Brexit Thread III - How to instantly polarise your country without even trying

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Well, given that we've filled over 90 pages in just seven months, it will take a remarkably quiet period over the next ten months to keep this thread going all that time. I was thinking of breaking it after 100 pages, because that seems as good as any, unless you have a better idea?
I'd prefer a split at some important development at least, not just an arbitrary point in time.

I just don't know of any other planned important events before the brexit date.
Theresa May, despite being seemingly useless at anything resembling governance, is apparently quite good at staying in her leaky boat at Number 10.
Probably because more than a few Tories know that if May goes, Bojo comes in?

BTW; I'm pretty sure that boat is now a paper mache submarine with screen doors and windows.
That way they can say "Look at this huge bill the EU has forced on us out of spite! But they will never break us! Pax Brittania!"

Theresa May seems to believe that if we pay the EC27 £39 billion, they will be nice to the UK on trade and other things.

I take the view that if the UK pays the EC £39 billion, the EC27 will rightly regard us as idiots and demand another
£39 billion and./or surrender of Gibraltar and Northern Ireland and ongoing settlement rights into the British mainland.

It remains to be seen whether Parliament is going to vote to pay the EC27 £39 billion. I suspect they will
be unable to agree, will bottle out of any decsion and refer it to the UK voters in another referendum.
I'd prefer a split at some important development at least, not just an arbitrary point in time.

I just don't know of any other planned important events before the brexit date.

The Brexit agreement is supposed to be finalized this October. I suppose that is going to be the next important event.
I take the view that if the UK pays the EC £39 billion, the EC27 will rightly regard us as idiots and demand another £39 billion and./or surrender of Gibraltar and Northern Ireland and ongoing settlement rights into the British mainland.

Well, of course you would. You seem to be stuck in the mindset of Versailles, rather than anything more modern than a century ago!
Well, of course you would. You seem to be stuck in the mindset of Versailles, rather than anything more modern than a century ago!

It isn't unlikely that the Eu will ask for more, after it gets paid. That said... there is no other way than to pay it, unless you want a full/hard/real/etc brexit.
It remains to be seen whether Parliament is going to vote to pay the EC27 £39 billion. I suspect they will be unable to agree, will bottle out of any decsion and refer it to the UK voters in another referendum.

Really? The right-wing media is trying very hard to insist that the Will of the People may only be exercised on that singular date in June 2016, yet projects forwards ad infinitum. Having another referendum would be a betrayal of all that we hold dear as a democracy... apparently.

It isn't unlikely that the Eu will ask for more, after it gets paid. That said... there is no other way than to pay it, unless you want a full/hard/real/etc brexit.

Presumably, if they asked for more, it would be in response to actual things we want from them, rather than the current steady diet of unicorns and rainbows, but that would rather imply that we actually have a negotiating stance at that point. :rolleyes:
Presumably, if they asked for more, it would be in response to actual things we want from them, rather than the current steady diet of unicorns and rainbows, but that would rather imply that we actually have a negotiating stance at that point. :rolleyes:

It may be in bad taste, but currently Britain's best bet is to ally with Trump. Of course it will be very difficult, but that is the current balance of power, and you already witnessed that May is taken for a moron by the Eu (notice the charade with May as Eu stooge vs Russia, as if Russia cares about Britain).

Tbh, May looks more and more like that weird white-bearded Blair puppet, who tried to become mayor of London and massively lost to Livingstone.
Ally with Trump? Are you having a laugh? Even if there was anything that the US wanted from us and was prepared to offer a not totally one-sided deal, anyone with half an ear to the ground knows that any arrangement with the Trump administration is subject to extreme change at any moment, whether or not his administration has even been informed!
It may be in bad taste, but currently Britain's best bet is to ally with Trump.

I do not think that this is possible for two reasons:

(a) the politically correct and the Remainers will always obstruct this by insulting Donald Trump
(b) Donald Trump lacks the skills to get a trade deal through the US House of Congress and Senate

Nevertheless some form of alignment between the USA and UK (who each have massive trade deficits with China) might be beneficial.

Tbh, May looks more and more like that weird white-bearded Blair puppet, who tried to become mayor of London and massively lost to Livingstone.

Frank Dobson would likely have been an unassuming and competent Mayor of London.
(a) the politically correct and the Remainers will always obstruct this by insulting Donald Trump

Ah, yes. Blame the "politically correct", because everything was so much better when you could be casually racist/sexist/whatever in the street and no one would care.
(a) the politically correct and the Remainers will always obstruct this by insulting Donald Trump
It's politically correct not to insult people. I sense a contradiction.
Since we don't have a British politics thread, thought I would post this here:

Is this Richard Madeley guy usually this good, or was him growing a spine a freak event that only occurs when Jupiter and Mars are in alignment?
You couldn't tell from his voice? I never saw him on Richard & Judy, but he certainly didn't do badly in that interview.
Theresa May seems to believe that if we pay the EC27 £39 billion, they will be nice to the UK on trade and other things.

I take the view that if the UK pays the EC £39 billion, the EC27 will rightly regard us as idiots and demand another
£39 billion and./or surrender of Gibraltar and Northern Ireland and ongoing settlement rights into the British mainland.

First, UK is seen as idiots since they decided to go away despite
a) being the very ones who caused most of the problems blamed (like "polish workers taking our jobs", the UK was the one pushing for adding all the East European countries to the EU to begin with).
b) being a diva while having a better deal than everyone
c) being convinced by a utterly stupid campaign (how are these 350 millions per week going ?).

So no, paying your due is not what will make Brit look like idiots, they did the job themselves already.

Second, despite the shrieking conspiracy theorist here, the EU is simply making the UK pay what it's supposed to pay and every other member pays. It's not just asking money for the fun of asking it. The UK is just shocked because it's used to get preferential treatment (a welcome lesson about not giving it to anybody), and because people are idiots and gullibly swallow every "the EU is an undemocratic tyrant" BS that local politician throw to deflect their own responsibility (once they'll have exhausted the EU, it'll be "the guys in London" or whatever).
It remains to be seen whether Parliament is going to vote to pay the EC27 £39 billion. I suspect they will
be unable to agree, will bottle out of any decsion and refer it to the UK voters in another referendum.
And they'll be able to blame the EU all over again ! So people can hear again "the EU is blackmailing us waaaah" ! Isn't it grand ?
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