What television shows are you watching?

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I started Season 3 of Love on Netflix and it's just boring. Season 1 was great. There was a lot of drama but it wasn't too crazy and their characters were fun and entertaining. Season 2 they amped up the drama to ridiculous heights and things kind of went off the rails. Now the drama has fallen off a cliff and it's just boring as hell. This is apparently the final season too; what a letdown.
I finished season 2 of Jessica Jones over the weekend, and liked it. I tried not to judge it against its own first season, even though that's probably a fair thing to do.

Spoiler :
I don't think it went all that well. Fine and all to explore and grow the characters. But that's not really the type of show it is, and doing so left no room to actually have a superhero show.
Spoiler :
I actually look at it the other way, that it's entirely about the characters, and is not really a superhero show.
You guys need to check out McMafia. It's a new AMC show. Only 3 episodes out, I think 4 airs tonight. I watch on demand so not really sure what night.

It's about a family of Russians ex mobsters exiled from Russia by the mafia and they now live in London. The children are basically western, having gone to boarding schools, and the son runs a hedge fund in London. It's about how he starts to get sucked into the old family business. But what's really awesome about it is the show is about the dirty finances behind the mob, not just the up front violence and activities. One of the quotes highlighted in ads for the show is a mobster saying these wars are won by lawyers in board rooms. It's called McMafia because the boss guy is trying to build his gangster business like you would a Mcdonald's franchise, but being everywhere. It's well acted and just a different show than most of the stuff on tv right now.
I am finishing up TNG and may I ask what they were thinking when they made the episode where they let billions of people die because making contact would violate the Prime Directive? And this is framed as a morally justifiable thing to do?

What were people on in the nineties?
I am finishing up TNG and may I ask what they were thinking when they made the episode where they let billions of people die because making contact would violate the Prime Directive? And this is framed as a morally justifiable thing to do?

What were people on in the nineties?
I have no idea. The older I get, the more I despise most of TNG, especially Picard, with his smug, self-righteous, entitled proclamations of "WE ARE ENLIGHTENED!!!!" :smug: :smug: :smug:
I loved TNG back in the day, but I have to admit that I haven't watched an episode since it aired, and have no idea how well it holds up.
I loved TNG back in the day, but I have to admit that I haven't watched an episode since it aired, and have no idea how well it holds up.
Overall, pretty good. The first 2-3 seasons are kind of tough to get through. After that there are few cringe worthy episodes but they are the exception.
As far as TNG goes, I still maintain that the episode "The Inner Light" was one of their finest, and it was one of the finest episodes of television to come out of the nineties all things considered. Just MHO
As far as TNG goes, I still maintain that the episode "The Inner Light" was one of their finest, and it was one of the finest episodes of television to come out of the nineties all things considered. Just MHO
I have to agree... but there's one thing about it that has annoyed me for decades: Am I the only person to ever notice how much the song played on the flute is a ripoff of "The Skye Boat Song"?

It's weird that nobody on TrekBBS ever mentions that. Not even people who watch Outlander seem to have noticed, and I can't possibly be the only person who watches both series.

There's a YT video in which Patrick Stewart and his son discuss that episode and playing the flute. The music we hear in the episode was actually played by the son, not Stewart.
As far as TNG goes, I still maintain that the episode "The Inner Light" was one of their finest, and it was one of the finest episodes of television to come out of the nineties all things considered. Just MHO
Was that the one where he lives a whole life in a simulation? That one was heartbreaking and beautiful. Easily one of the best episodes in the series.
Was that the one where he lives a whole life in a simulation? That one was heartbreaking and beautiful. Easily one of the best episodes in the series.
That's the one.

Here's the YT video with Patrick Stewart and his son, where they talk about that episode.

I think this clip also includes the scene in another episode where the flute is used - the one with Nella Daren and the duet in the Jeffries tube.

If you just want to see the duet scene, here it is:

^So they are playing something like the OST of Betrayl at Krondor? ^^
I don't know what that means.

My ears keep telling me it's a semi-plagiarized variation of "The Skye Boat Song."
I am finishing up TNG and may I ask what they were thinking when they made the episode where they let billions of people die because making contact would violate the Prime Directive? And this is framed as a morally justifiable thing to do?

What were people on in the nineties?
I think that was the point, to show the inherent flaws in the supposedly high-minded ideals of the Federation. IIRC, the Prime Directive is actually something that the Federation/humans inherited from the Vulcans... at least that's what is implied in First Contact and some ENT episodes. So it makes sense that it would be cold and "logical".

Also... in the nineties... people were... on weed.
Was that the one where he lives a whole life in a simulation? That one was heartbreaking and beautiful. Easily one of the best episodes in the series.
That episode is such a great example of the real brilliance of Star Trek... where the technobabble just provides enough suspension of disbelief to tell you a really wonderful story.
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I actually look at it the other way, that it's entirely about the characters, and is not really a superhero show.
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So, if I get you right, it's a different genre that just happens to have superheroes in the story?
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So, if I get you right, it's a different genre that just happens to have superheroes in the story?

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It's about a vigilante's mommy issues. Very little superhero stuff happens.
Oh, that's it, I'm not gonna watch it. Back to webcomics and MOBAs it is.
Spoiler :
So, if I get you right, it's a different genre that just happens to have superheroes in the story?
Basically, yes. It's got a lot of "hard boiled detective" in it, and it takes a whack at what heroism is and means. Jessica doesn't want her powers, she just wants to be drunk, and some of the people around her have issues with that.

"If you say, 'with great power comes great responsibility' I swear I'll throw up on you." - Jessica Jones
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