Why oh why is Noway exerting so much pressure?

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Is there someplace I can see a discription of all the agendas ? Some are relatively straightforward, but what does "Great White Fleet" mean, for example ?
Does anything bad happen if your diplo favor goes to zero or below? I have some penalties for occupying AI's original capitals, which keep showing a negative on my accumulation.
Why can't I build a Trader?
Do you have one in a production queue in another city? If you have a trade in a production queue you can't build one in another city whether or not it is actively being built.
Do you have one in a production queue in another city? If you have a trade in a production queue you can't build one in another city whether or not it is actively being built.
No, I couldn't build the Trader at all. Funnily enough, I was able to build it (and another Trader) after the capacity was increased to 2
Does anything bad happen if your diplo favor goes to zero or below? I have some penalties for occupying AI's original capitals, which keep showing a negative on my accumulation.
Only that you don't get extra votes in the World Congress.
I hope I may ask a question concerning a mod here? (Couldn't find a "quick help" thread in the "creation and customization" section)
When I use a map from the "Ynamp" mod, the number of AI civs in the game setup does not automatically change according to the actual map size ("large" "huge" etc). Besides, some of the maps have huge landmasses that could could contain a lot more than the "standard" number of civs. So during the game usually a lot of land stays empty the whole time and that makes the game sometimes a little boring.
So my question is: How do I determine a suitable number of civs for the game setup so the map is "normally" filled with AI civs?
Does Julius Caeser's "gold on conquering a city" effect apply:

1 - when you get a city in a peace deal?
2 - when a city loyalty flips to you?
3- when you use that great merchant who "buys" a city state into your empire?
Does Julius Caeser's "gold on conquering a city" effect apply:

1 - when you get a city in a peace deal?
2 - when a city loyalty flips to you?
3- when you use that great merchant who "buys" a city state into your empire?
It shouldn't. It should only trigger when you conquer a city by attacking it with a military unit.
why doesn't AI nation's city state attack my unit? 4 of their warriors surrounded a javeliner of mine; I thought it was going to die (can't run away due to zoc) but then they did not attack. I attacked one, then it retreated, attacked another and that one retreated too. The javeliner has slight better stat than a warrior and I was playing Aztec with +10 luxury boost, but there is no way it can survive 4 warriors.
Does the tech/civcs shuffle mode generally make it easier, more difficult, or no difference for AI? I'm most interested in King difficulty setting and above.
I'm not sure if it fits this thread since it's more of a technical/bug issue, but at the same time it's probably not worth opening an entire new section in the mp section
but is anybody here with the Anthology Edition (full Civ 6, with all the DLCs, expansions etc.) on PS5 able to play with their friend(s) that don't have any of the premium DLCs?

Trying to figure out what the hell is up with that "Retrieving host information". Our NAT is the same, our platform is the same (we even tried PS5-PS4), version is the same. It's definitely not any of the ruleset either since we played once and very rarely we could join other people's public sessions.
Maybe something about DLC compatibility got broken with an older update, but whatever that is, it's still not fixed.
Is there an easy way to see which resources have improvements and which have not, except from the zoomed-in graphic ? There's a grayish symbol when you select a builder, showing which tiles can be improved still, but is there something similar when you don't have a builder selected ? Looking at the map zoomed out, it's hard to distinguish all graphics.
Does the tech/civcs shuffle mode generally make it easier, more difficult, or no difference for AI? I'm most interested in King difficulty setting and above.
I have found it to be more interesting, less on-rails. As for AI, it depends on accessibility of critical units, districts/buildings and resources. If the technology is a dead-end, it is more likely AI will ignore it. The preferences for techs like writing, iron working or say, political philosophy, dictate these will be researched first, but if they are locked behind sailing or games and recreation, which have low priority. Because there are multiple such points, AI suffers more than the human player. Having advanced units against barbarians, science yields and government types helps a lot. On higher difficulties the military side is less critical, but others will dictate the pace of the game.
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