Thorvald of Lym

A Little Sketchy
Nov 21, 2005
A Palace north of Oslo
Welcome to the actual, official, OP-belongs-to-the-devs development thread for the Imperium Offtopicum Civ4 mod! Started by Reus, this project aims to codify the IOT community and its most cherished memes within Firaxis' popular genocide simulator turn-based strategy game, Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword (v3.19). Finally, an IOT where you don't have to cram 'til 3 AM to beat the orders lock!

Downloading the mod
First-time users

New recruits can pick up the starter pack from SourceForge. This includes everything you need for basic functionality, all unit and building sounds, and some of the music files.

Advanced/returning users

This mod makes use of Apache Subversion for easier updating. Using the SVN, you'll have access to the full musical repertoire, and will only need to download files that have actually changed in future updates. It takes a bit of work to set up, but once it's up and running upgrades are done in literally three clicks and you won't need to redownload the Core Files each cycle:

  1. Download and install Tortoise SVN.
  2. Create a folder in the BTS/Mods directory named 'Imperium Offtopicum' or similar.
  3. Right-click on the new folder and select 'SVN Checkout'. For 'URL of repository', enter 'svn://', and double-check that 'Checkout directory' matches the path to your folder.
  4. For future updates, simply right-click the folder and select 'SVN Update', or to update to a specific revision, 'TortoiseSVN > Update to revision'. Note that SVN updates will also DELETE unused files as well.

Joining the family

Want to appear in the mod? Simply fill out this form:
Spoiler Faction application :
Leader: Name and traits (max. 2)
Portrait: Min. 400x512, optimal 512x656
Diplomacy intro blurb: What the leader says when the player first makes contact
Faction name (full): i.e. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Shorthand: i.e. Airstrip One
Adjective: i.e. Scouse
Favourite civic & religion: Latter is optional
Flag: Displayed as standard in-game; min. 100x128; optimal 128x164
Starting techs: Max. 2
UU/UB: Max. 2 each
Strategy: In place of specific UU/UB, what the gameplay should gear toward
War & Peace theme: Optional, or pulled from Firaxis motifs.
Colour: Primary for units, secondary for city text; optional tertiary for leader display list
Building style: (European, Asian, Greco-Roman, Middle-Eastern, South American)
Unit style: Ditto, plus Feminist
Unit voiceover: Each original civ has its own. Depending on the topic I may also be able to jury-rig some from external sources.
Base AI: In lieu of custom metrics, your preferred AI profile. See this tool for comparisons.
Cities: Preferably 30-40 not already present in the game

Additionally, I love custom diplotext, and the code provides a wealth of possibilities for personalized responses:
Spoiler Selection variables :

  • Civilization—Civ-specific responses; unused by Firaxis
  • Leader—Leader-specific responses
  • Attitudes—Diplomatic favour: Friendly, Pleased, Cautious, Annoyed, Furious. Firaxis usually divides these between 'friendly' (Fri to Cau) and 'furious' (Ann & Fur)
  • DiplomacyPowers—Civ strength relative to player: Stronger, Equal, Weaker
  • DiplomacyText—The displayed message. Can have multiple entries, resulting in a random choice
Theoretically, one can craft an individual response for each combination of variables, although I haven't tested this and Firaxis uses either Attitude or Power. For the sake of my sanity, I'll restrict entries to that choice as well. If you're doing Attitude-specific, entries, I would strongly prefer that you stick to Firaxis' happy/angry binary, and will accept absolutely nothing beyond a triad (happy, neutral, angry).
Spoiler Textual variables :

  • [OUR_NAME]—The AI leader
  • [OUR_EMPIRE]—Leader's civ, full title
  • [OUR_CIV_SHORT]—Leader's civ, short form
  • [OUR_CIV_ADJ]—Leader's civ adjective
  • [CT_NAME]—Player's name
  • [CT_EMPIRE]—Player's civ, full title
  • [CT_CIV_SHORT]—Player's civ, short form
  • [CT_CIV_ADJ]—Player's civ adjective
  • %s1—Context-sensitive variable; its specific circumstances are described in the relevant passages below.
Spoiler AI diploresponses :
Asterisk denotes categories that don't have personalized leader responses by default.

When the civ unilaterally declares war on you. Not triggered by alliance obligations.
Default variable: None

When a vassal becomes strong enough to break the pact.
Default variable: None

When a leader offers to become your vassal during peace-time.
Default variable: None

When the player meets a leader for the first time. This is the only category that does not have a generic response.
Default variable: None

When the player attempts to contact an angry leader, typically at the outbreak of war or due to repeated diplomatic insults.
Default variable: None

Response to "peace in our time" and player request for white peace during war.
Default variable: None

Response to player request for white peace during war.
Default variable: None

When a player contacts the leader.
Default variable: Attitude

Blurb when a player begins a trade proposal.
Default variable: None

When the leader accepts a trade offer.
Default variable: None

When the leader declines a trade offer.
Default variable: Attitude

When the player accepts the leader's offer.
Default variable: Attitude

When the player declines the leader's offer.
Default variable: Attitude

When the player haggles with the leader.
Default variable: None

When the leader refuses to trade an item in question, i.e. presented with an impossible deal.
Default variable: Attitude

When the leader approaches the player to end the war.
Default variable: None

When the leader offers the player a city during peace-time.
Default variable: None

When the leader contacts the player with a trade.
Default variable: Attitude

When the leader contacts the player to cancel a trade.
Default variable: Attitude

When the player gives the leader a gift.
Default variable: None

When the player asks for a list of standing trades.
Default variable: None

When the leader gives the player a favour.
Default variable: None

When the leader won't grant a favour.
Default variable: None

When the leader gives in to the player's threat.
Default variable: None

When the leader refuses to be extorted.
Default variable: None

Don't actually know what this does; probably has to do with negotiating with a locked alliance.
Default variable: None

When the leader gives the player a gift.
Default variable: None

When the leader asks the player for a favour.
Default variable: Attitude

When the player refuses to grant the favour.
Default variable: Power

When the leader extorts the player.
Default variable: Power

When the player refuses to be intimidated.
Default variable: Power

When the leader asks the player to convert state religions.
Default variable: Power

When the player won't convert.
Default variable: Power

When the leader asks the player to change civics.
Default variable: None
%s1: Leader's civic

When the player won't change civics.
Default variable: None

When the leader asks the player to team up on a third civ.
Default variable: None
%s1: Pluralization of enemy civ adjective (i.e. Serbians)

When the player refuses to start a war.
Default variable: None

When the leader asks the player to cancel all deals with a third civ.
Default variable: None
%s1: Pluralization of enemy civ adjective (i.e. Republicans)

When the player refuses to break relations with the third civ.
Default variable:None

Randomly-triggered boast about the leader's best unit.
Default variable: None

Comment when the leader has missiles.
Default variable: None

Occasional comment about the leader's most hated civ.
Default variable: None

Occasional comment when the player is trading with the leader's most hated civ.
Default variable: None

When the player selects the option to discuss something else.
Default variable: None

When the player asks the leader to change research goals.
Default variable: None

When the leader changes research goals.
Default variable: None

When the player selects "What do you think about..."
Default variable: None

Describing a rival the leader hates.
Default variable: None
%s1: Rival in question. (This apparently combines with the [NUM1] function for gender-appropriate pronouns that I'm still trying to figure out.)

Describing a rival the leader dislikes.
Default variable: None
%s1: Rival in question

Describing a rival the leader is neutral about.
Default variable: None
%s1: Rival in question

Describing a rival the leader likes.
Default variable: None
%s1: Rival in question

Describing a rival the leader loves.
Default variable: None
%s1: Rival in question

When the player asks the leader to target an enemy city.
Default variable: None

When the leader will attack the city.
Default variable: None

Default variable: None
Some example replies to demonstrate, adapted from the Civ3 diplomacy text:
Spoiler :
<English>Your long journey has led you to me, [OUR_NAME], Father of the [OUR_EMPIRE].</English>

<English>It is fair that brothers bestow gifts on one another during significant times. Now is such a time for [OUR_CIV_SHORT].</English>

<English>The journey that I, [OUR_NAME], have made to visit you is a great honor to the [CT_CIV_ADJ] people. Let us mark the occasion with a gift from you to me.</English>

<English>Time is short and so will be the memory of the [CT_EMPIRE] should you deny me this token of respect.</English>

<English>Very few individuals surprise [OUR_NAME]. Pray that you don't continue to do so.</English>

<English>Where has this new found backbone sprung from? When the [OUR_CIV_ADJ] people find out, don't expect such tolerance as I demonstrate today.</English>

<English>Wars have been started for less, but in this case your cities shall continue to stand. In this case.</English>

<English>Wisdom is not a characteristic [CT_CIV_SHORT] has demonstrated in the past, but things can change. Deliver the following and we shall stay our horde.</English>

<English>Many battles have demonstrated an almost [OUR_CIV_ADJ]-like ability to wage war. This we respect and offer you a chance to live another day.</English>

<English>Taking the lives of your [CT_CIV_ADJ] warriors have begun to bore us. Can we not end this hostility so that [OUR_CIV_SHORT] might find a more worthy foe?</English>

<English>I have always enjoyed your sense of humor. That and your screams. War forever!</English>

<English>There will be no peace until the bones of [CT_CIV_SHORT] provide the foundation for our great nation.</English>

<English>I will take your weakness as a clear indication of our inevitable triumph. There shall be no peace.</English>

<English>War is our business and business is good. This conflict continues.</English>

<English>No taste for war, [CT_NAME]? I however am an addict. Prepare for eradication.</English>

<English>Perhaps when the cries of your scattered people echo through our lands. That day has not yet come.</English>

<English>Let's join in the glory of bloodlust, [CT_NAME]! Our armed forces, together, can eliminate the %s1 once and for all.</English>

<English>While your assistance against the feeble %s1 is by no mean necessary, it could accelerate their obliteration. Join us [CT_NAME]. Join us in carnage!</English>

<English>Your weapons are dry while those of the [OUR_CIV_ADJ] people drip with the blood of %s1. Would you care to join in the splendor of our conquest?</English>

<English>Starvation is the tool of a coward, but to not use all tools against your enemy is foolish. Come, [CT_NAME], let us choke the %s1 with our hands as well as our commerce.</English>

<English>Ridiculous though they are, the %s1 need to be sent a clear message about their place in our world. Join our embargo!</English>

<English>While [OUR_CIV_SHORT] is not sure of what impact withholding [CT_CIV_ADJ] goods will have on the %s1, they have angered us greatly. Make not their mistake and join our embargo!</English>

<English>[CT_NAME], your visit comes at an agreeable time. What is it you desire from the [OUR_CIV_ADJ] people?</English>

<English>I am glad to see you, [CT_NAME]. I continue to hear of your daring adventures across the globe. What can [OUR_NAME] do for you?</English>

<English>[CT_NAME], my future slave. Enjoying your last days of freedom?</English>

<English>Well, my spies have reported your assassination prematurely it seems. Speak before I fulfill that prophecy myself!</English>

<English>You unwisely have contested the [OUR_CIV_ADJ] people. Tell me you have learned your lesson.</English>

<English>I should kill you where you stand, but I am counseled against it. It's your lucky day.</English>

<English>You dare come into the presence of [OUR_NAME]? You're either very stupid or very brave.</English>

<English>Say what you've come to say, [CT_NAME]. Then run. Run for your life.</English>

<English>The [OUR_EMPIRE] shall take pity on you and deliver what you request. Just don't be confused about who is controlling this situation, [CT_NAME].</English>

<English>Perhaps one day you shall reciprocate [OUR_CIV_ADJ] generosity. To that end we shall provide you with what you request.</English>

<English>We would rather deliver our blades into your backs, but the situation dictates otherwise. Take your plunder and be gone from my sight!</English>

<English>Your imitation of a human with a backbone amuses us! Now perform a dance for [OUR_NAME]'s nickels!</English>

<English>You should exhibit slightly greater sense of self preservation, [CT_NAME]. You are in no position to demand anything.</English>

<English>Wonderful! I've been waiting for a chance to split your skull. Continue with your demands and empower my wrath!</English>

<English>Hail! I, [OUR_NAME], the eldest of the Lion's Brood, the joy of Baal, hero of Carthage, and the Scourge of Rome, stand before you!</English>

<English>My senators have advised me that you have obtained the following! Is this true? Hand it over at once, and I will not take it by force.</English>

<English>[CT_NAME], I understand that you have the following. This would surely be an invaluable asset for the [OUR_CIV_ADJ] people. We demand that you share it with [OUR_CIV_SHORT] at once!</English>

<English>I see the fate of the [CT_CIV_ADJ] people before me, [CT_NAME]. Pay tribute to [OUR_CIV_SHORT], or be flattened under our heel along the path to glory.</English>

<English>While I am shocked that you would refuse my demands, [CT_NAME], I am impressed that you have called my bluff. Do not expect me to be so impressed next time.</English>

<English>I see... next time I will not ask so politely, [CT_NAME]. I will not be denied what I want so easily again.</English>

<English>[CT_NAME], I have stricken your name from my list of civilizations that I was going to spare. If I were you, I would watch my back.</English>

<English>You have been a worthy opponent, [CT_NAME]. I admire your determination. Perhaps we can reconcile our differences?</English>

<English>Let it not be said that I am without mercy, [CT_NAME]. This is your one and only chance to end this war. I suggest that you take it.</English>

<English>[CT_NAME]! The lion is upon your throat. You must ask yourself: 'Do I want to live to fight another day, or be crushed in its jaws?'</English>

<English>No! I will never be taken alive!</English>

<English>Never! A new world order will rise from the ashes of your corrupt and despicable empire!</English>

<English>No! You have only received a taste of what I have in store for you and the [CT_CIV_ADJ] people, [CT_NAME].</English>

<English>I know how to win a fight, and you know how to wring the most out of the spoils of victory, [CT_NAME]. Let us unite to end the reign of the %s1 once and for all!</English>

<English>Join me in my fight against the %s1. I can no longer tolerate the foul propaganda which they spread about me and the [OUR_CIV_ADJ] people.</English>

<English>There is nothing to be gained or lost as a bystander, [CT_NAME]. Join me in my war against the %s1, and be remembered forever as a hero!</English>

<English>[CT_NAME]. It has become clear to me that war, despite its brutality, will not teach the %s1 a harsh enough lesson. Join me in this embargo against them.</English>

<English>I want the %s1 to hurt! I want their hungry, screaming, battered masses clamoring at my door for mercy! [CT_NAME], I am going to need your help with this.</English>

<English>[CT_NAME]! The %s1 will be made to pay for their transgressions against us! This embargo will surely cripple them.</English>

<English>What say you, [CT_NAME]? Is there a war somewhere that I have not been made aware of?</English>

<English>Fight the system, [CT_NAME]! There is nothing to be gained while stagnating in the status quo!</English>

<English>I am honored and delighted by your presence. What is it that brings you here today?</English>

<English>You smile and greet me despite being my enemy? I am intrigued.</English>

<English>Despite propaganda spread by my enemies, I am NOT a cannibal. Come closer.</English>

<English>The mouse walks boldly among the lion's brood? Why does it dare so?</English>

<English>This is highly unusual, [CT_NAME]. I will entertain you eccentricities for now.</English>

<English>Do not anger me, [CT_NAME], or you may never return to your people.</English>

<English>You have walked in here upright to speak with me, [CT_NAME]. Whether you leave, lying on your back and bleeding, depends on what you have to say.</English>

<English>Yes, I will share my prize with you; but I insist that the favor will be returned later.</English>

<English>You are either very daring or very foolish to tempt my anger, [CT_NAME]. In either case: I will submit your demand, knowing that you will never comprehend its full potential.</English>

<English>How dare you! How dare you take advantage of our weakened state! I will not forget this, [CT_NAME].</English>

<English>If I did not know any better I would think that you had just threatened me, [CT_NAME].</English>

<English>Take your threats elsewhere, [CT_NAME]. We will not be shaken by your big words and frantic, meaningless chatter.</English>

<English>What a great, big, foul mouth you have, [CT_NAME]! Shall I shut it with my fist?</English>
Last edited:
Reserved for a rainy day.
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- v1.03 (Revision 9) -

  • Modified most AI profiles based on (my understand of) forumers' actual play styles
  • Feminist unit line overhauled
  • Abeille city list updated
  • New Unit: Raider (replaces Cossack as Union UU; improved Berserk)
  • Stormtrooper stats changed, now specializes in city assault
  • New Structures:
    • Re-education Camp (replaces Fusion Reactor as Coruscanti UB; Jail with better espionage & war weariness effect, culture penalty)
    • Listening Post (Lancer UB; Library with Espionage bonus)
  • Leaderhead changes
    • New Leader: Terran Empress (Terran Empire; Cre/Org)
    • Omega traits changed to Agg/Cha; Favourite Religion Confucianism
    • Aile Dhoo traits changed to Phi/Exp
    • Renamed and disabled original Civ'ed leaderhead in internal scripting (Resdayn no longer playable)
  • New Faction: Enclave of America
    • Leader: John Henry Eden (Agg/Org)
    • UU: Enclave Trooper, Vertibird
    • UB: Vault
  • New Faction: Federated Empire of Obscuristan
    • Leader: Civ'ed (Phi/Pro)
    • UU: Dog Soldier, Dahomey Amazon
    • UB: Firaxis Totem Pole
  • New Faction: Eternal Empire of Mysore
    • Leader: Minah (Ind/Cha)
    • UU: Bodacious Space Pirate
    • UB: Kaleidoscope of Quantum Wisdom
  • New Faction: New Hetmanate
    • Leaders: Yosyp (Phi/Exp), Yakiv (Ind/Org), Yulia (Agg/Imp)
    • UU: Zaporizhian Cossack
    • UB: Firaxis Ger, Kobzarskyi Tsekh
  • New 'Airmobile' special unit class, for use with Vertibird (can carry modern foot units and Artillery)
  • Corrected Confucian and Taoist missionaries to use their proper action sound
  • Fixed BUG so new unit classes properly work with Dynamic Unit Naming
  • Added a bunch of new diplomusic
  • Modified Combat promotion line: beginning at Combat II, grants all applicable units stackable withdrawal chance
  • Various text changes
  • A bunch of stuff I probably forgot, it's been two years

Now that I've more-or-less buffed out all the scratches from the earlier releases, I'm ready to tackle the big one: customized religions. I'm still not sure what we want to do with it, but if Corporations serve as our auxiliary fora, I figure Religions would be the particular cults and fandoms: think Waifu Wars, political ideologies, and et cetera. I want to make them diverse à la C2C with different effects, and possibly unique bonus units.

Also because Megs is holding me hostage send help Civ'ed's faction is pretty much the only straight-faced Native American/African state, I'm looking at another specialized graphic set combining the two...
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Sweet! I'll download this when homework stops being an immediate concern (which might not be for a while :(). Probably will make some changes/additions to my nation.

RE: Religions, there should be Saberism. Or general Fate/ worship if you want to keep the amount of religions down to a reasonable number. :p Maybe the LGBT agenda should be a religion as well?
Wooo! Finally you have your own OP
Question the first: Was my AI updated? Or do I dtill use vanilla Stalin AI. I dont care either; I think Stalin fits perfectly, but just asking.

Question the second: If we do religions, custom religions require custom missionarieis. I dont think that would normally be an issue, except I am to be a feminist civ with female everything D:

That being said, I demand lucinism be a faith and that it becomes my perferred religion if we do waifu based religions. I would also advise against an LGBT religion, simply because I feel it opens a bad can of worms.

Question the third: If you want custom faiths with custom bonuses, that is going to be pretty weird since civ iv religion is all designed with the assumption that each faith is equal. For example, the whole idea with perferred religions is that choose religion when founding is a default opinion in this mod, so that people's AI can choose whatever faith they want. Religion with specific bonuses would mean each would have to be balanced, and maybe we would have to stick them to specific techs, and it would have implications of balance on the civs themselves. All around it feels like a poor gameplay choice, regardless of how cool the idea is.

Also a suggestion: list the traits already used by other leaders? I know overlap is going to happen due to all the leaders but we should still aim towards less as possible.
Omega124 said:
Question the first: Was my AI updated? Or do I dtill use vanilla Stalin AI.
iWonderConstructRand|30|40|More likely to build wonders
iBaseAttitude|-1|1|Friendlier initial contact
iEspionageWeight|150|140|Less Espionage emphasis
iMaxWarRand|100|150|Less likely to start total war
iBuildUnitProb|30|20|Builds fewer units
TechRefuseAttitudeThreshold|Cautious|Annoyed|More likely to trade tech
iVassalPowerModifier|0|20|More resistant to vassalage[/TABLE]

Not counting flavours, contact/memory variables and improvement emphasis, everything else is the same.

I actually can't remember the rationale for the attitude change, but most of these were geared toward boosting your economic performance. And because I know you'll ask, ESP was bumped down to emphasize Red_Spy, who basically made his whole career out of spy games and who I've found is otherwise a rather weak opponent.

Question the second: If we do religions, custom religions require custom missionarieis. I dont think that would normally be an issue, except I am to be a feminist civ with female everything D:
Ah, but you see...

Question the third: If you want custom faiths with custom bonuses, that is going to be pretty weird since civ iv religion is all designed with the assumption that each faith is equal.
As I recall that was done for neutrality reasons. In C2C the bonuses were minor and matched the faith: Asatru buildings increased military unit production by like 5%, pacifist religions nerfed it but boosted culture, science, &c. On the one hand, I'm the guy that tries to grab them all, but on the other, if we want to make Waifu Wars a thing, tying specific units and buildings to a state religion opens up a whole new strategic element.

Also a suggestion: list the traits already used by other leaders? I know overlap is going to happen due to all the leaders but we should still aim towards less as possible.
Aile Dhoo||||
Civ'ed (old)||||
Civ'ed (new)|||||||||
Double A|
Genghis Khan|
Irish McScot||||||||
Red Lotus||
Red Spy||||||||
Robert Can't|||
Sam Sniped||
Terran Emperor||
Terran Empress|||
west india man|||||
Where do we submit our religion ideas? I have some ideas for Rinism

I really, really think that we should hear some input from Thor if he wants a reasonable amount of religions or a really large amount of religions. Because if he wants a reasonable amount of religions then there could be a serious case for making Fate/Stay Night one religion.
It sounds as if this mod is going into the kitchen sink valley, to join C2C and AND2 (to a lesser degree. BTW go play AND2) and have 342984 things going on at once.
It sounds as if this mod is going into the kitchen sink valley, to join C2C and AND2 (to a lesser degree. BTW go play AND2) and have 342984 things going on at once.

Soon: added cheese with health and happiness
Leader: Nuka-sama; IND and Financial
Spoiler :

Diplomacy intro blurb: What luck you have to run into I, the glorious and magnificent Nuka-sama. You may begin tributing now.
Faction name (full): Orrian Imperium
Shorthand: i.e. Or
Adjective: i.e. Orrian
Favourite civic & religion: Hereditary Rule
Spoiler :

Starting techs: Mining, Pottery
UU: Fires of Babylon-Trebuchet-Starts with the bonus collateral damage promotions
UB: Gates of Babylon-Bank-More money, plus happiness from Gold and Wine
Strategy: War, Gold, Tech; lower use of wonders, culture
War & Peace theme: Peace:
Colour: Golden for primary, black for secondary, blue as a fall back?
Building style: Asian
Unit style: Asian (Feminist)
Unit voiceover: French
Base AI: Catherine
Cities: Capital: Or
Other cities: Ea, Santa Fuyuki, San Babylon, Aionion Hetairoi, Santa California, San Fran-Tokyo, Santa Marinette, Santa Paris, San Ouro, San Goud, San Ar, Werik, Santa Voski, Sbarna, San Zlato, Santa Shay, San Guld, Santa Ginto, Chrysós, Aur, Thxng, The Golden City, San Gull, Ok'ros, Santa Jin, San G&#333;rudo, Puebla de Oro, San Emas, Alt, Santa Kulta, San Auksas
I kind of dislike the tech trade change. If anything, I would want to make it so I only traded with people who I liked only, not even cautious. Certainly not annoyed. Just doesnt seem my style at all.

Also stalin's distrust of everyone kind of mirrors me, although I can see why leaving it neutral would be an acceptable comprimkse.

Otherwise, the changes are fine. I dont see why you had to nerf my esp just so red can have 150 (why cant we both have 150?), but I can at least accept it.

I didnt even know those missionaries existed D: They will be super useful for all the new civ additions indeed.

Your thing on C2C, which while nice, doesnt really adress my point that the only real way to balance all lf this is to remove choice on founding religion, which is something I would be adverse to. However, I feel like I am more on board to custom religion effects than I was when I wrote that last night, so I guess its irrelevant either way. This mod isnt meant to be balanced, after all. Now I just need to think what Lucininism does :P

@Nuka gold and black are my civ colors D:
I don't know where all the original civs are for this mod :(
Did you make any changes to my ai?

Also I don't really want to have both Terran Emperor and Terran Empress, it seem kinda pointless and I don't really want to have both a male and female leader, especially since they are both supposed to represent me i'd rather just have Empress.
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