Random Rants #63: These Rants Don't Run

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What I'm gonna say may sound weird, but: I can't stand this guy. He's okay, but he can't stop saying over and over again how beautiful I am and so intelligent and I must be the perfect man, and I can't stand that. That massive gulf is impossible to bridge.
Man JK you really are terrible at this game.

Lemme show you how it's done bro:

Rant: diarrhoea..
I've had a lot of that lately. Of the explosive variety.

The other day I'd swallowed a plum stone, and was in serious danger of cracking the pan.
Rant: people eating when I'm talking about diarrhoea.

After all, mostly people can eat anytime, while diarrhoea has a time-table all its own.
Rant: People talking while I'm making diarrhea. Is this a bathroom or a lounge? Shut up, wash your hands and get out.
I'm starting to think I should take this sleep-thing seriously

Ugh, I've been terrible at this the past couple of weeks. I can't get to sleep when I want, I can't wake up when I want, some nights I sleep about 3 hours and some I sleep about 14...
I will gladly trade my consistently medically induced fatigue, drowsiness, and ability to sleep long hours for some of your guys not sleeping enough. We both win. I get a bit more pep, you get more shut eye, sounds like a deal.

No seriously. I used to do the whole not sleep thing and it wears you down eventually. Please try to get healthy amounts whenever possible.
Our physics teacher has begun to catch on to our class' little tricks.

See, he assigns all homework online, but this left it open to atrocious exploits. First, we realized that when you submit a homework, the site gives you answers (not all of them, just single parter non multiple choice questions, but enough), to help you fix what you got wrong. And the teacher also allows you to retry the homework, so some kids would first go through the homework giving bs answers, then submit, get the answers, and resubmit. Another thing was that when you submit an answer, you get told whether it is right or wrong. With non multiple choice problems it ain't so bad, since you know you need to fix your calculations, but with multiple choice problems, it becomes an egregious way to get the right answer without understanding the material, since you can just choose answers until you get the right one.

Now, every time you submit the homework, and start a new one, the numbers change on you for the non multiple choice, and every wrong answer on a multiple choice question deducts points, so even if you get it right after multiple tries you don't get full credit.

It wasn't like I abused those exploits. I might have used the multiple choice trick a couple of times, but I have always done the home work squarely to the best of my abilities. I think I've been in my physics teacher's class after school so many times he must be sick of me. Cause you can't cheat on the tests right? So better to prepare for those. Still, those exploits were the difference between an 85 for my hw grade, and a 90 :(.
I'm starting to think I should take this sleep-thing seriously
You should.
What I'm gonna say may sound weird, but: I can't stand this guy. He's okay, but he can't stop saying over and over again how beautiful I am and so intelligent and I must be the perfect man, and I can't stand that. That massive gulf is impossible to bridge.
He… doesn't agree with you as to how uncool you think you are? Maybe… maybe you should stop taking it as an emo and have a mature conversation with him as how you don't want him slobbering all over you -at least not in the metaphorical sense.
Am I sounding like an emo? I'm not uncool, I'm not perfect either, and the problem is he doesn't want to acknowledge that, and I fear that's not going to be healthy.
That's why I said that you should use your head and have a sane, sober conversation with him. Convince him that you might be a Spaniard but not Antonio Banderas.
Why is CFC so angry? We go through rants threads like poop through a goose, yet we've been on the same rave thread for quite a while now.
Why is CFC so angry? We go through rants threads like poop through a goose, yet we've been on the same rave thread for quite a while now.

Everything is terrible all the time and I'm not even joking
It's because when people are happy they only mind their happiness, but when they're angry they need to vent. Also because people comment more on others' misfortunes than on others' fortunes.
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