Should Bush be impeached?

Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?

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The Newbie Nightmare
Jan 29, 2002
Athens of the North
Came across this poll on MSNBC. 86% of those surveyed (252713 responses) think that there is enough to justify putting Bush on trial

What does CFC think?
I bet only 14% of those who voted were Republicans too. Although I do believe he should be put on trial, he won't.
He wont be, but in the coming years, it will be commonly acknowledged that his was the most corrupt administration since Nixon. In fact, he makes Nixon look good by comparison.
Hmm, another poll of a self-selected subject pool.

Is there a legal basis for impeachment? Yes. But will it ever happen, no. Most Democrats, to say nothing of Republicans, ran screaming the other way when Russ Feingold suggested merely to censure Bush. It reminds me of that thread (by Sims?) way back called "Raise, Call, or Fold". Evidently most of the Dems have the instinct to Fold every hand and can barely even think of Calling; Raising is out of the question.
Bill Clinton went trough it for having sex and lying about it. Thanks to that precedent, you could impeach any presidents for any stupid reason you wish.

But what I really want to know is, what does FoxMcloud thinks.
wouldnt' matter anyway since there's nothing to impeach him on, usually the talk devolves into the standard whinning (highlights below)

-Iraq's WMD - give it up already, Saddam hoodwinked everyone including his own people for over a decade into believing he had them. Turns out he had the programs just the manufacturing capacity or manufactured goods (had he fessed up and been able to document things he'd still rule Iraq)

Iraq / Al Qaeida Link - they never actually tried to link Iraq to Osama, what contact Iraq did have was (to be honest) fairly low level, on a similar topic Sadam was in the business of aiding like minded organizations offer hospitality and a place to set up camp

-Corruption - Ok what corruption specifically? massive ammounts of money being spent on occupying Iraq? I would ask you this: How much would I have to pay you to drive a truck in Iraq? I bet it's going to be considerably more than it would be drive a truck here in the USA

Edit - and the thing with Clinton was he committed perjury, if he simply said yeah I did it and it's between me, the mrs and the itern he could have avoided a great deal (Americans are particularly forgiven of sexual intricacies when they're admitted)
Bush has made grave missteps, but nothing to require impeachment.
De Lorimier said:
Bill Clinton went trough it for having sex and lying about it. Thanks to that precedent, you could impeach any presidents for any stupid reason you wish.
Consider it the revenge of Watergate. Remember the line "the coverup is worse than the crime?"

Anyway, he's made a few blunders in office as any man has, but nothing to be removed from office over. I'd also like to challenge you to remove George Bush, because then it'll be the administration of Richard B. Cheney. Let's see how you like them apples. :lol:
rmsharpe said:
Consider it the revenge of Watergate. Remember the line "the coverup is worse than the crime?"

Anyway, he's made a few blunders in office as any man has, but nothing to be removed from office over. I'd also like to challenge you to remove George Bush, because then it'll be the administration of Richard B. Cheney. Let's see how you like them apples. :lol:

Yup it does seem like a foolproof defence against impeachment, assasination, pretzel chokingm, etc.
rmsharpe said:
Consider it the revenge of Watergate. Remember the line "the coverup is worse than the crime?"

Anyway, he's made a few blunders in office as any man has, but nothing to be removed from office over. I'd also like to challenge you to remove George Bush, because then it'll be the administration of Richard B. Cheney. Let's see how you like them apples. :lol:

Assuming Scooter Libby can't take Cheney down with him. After all, it's not like Spiro Agnew became president after Nixon resigned. ;)
De Lorimier said:
Bill Clinton went trough it for having sex and lying about it. Thanks to that precedent, you could impeach any presidents for any stupid reason you wish.

Clinton was impeached for committing perjury and obstruction of justice while in office. He would not have been charged with anything if he hadn't lied on the stand...
IglooDude said:
Assuming Scooter Libby can't take Cheney down with him. After all, it's not like Spiro Agnew became president after Nixon resigned. ;)
We'd just replace him with someone worse. President Rove, anybody? How about President Bork? :D
IglooDude said:
Assuming Scooter Libby can't take Cheney down with him. After all, it's not like Spiro Agnew became president after Nixon resigned. ;)

Was Ford really any better?

Although, I suppose doing nothing at all was better than doing something wrong.
Olorin0222 said:
Clinton was impeached for committing perjury and obstruction of justice while in office. He would not have been charged with anything if he hadn't lied on the stand...
But it was about sex. About cheating on his wife with a younger woman. Everything else was partisan politics. You gave the whole world a good laugh. Thanks. :)
rmsharpe said:
We'd just replace him with someone worse. President Rove, anybody? How about President Bork? :D

Rove is in trouble over abamoff scandle.
Apparently he was involved in "firing" a district attoney who was investigating Abramoff.
De Lorimier said:
Bill Clinton went trough it for having sex and lying about it. Thanks to that precedent, you could impeach any presidents for any stupid reason you wish.

But what I really want to know is, what does FoxMcloud thinks.

Actually impeachment would've been too good for Clinton. At least he confirmed my thoughts about moral decay in society on a whole.

Just think the big talk in grade school was how our Pres. was getting BJ's in the WhiteHouse.I can see it know "Man, I want to grow up to be President" :lol:

Oh, & besides the fact the idiot got caught!

To respond the posters question,no. I don't think it really matters,he'll be gone in a few years anyways. Like father like son....
No, there's not enough to justify him being put on trial. Honestly, we should restore some measure of sense to the American justice system. Just because a man makes a few mistakes doesn't mean he's a treasonous man.
North King said:
No, there's not enough to justify him being put on trial. Honestly, we should restore some measure of sense to the American justice system. Just because a man makes a few mistakes doesn't mean he's a treasonous man.
The question isn't if Bush is treasonous, it's if he's a crook. He's starting to look very crook-like in my eyes.
Impeachment isn't a trial, at least not in the ordinary sense. It's an act of Congress that has the potential to strip someone of their office. There's no fines or jail time involved.

The poll is poorly worded.
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