[RD] Russia Invades Ukraine: The 7th Thread Itch; scratch it here!

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It's one, perhaps the most important reason why they prevented Ukraine from signing peace agreement in March 2022, which would essentially return borders back to January state.
No one without brain damage expects Russia to honor any agreement it signs.

Russia agreed to withdraw its 14th Army from Moldovan territory in an agreement signed 21 October 1994 and acknowledged in the December Budapest declaration of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe.[23] The OSCE expressed concern over the lack of progress in its 1996 Lisbon Document.[24] At the OSCE Istanbul summit in November 1999, Russia again promised to withdraw its forces from Moldova (and from Georgia), this time with a firm commitment to a deadline of 31 December 2002 written into the summit documents.[25] These promises were not fulfilled.
I'm sure we can totally trust the peaceful intentions of a power who started twice an invasion after having repeatedly recognized the official borders and signed a treaty defending these borders.
It's obviously the West fault.
No one without brain damage expects Russia to honor any agreement it signs.
Agreement will be signed when both sides perceive continuation of fighting as worse alternative.
Trust is not required, much less yours.
That is no doubt the case, seems we're nowhere near that point though, both sides are still conducting offensive operations daily.

And in any case I doubt NATO will be part of it, agreement can really only be negotiated between Russia and Ukraine.
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To Donbass and Crimea. If you consider them parts of Russia, I'm ok with it.

Our president has published draft of peace agreement which was agreed upon.
But, as has been repeatedly stated before and from multiple sources:

Bennett said that during his mediation, Zelenskyy promised not to join NATO and Putin dropped his main goals of special military operations: seeking "disarmament" and "denazification" of Ukraine, adding in his impression, both Russia and Ukraine want a ceasefire and have drawn about seventeen or eighteen ceasefire drafts, but at some point, the West decided "to crush (Russian President Vladimir) Putin rather than to negotiate."

Donbas and Crimea – i.e Russia demands everyone just reward it for its actions.

Won't happen. Even if Russia is able to hold on to them.

There is nothing Russia is offering that is not coercion and subjugation. There is no upside, no silver lining. Russia isn't even trying to sell these to anyone. It just demands them.

No one wants to be coerced and subjugated by Russia. It's just that it then behooves everybody not willing to be coerced and subjugated like that, to also not accept coercion and and subjugation on behalf of someone else – beginning with Ukraine.

But that is the temptation – so much easier to do than to do what needs to be done which is to actually confront Russia about what it is doing, and at the very least not accept what it is doing, while containing and deterring it where possible.
Donbas and Crimea – i.e Russia demands everyone just reward it for its actions.
Typical bad faith bollocks.
"If it wasn't for the evil West, Ukraine would have willingly given up on Donbass and declined NATO participation in exchange for nothing. But the evil West forced Ukraine to fight for their country when they didn't want to."

See, that way a Russian doesn't have to feel bad it's country killed more than 10,000 Ukrainian civilians. They were forced to kill 10,000 Ukrainian civilians by the West.

When Ukraine kills Ukrainians, Russians are outraged.
When Russia kills a lot more Ukrainians, Russians don't give a frog.

They just want the land and the resources. Frog the civilians.
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There are lots more prisoners dying to join the Russian army so friendly fire deaths are acceptable.
I'm sure we can totally trust the peaceful intentions of a power who started twice an invasion after having repeatedly recognized the official borders and signed a treaty defending these borders.
It's obviously the West fault.
I mean randomly invading one's former allies is only allowed by the US, it is known...
A massive bombing run over Kyiv before sunrise today. Ukraine reports downing of 71 Iranian/Russian Shahed drones and one guided missile.

It's interesting that the link you've given to the information about Russian milbloggers is dialog.ua :)

What Russian milbloggers actually write about that bridgehead, is that it's extreme stupidity from the Ukrainian side to try to hold on to it, because of the difficulties to supply it across the river.
And that Ukrainian troops are basically sitting ducks there, being constantly under artillery fire.
Still a Ukranian information black-out on the region.

What's coming from Russian milbloggers are reports of how the Russian side is hammering the Ukraniand, exacting a terrible tribute in blood.

The disconcerting thing about how these Russian effort continuously shatter the Ukranians, is that as this is reported, it is also reported that the Ukranians are continuously being shattered further and further from the actual banks of the Dnipro – which in other terms seems to means the Ukranians are moving forward regardless.

It has now progressed to a point Russia is prioritizing its after all by now limited airstrike assets in the south and Crimea to specifically strike the Ukranians positions along the Dnipro. That is not something we have previously seen the Russian side all that willing to do – is does expose these aircraft to whatever Ukranian AA, MANPADS etc. might at hand as well, so comes with considerable risk to the platforms used. That Russian thinks the risk worth it, and prioritizes this situation certainly. looks significant.

But no one actually knows what is going on and how it might end. Yet. Something is up however.
The disconcerting thing about how these Russian effort continuously shatter the Ukranians, is that as this is reported, it is also reported that the Ukranians are continuously being shattered further and further from the actual banks of the Dnipro – which in other terms seems to means the Ukranians are moving forward regardless.
No, they are stuck in the Krynky village, Kherson region for the last few weeks.
Which Russian blogger reported that they moved forward?
It looks like you don't actually watch them, only post what you believe Russians should be reporting.
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Mikhail Kasyanov: Russia labels ex-PM and Putin critic 'foreign agent'​

Russia's justice ministry has put ex-Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov on its list of "foreign agents" - a label used widely to curb anti-Kremlin opposition.

Mr Kasyanov, an outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin, left Russia shortly after its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

He was PM during Mr Putin's first presidential term in 2000-2004, but has condemned Russia's war in Ukraine.

A liberal financial expert, he now lives in exile.

Many Kremlin critics and civil society groups are on the "foreign agent" list. In the past the label implied spying.

Under Russian law those listed have to include the "foreign agent" term on their publications and give the authorities detailed updates on their funding sources.

The justice ministry said Mr Kasyanov "opposed the special military operation in Ukraine" and was "a member of the Russian Anti-War Committee, an association whose activities are aimed at discrediting Russian foreign and domestic policy".

In May Russia's Supreme Court ordered the liquidation of the Party of People's Freedom (Parnas) led by Mr Kasyanov. The small liberal opposition party formerly included Boris Nemtsov, one of the most vocal anti-Putin critics, who was shot dead near the Kremlin in 2015.
The Left is losing ground everywhere across the globe and these people have no idea why.
Its ok because the right will cover the planet in each other's blood again and then none of this will matter for quite some time.

Don't remember US borders changing or a treaty they signed guaranteed that border post 1945.

Ah, the daily dose of whatabboutism we really needed, because we definitely didn't had enough.
I'm just saying, invading or generally fighting former allies does happen to be a thing we like to do...you don't have to get all butt hurt about me accurately making the point. I agree, Russia bad. Bad, bad. Putin evil.
I'm just saying, invading or generally fighting former allies does happen to be a thing we like to do...you don't have to get all butt hurt about me accurately making the point. I agree, Russia bad. Bad, bad. Putin evil.
And I'm just saying, I notice the very stark difference when it's about Palestinians getting invaded and blown up, where you are full-speed ahead in the outrage and laments about it, and when it's about Ukrainians getting invaded and blown up, when you are pretty flippant and crass.
The only common point seems to be about seizing a pretext to blame the West. What a surprise.
Or, actually...
Oh yeah, that's for sure, the West does display a staggering amount of stupidity among a part of its population, who seem to be utterly lacking in self-awareness and showing great amount of cognitive dissonance while lecturing about morality. That's certainly something I've noticed a lot these past few years.
... not a surprise at all.
And I'm just saying, I notice the very stark difference when it's about Palestinians getting invaded and blown up, where you are full-speed ahead in the outrage and laments about it, and when it's about Ukrainians getting invaded and blown up, when you are pretty flippant and crass.
The only common point seems to be about seizing a pretext to blame the West. What a surprise.
Possibly because everyone's been pretty clear since the start of Russia's invasion that it was bad (other than a small handful), meanwhile Palestine's right to exist is continuously seen as a debate. The contexts aren't the same, and as such, treating people's attitudes as comparable (for a gotcha, no less) isn't going to get you very far.

Also, this is a flippant take on peoples' reactions to what's going on in Gaza and the West Bank. But I guess it's okay when you're the one being flippant. It's hard to tell?
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