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Brexit Thread III - How to instantly polarise your country without even trying

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Actually, with an ageing population and people emigrating, we'd have negative growth.
Actually, with an ageing population and people emigrating, we'd have negative growth.
The lastnumber I saw was minus 0.3 %
ok that's not zero, but roughly it is, unless that 0.3 % becomes relatively big compared to % GDP change.

Without immigration the population growth of UK will be around zero.

Is that... meant to be a bad thing?!

Considering the relative high population density of UK, I think that a stable population of the UK is fine.

And on a global scale, considering climate, environment, etc I favor a global culture where populations stop growing.
Considering our current addiction to all kinds of prosperity, only for now possible with GDP growth, GDP growth stays the chief whip of most political choices, despite some nuancing encouraged by the UN introduction of the indicator "inclusive GDP growth"
So aiming at a decrease of population, starting in developed countries, accompanied by inclusive GDP per Capita growth, partially on the back of an inevitable ordinary AI development, is for now utopian. But long term I favor that.
It seems that Theresa May plans to steam roll over one of her more well known opponents:

Heathrow Airport: Cabinet approves new runway plan


Opponents have threatened a legal challenge while Mr Johnson, who is MP for Uxbridge and
South Ruislip in west London, has vowed to "lie down in front of bulldozers" to prevent it

Frankly I think the decision is a huge mistake that will be realisable when UK air traffic declines after March 29.

Devout Remainers may no doubt fantasise about being a bulldozer driver.
Brexit - the only story in British politics since June 2016!*

* Except terrorist attacks, the Grenfell tragedy etc.
It seems that Theresa May plans to steam roll over one of her more well known opponents:

Heathrow Airport: Cabinet approves new runway plan

Frankly I think the decision is a huge mistake that will be realisable when UK air traffic declines after March 29.
Devout Remainers may no doubt fantasise about being a bulldozer driver.

Besides the Brexit argument
More airports, more airplanes close to economy clusters are related to more GDP growth (potential)
but will that last ?

Will airplanes benefit that much longer from no-tax fuel ? ............. will the Climate fossil austerity not cause a pivotal dead end for further investments ?
Will hologram meetings replace conference calls ?...... will they just increase meetings ? ......... or will they start eroding face-to-face meetings ?
Will that hologram development go steady but slow as in most futuristic plannings of new techs ? ......... or will it explode like the smart-phones ?
Conf calls are horsehocky, but at least you can get back to work immediately thereafter.
Nobody I know likes getting in time there, security checks, sitting and waiting in airports... wasting a whole day for that 2 hour meeting.

And the cost of aviation fuel is going up.

The extra runway there may never happen. Parliament would have to vote in favour. I don't believe the
line, it will be entirely met by private finance with 125% compensation for the cost of homes, will wash.

Question is, is Boris going to use it as an opportunity to resign?

Brexit - the only story in British politics since June 2016!*

* Except terrorist attacks, the Grenfell tragedy etc.

Well you chose the thread title.
I did, yes, but that was more a comment on UK politics than it was on my thread-naming skills. :p
Well, if Boris Johnson say something really stupid(again) the next thread can be called:
Brexit Thread III - Will the Real Boris Johnson, Please Shut Up. Please Shut Up. Please Shut Up.
Is that... meant to be a bad thing?!

Yes and no.
With an aging population the dependancy ratio will grow which is generally consdered A Bad Thing.
On the other hand, the Black Death killed so many working age mwn that it caused a labor shortage, which gave increased bargaining power to farmers, laborers and craftsmen and ultimately created a "middle class".
From my lefty-weirdo perspective it could be A Good Thing.
But it won't be A Good Thing because some people will still vote for Tories and everything will get worse.
Hmm. Nothing about population density and/or overpopulation in general then? Frankly I think we could do with a 90% population reduction world wide :)
Hmm. Nothing about population density and/or overpopulation in general then? Frankly I think we could do with a 90% population reduction world wide :)

Why the hurry if you know what you go for ?
If AI related automation would be 2% per year, and population decrease and shortening of the workweek would decrease each with 1% per year,
It will take some time, but also gives a low risk on instabilities from sudden changes.
The workweek shortening can be toggled to balance the actual AI rate.
Michael Gove: I think that the people of this country have had enough of experts
More or less my point. Since people who actually know the subject(s) they discuss are against Brexit, the safest solution is to ignore them entirely.
Yes and no.
With an aging population the dependancy ratio will grow which is generally consdered A Bad Thing.

Why is it we keep learning about the coming robots and mass employment, and at the same we hear about the problem of the dependency ration and lack of your people?
And if young people are so necessary, why has life been made so uncertain to them that they ceased risking have children?
You get my point, I'm sure. But it needs to be said often until more people get it.

On the other hand, the Black Death killed so many working age mwn that it caused a labor shortage, which gave increased bargaining power to farmers, laborers and craftsmen and ultimately created a "middle class".
From my lefty-weirdo perspective it could be A Good Thing.


That funny moment when a country is going to realize that all the problems they blamed on the EU actually came from within.

They didn't, not even in the UK which was the poster boy for neoliberalism. The current weakness of the civil service in the UK was only possible because it atrophied while the country was in the EU. Outside the EU they would have hit a limit much sooner on what they could cut, waste, and allow to deteriorate.
They didn't, not even in the UK which was the poster boy for neoliberalism. The current weakness of the civil service in the UK was only possible because it atrophied while the country was in the EU. Outside the EU they would have hit a limit much sooner on what they could cut, waste, and allow to deteriorate.
And, yet, correlation does not imply causation.
They didn't, not even in the UK which was the poster boy for neoliberalism. The current weakness of the civil service in the UK was only possible because it atrophied while the country was in the EU. Outside the EU they would have hit a limit much sooner on what they could cut, waste, and allow to deteriorate.
Yeah, we all know how countries can only let their civil service deteriorate when they're part of the EU :rolleyes:
Yeah, we all know how countries can only let their civil service deteriorate when they're part of the EU :rolleyes:

There is a local saying, which would translate to "(he is) more of a royalist than even the king himself".

Meaning how people can end up supporting stuff which isn't set up for their gain, cause they are viewed as just cogs anyway. But still may be enthusiastic enough.

I dont understand they want more immigrants ?
They also want access to common market, was this whole thing about fish qoutas ? Because the UK sold most of its fish qoutas to France ? And that fish qouta sold to france because the English dont want to eat certain types of fish which the rest of the EU are happy to eat.
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