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Which movies have you watched? ΙΔ' - The House of Asterion

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Yeah, for all of us over 50, but Gal was a very pleasant replacement. :)
Drunken Master. The fight-choreography was amazing, although I'm still not sure if it was supposed to be a serious kung-fu movie or a sly send-up of a serious kung-fu movie.

Also not sure if it was a specific problem with the version I watched (or Netflix.de screwing up), but the sense of satire was at least partly induced by some odd dubbing (scripting? editing?). Per my usual preferences for hearing films in their original language, I set options for Cantonese (original) audio + English subs, but the entire opening-credits scene, plus occasional lines in later scenes, were nonetheless dubbed (delivered?) entirely in English (albeit apparently voiced by [Hong Kong?] Chinese voice-actors who were not the onscreen actors; voice-tones were different).

Really wish Netflix.de had more of Jackie Chan's older (better) movies, but no such luck (no Armor of God or Police Story, but sure, all 3 Rush Hour movies, great... :rolleyes: ).
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Drunken Master. The fight-choreography was amazing, although I'm still not sure if it was supposed to be a serious kung-fu movie or a sly send-up of a serious kung-fu movie.

Really wish Netflix.de had more of Jackie Chan's older movies, but no such luck (no Armor of God or Police Story, but sure, all 3 Rush Hour movies, great... :rolleyes: ).
Police Story 3: Supercop is the movie that catapulted me, flailing my arms and screaming, into Hong Kong movies. I spent a good chunk of the '90s going to film festivals and looking for those out-of-the-way video stores. I sort of miss the days when that kind of thing was a full-fledged hobby, with, like, travel and calendars on the fridge. Now, you just turn on your computer.
Superhero movies I'd recommend to someone who's not normally into superhero movies:

The Incredibles
The Dark Knight
The Matrix

That's probably it. I'm thinking maybe also The Crow and Mystery Men, but I haven't seen either one in ages, so I'm not sure how they hold up. The movies above I've seen in the last 5-6 years and can vouch for in 2019.
Just rewatched the Crow again recently, still really good. Music's a bit dated but I kind of liked that. Some bits seem a bit cheesey like the tropey orphan girl and his guitar solo but that's excusable.
A CIA dude gets killed, they wake him up then give him one more job.

Ethan Hawk does an action flick, plus Rutgar Hauer has a bit in it.
I just watched Ironclad (2011).
What a mess.
Paul Giamatti as King John is its only saving grace. But of course his mercenaries are Pagan Danes (in 1215?!) led by Captain Tiberius (?!) motivated by promises that the Pope will "leave them alone" if they help him.:dubious:
It's got good reviews and good actors.

My problem is it's broadcast in Thai, I don't understand Thai.
I wanted to watch Dunkirk in theatres when it came out but didn't. After that, I just kinda avoided it.

But I finally decided to watch it a couple nights ago. It was fantastic. Great sound design.
Boys' choice tonight was Hotel Transylvania. Which was surprisingly well-made and funny, considering it was graced with Adam Sandler and Selina Gomez in the lead voice roles (good thing I didn't know that before I sat down)
well, Peter Fonda died and its been a few years since I last saw Easy Rider so thats in my immediate future viewing


79 aint bad
I watched Resident Evil 2 and it was perfectly forgettable except it had Jarrod Harris!

Also, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure was a silly, fun movie.
Thor: Ragnarok just showed up on Netflix.de, so of course we re-watched it (my wife fancies Chris Hemsworth, so it's not difficult to convince her!). Was almost as good the second time round.
I know that I'm not ‘everyone’ to you, Syn-chan, but this time you almost make it sound like a bad thing.

Get a 6 pac or two (maybe 3) plus chips, your favorite hot sauce, turn off your brain and enjoy.
I still haven't seen Logan or Rogue One.
Shame on you Arakhor. :nono: You should feel bad about yourself. Get your tushie on AMAZON and rent those movies immediately or face the wrath of the sci-fi/superhero movienerd gods :trouble:

Seriously though... I just watched Shazam! with the kids... Completely ridiculous movie of course, but actually surprisingly entertaining and heartwarming for what it was. It knows what it is and doesn't take itself seriously at all, which actually made it fun to watch.
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