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it continually amazes me how many actual face emoticons there are in the world (being honest here, predominantly asians use them).

one might think one has seen them all, but they just keep popping up. *__*
I find people who use them too often annoying. ಠ_ಠ
Anyone miss me?
I did. :)
I've always interpreted it as a coy, mischievous fun grin :3
I convinced a friend to pick up The Witcher during the Steam sale and she is, in her words, quite probably addicted to it.

In other news, finished freshman year of high school today, by translating authentic Latin, and getting a 90% on it according to my teacher :D

Funny, I always assumed you were a freshman in college!

Rave: Fallout 3 is truly outstanding. And freakin' HUGE. Although my new canine companion is basically invincible and makes combat too easy.
Just graduated from University!

BA in History
Honors with the University
Honors with the major
Phi Beta Kappa inductee.

Here's a picture:
Congratulations, Owain! :D
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