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Rave. How lucky does one have to be? Needing to find something on the radio to keep me up studying at half past one in the morning, I tune in to the Sugar Hill Gang. Awww yeah-yo!
What emotion is this supposed to represent? Like, I get that it's supposed to be a cat and not a mustache now, but what feeling does a cat correspond to?
A desire to lap up milk and plot the destruction of humanity.
And sleep cuddled amid balls of yarn, otherwise ti's a spot-on descirption. :)
Here's a picture:
Cool glasses, Eoghan!
Funny, I always assumed you were a freshman in college!

I thought he was a high school student, but I didn't think he was a freshman.

And :clap: to Owen.
Congrats Owen!
Now you can lecture us in style!
Nice job on getting out!

Now don't make the mistake of being sucked back in for grad school. :hide:
It is glorious to walk by the sea and feel the waves gently surround your feet while these are sunk in a soft foam of wet sand. And it is good, too, to feel content with ones life at one certain moment. Ah, the peace. :cool:
I found out that I passed an exam which I though I'd failed. :dance:

How will I have fared in the exam I thought I'd passed? :hide:
Did some stuff that took relatively short time. Also learnt to love torsion by splitting in half 3 or 4 screws which ends where so rusty they just would not unscrew. Therefore the torsion. Makes you feel... PAWAH.

Also, rented Kurosawa's Ran. Probably gonna see it tomorrow.
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