I'm saying you were incorrect in making that claim, as much as you may consider the amount given to not be enough. You have a Thing with Germany, generally (so does inno, but it's fundamentally different - I wouldn't conflate the two), and I'm using this correction to also point out there is political will in Germany for more reparations. Would've thought you'd have appreciated the insight, but apparently not.
There isn't political will in Germany for "more" (lol) reparations. It was massively downvoted in their parliament.
Anyway, the relevant to the thread (possibly influencing the branding of this as a coup, let alone a nazi one) zero-day news* was about Poland's initiative/threat, Greece is just one of the countries invited to join in such a convention. Greece seeking war reparations (and return of the forced war-loan) isn't news, it has been around for (literally) decades.

*not literally zero, a couple of days old, hopefully that isn't a problem too
There isn't political will in Germany for "more" (lol) reparations.
I can't find a more recent article about it being voted down - most results refer to either 2015 (under Tsipras) or 2019 (again under Tsipras), with the one I've provided being the most recent. You obviously know the Greek side of things, but it's kinda obvious you don't know the German side of things, and instead treat the entire country's political spectrum as one kind of single amorphous hostile entity.

I'd go as far to say as this colours your impression of the coup planning given the fact it's the Germany government that's involved.
*not literally zero, hopefully that isn't a problem too
Buddy you're fine with pedantry when it suits you, don't complain about it just because you're the one being poked this time :)
Better to discuss the subjects, instead of pontificating on why one is posting what, otherwise we will be going in circles and it will make even any point raised be lost.
So for the third time: my point was about Poland now demanding war reparations or it will go to the UN etc. Which is fairly logical to assume plays a part in this latest charade with coups or non-coups by zero (sorry, up to 25) people.
(ie, diversions are useful)
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with coups or non-coups by zero (sorry, up to 25) people
If you're going to suggest what is better for the thread, I'd also suggest it's better to not get hopelessly attached to this kind of petty wording just because you were mildly corrected a single time.

Anyhow, Poland can demand what it wants. The planning of a coup, or conspiracy to commit to it, can easily be independent of that and I don't see Poland letting it be used as an excuse. You repeatedly calling it a coup and then telling people it wasn't a coup is your argument. I am, consistently, calling it what it was, which was planning and / or conspiracy to commit :)
have read the wikipedia page for the Kapp Putsch . Naturally not the whole picture . Significantly mentions Talat of the Ittihad at the end even if the statement is trimmed . Wikipedia is famous in this country for its war against Turks and no doubts should arise about how we are both evil and pathetic at the same time . If you go to Talat's page , you will see he found it childish that coup had not made a cabinet of Ministers before the uprising . Also interesting that Jews supported Talat , reportedly in propaganda against Armenian claims , he was ordering the commanders in the field behind Kemal's back and he had a substantial organization of the Ittihad lot in exile , German Nationalists and Bolsheviks . And yet there is nothing about some unique advantage , some network actually that would work only for Kemal . Including even Royal Guards who felt the British attempt to ransom the Tsar and his entire family was intentionally done wrong . "Felt" because there will be people here (in the usual run of CFC these days) to tell me that ı don't know jack about anything if ı had used the verb "knew" instead . So , like the Republic was better informed about the Soviet Union than anyone else in the world until maybe early 1950s . When Americans finally bribed enough people in Ankara to state this was a bad thing . That it involved some numbers of Jews is a given and unsurprising . Which also led to the "truth about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion" . With exposing that Britain not only "forgave Jews for their sins" but also blamed the Tsarists . Who told baseless lies against the Jews . Opportunity abounded in a future re-conquista of Russia , with the help of the ever victorious Greek Army , if a decision was made against the evil Kemalists and misguided Jews and so on .

kapp Putsch is then a disaster for the German Nationalists . They have learned that Russians are massing and it looks possible that they might defeat the Poles . Sitting tight would have seen two "enemies in the East would have attrited each other down" and making the remaining interventionist attitude in the West whittle down to nothing . Instead of playing for time , they raise a specter of general Red uprising in Germany which might ease the way for the Red Army to march to the Rhein ... von Seeckt is not condoning the coup with saying "Reichswehr does not fight Reichswehr" . He is threatening the coupists that they will let the Nazis and stuff to fight the Reds as long as they are alive and stuff . THAT will not end well for the swastika guys . Like there are reasons why von Seeckt opened schools in the Soviet Union (trusting some weird guys as "refeeres") and supported China even if Japan should have been a natural ally for a Germany seeking revenge against the West or invading Russia or anything .

like nobody thought Russia would fail this much in 2022 , right ? It is there , always there . To cleanse these horrid failures of the 20th Century . And it will be a big mistake to assume the collective West like is any different from its past . Forgive but not forget is set for us . The West never forgives but have forgotten a lot .
I'd strongly remind everyone these people are merely suspected of these charges and given the kangaroo circus we've seen from the Jan 6th fiasco it would be wise to wait for the actual cases to be prosecuted before we start counting our sedition charges.

A reminder that 53 conservative politicians were recently targeted for assassination by the far left in Germany with pamphlets publishing their home addresses and calling for violence along with detailed instructions for the creation of explosives.

There are 47 Antifa terrorist organizations operating within Germany today

These Antifa organizations were linked to the political violence present at the G20 2017 summit

Germany has been using its state apparatus to persecute and surveillance the AfD since March of this year.

Japan today reported merely 25 arrests despite using 3000 officers across 130 sites and notes German government's use of force to conduct raids against the far right is not uncommon
I'd strongly remind everyone these people are merely suspected of these charges and given the kangaroo circus we've seen from the Jan 6th fiasco it would be wise to wait for the actual cases to be prosecuted before we start counting our sedition charges.

A reminder that 53 conservative politicians were recently targeted for assassination by the far left in Germany with pamphlets publishing their home addresses and calling for violence along with detailed instructions for the creation of explosives.

There are 47 Antifa terrorist organizations operating within Germany today

These Antifa organizations were linked to the political violence present at the G20 2017 summit

Germany has been using its state apparatus to persecute and surveillance the AfD since March of this year.

Japan today reported merely 25 arrests despite using 3000 officers across 130 sites and notes German government's use of force to conduct raids against the far right is not uncommon
So what? Are you saying that concerns are misdirected or that this whole thing is business as usual or ...?
We arrest comparable numbers after an average football riot here - that's not really the norm for anything is it ?

What counts - I imagine - are the convictions not the arrests...
So what? Are you saying that concerns are misdirected or that this whole thing is business as usual or ...?
I like how a handful of posts after I said "people focus on every single alleged antifa or leftist threat and ignore far-right threats" we get a literal example of someone doing just that.
We arrest comparable numbers after an average football riot here - that's not really the norm for anything is it ?

What counts - I imagine - are the convictions not the arrests...

Convictions in a kangaroo court run by the guys who false flagged, or at least jebaited some harmless weekend wackos into saying things they'd never do?

Sounds like a narrative prepped and ready to go in the oven.
uh , there is literally a thread in the Civ6 forums on some new leaderhead for the Grand Senyor or Senhor or whatever and ain't he an Arab these days ? While it might fit in with whatever wokery demands these days , like his ancestry was all Serbian Princesses . Like the crooked nose survived though , despite all the Caucasian concubines that became standart after like 1700s . Irrelevant ? Damn wrong , some people literally can not be allowed to be White ...
So what? Are you saying that concerns are misdirected or that this whole thing is business as usual or ...?
Yes on both counts.

Speaking as an European here the blunt fact is that Germany changes its stripes every time it looses a war but it still remains Germany at heart.
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