Ask a Young Earth Creationist.

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Im not a creationist of any kind nor do i subscribe to its beliefs, but most people believe in things that they will never personally prove themselves nor make a business to find out more about.

God can exist independent of religion but that's another topic. That's my belief but it isn't based on anything that can be proven scientifically.

Young Earth Creationist seem to have trouble with separating fact from fiction. The Bible has many authors. I consider it to be part fact, part fiction with some spiritual inspiration. There is both archeological and scientific evidence that proves for a fact that the earth is older than what the YECS want to believe. Even most Christians view the story of genesis as a metaphor, not literal truth. How can they possibly reconcile what they cannot prove?
The point is, nevertheless, that he does not have to have all of the answers to your questions in order for creationism to be right.

YEC obviously isn't true; most of the questions in this thread are meant to discover why he believes what he does in light of all the evidence against it, IMO.

They aren't meant in a "if you cant answer this then YEC is disproved" (since it already has), it's meant as more of a "what about this obvious contradiction, how do you reconsile that?"
Why exactly are you so convinced of the Young Earth Creationist theory? What is the clincher of the theory for you? And don't just say "because the Bible says so" because that's not good enough and is no better than "because Stephen Hawking say so".

I note with interest that all of your links are to creationist websites. Its considered bad practice in science to try and find evidence for an unsubstantiated conclusion, and I can think of no better example than YEC. Some of theories proposed in the links are quite frankly ridiculous (eg. spontaneous increase in radioactive decay rates, God setting up planetary magnetic fields in a specific way), and are supported only by data from biased creationist (read unreliable) sources.

I eagerly await answers to my previous questions:

How much biology/chemisty/physics/geology/history have you actually studied?

Where is the error in the common derivation of Hubble's constant?

If God put fossils in the ground, a) why didn't he mention it in the Bible? and b) couldn't he have done the same with unearthed remains of Rome/Egypt/Ancient China etc?

How can we catch the common cold more than once?

How do we know the Bible hasn't been messed with over time?

Why did God create the Earth to look as though its much older than it is (continental drift, for example)?
1. Why did God make South America and Africa fit perfectly together, but yet place them so far apart? How would they have moved at the rate they are moving now to be so far away in such a short period of time?

2. Why do human babies have gill slits along with many other animals, that do not need them past their embryonic development?

3. Why would God make about 12 different species of elephants, only to end up with 2 models that actually have worked?

4. What is so difficult about reading a biology textbook? Is it really that much easier to come up with elaborate lies about life than it is to read and comprehend what a bunch of scientists have been studying for years, summed up in a couple of pages of a bio texbook?

5. If the Earth is so young, why all the fossils that indicate otherwise? Is God a trickster?
Well the radioactive decay is not quite so concrete as many people say, because there are many things that can affect the rate of decay. Also the way how the it is measured makes many assumption, such as that they know the exact amount of mother material that would have been at the site. No one would even know that, thus it is assumed.
Billion Fold acceleration demonstrated in the laboratory
These two quotes shows that everything is not quite right with traditional dating methods. Also with Radioactive decay, you get helium as a by product of the decay, but the amount of helium is not what you would expect for samples that have had billions of years. Whenever decay happens we get an alpha particle and that eventually turns into helium, thus helium is a good indicator of age because it can show how much helium is in the sample thus we get an age from it. The problem for Evolutionists is the fact that it does not give billions of year, but actually just a few thousand years, give or take a few thousand.
Nuclear Decay: Evidence for a Young Earth
The decay it at a diffusion rate that is about 100,000 times less than what it should be. For the data to be correct for evolutionist, then this is what would need to have happened to the samples.
So the results are a great confirmation for the belief in what the Bible says. For more info see this paper on the issue.
Helium Diffusion age of 6,00 Years

And there is some more evidence that they earth is young and that is our magnetic field. This theory about the beginnings of the solar systems magnetic fields is based on this verse. 2 Peter 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
So a Physicist came up with a theory that the solar system was first formed out of water and then he made some assumptions that are found here.
The Creation of Planetary Magnetic Fields
Here are some things in the future that can test this theory to see if it is correct.
In fact we have been able to show that because Voyager has long been past those two planets and have been able to, and guess what? They supported the creationist model on the magnetic field.
Beyond Neptune: Voyager II supports Creation

There reason for all this evidence about the age of the Earth is that this is really the heart of the issue at hand. IS the Bible reliable in what is says? Because if the Bible is accurate and that there is scientific evidence to back it up regarding the age of the earth, then it is reliable in all thing, but if it is wrong in this, then it is wrong inall things and thus unreliable.
AN Old Age of the Earth is at the Heart of Evolution

PLEASE! Can we get a SINGLE peer-reviewed piece on any of this?
What techniques do YECs consider viable ways of measuring the ages of various things? If a YEC found a piece of pottery or a piece of lavarock, what techniques could he use to determine their ages? It seems that radiometric dating is actively disbelieved; so what else do you have?

If a Christian woman feels pain during childbirth, does this mean her sins have not been forgiven? How about if a childbirth is pain free due to medication? What are the theological implications?

Is there a layer of salted ice over Antarctica and Greenland corresponding to the Flood (with unsalted ice below and unsalted ice above)?

When looking at geological strata, how do you determine which one corresponds to the Flood?

Did ancient humans have much more aluminium in them, because Adam was made of clay?
Im not a creationist of any kind nor do i subscribe to its beliefs, but most people believe in things that they will never personally prove themselves nor make a business to find out more about.
True, but the next question is, why believe in something that no one can prove (or at least, support with evidence)?
Guys be reasonable, hes avoiding this thread like the plague because he cant possibly hope to make creationism sound credible.

Ask him other things.
Indeed, we don't need to turn this into another "evolution vs creationism" slugfest.

So my question: do you really think that all scientists and laypeople who accept evolution are willfully being ignorant, or malicious?
And again, and this is based on what some people at this very site have implied:

Is one of the greatest reasons for believing in Young Earth Creationism the fear that if you don't, you will be tortured for eternity? This is not a troll question, it seems to be a real issue.
Bah... Everyone knows that the Earth was actually created last Friday, and anything that appears to make the world seem older (including your memories) were placed there to fool you out of the true belief that the earth was created last Friday.

Seriously, though, I'd ask you: how do you account for the changes that have gotten into the Bible since it was written (through translation, transcription, etc.), and how do you account for the fact that the Bible was written on paper by fallible human beings?
I'm going to ask you a set of possibly sneaky questions, so I'll warn you ahead of time that this has to do with evolution. Think carefully before answering.

1. When God creates something, should He / does He make it fail-safe/redundant/recuperative (FSRR), so that it can withstand a loss or injury?
1a. If the answer to the above is YES, to what degree is this done, and what examples would you use other than in humans?
1b. If the answer to the above is NO, should human design principles work the same way and build to the minimum specifications, or should we overengineer what we create?
1c. If the answer to the above is IRRELEVANT or NEUTRAL, to what degree if any would you expect to find FSRR in humans, such as double kidneys if you consider those to be so?​
2. Why are humans (arguably) partially redundant? Is it a matter of degree?
3. Could bionic/cybernetic limbs and articial life support be considered a form of FSRR?

(Credits to El_Machinae for the inspiration.)
Bah... Everyone knows that the Earth was actually created last Friday, and anything that appears to make the world seem older (including your memories) were placed there to fool you out of the true belief that the earth was created last Friday.

Seriously, though, I'd ask you: how do you account for the changes that have gotten into the Bible since it was written (through translation, transcription, etc.), and how do you account for the fact that the Bible was written on paper by fallible human beings?

I'm afraid you got it all wrong. Th earth was actually created last Sunday, with the impression that it was created last Friday, such that everything appears to have been billions of years old.

You have fallen dangerously behind in the newest discoveries.
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