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Coronavirus 4

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Makes me sad how depreciated my college education is. :(

Makes me outraged how much I paid for it. :mad:

Sorry, but after all an education is only to "get ready for working and get a good job" and no longer for actual education. . . I can't believe so much of humanity has bought so deeply into this consumption vision of life on Earth. Nothing seems to matter to people except consuming horsehocky anymore.
Sorry, but after all an education is only to "get ready for working and get a good job" and no longer for actual education. . .
Well, in my case I needed it as a requirement for my work visa! So I did get something tangible out of it.
Makes me sad how depreciated my college education is. :(

Makes me outraged how much I paid for it. :mad:
If you have paid the full tuition and the university only opened the online courses due to the pandemic, then it was truly depreciated in the fundamental values.
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If you have paid the full tuition and the university only opened the online courses due to the pandemic, then it was truly depreciated in the fundamental values.
Dude, I graduated years ago. I’ve been on here 19 years. Did you think I joined when I was 2?
What "herd immunity" really looks like:

For reasons that I am sure others here can explain, but are sure to include poverty, overcrowded living conditions and Bolsinaro's attitude to those living in the amazon, Manaus in the brazilian amazon has been particularly badly hit. Researchers tested samples from blood banks and estimated that up to 66% of the city’s people have been infected, which is getting about to the levels where herd immunity will reduce further spread, as advocated by Dom Cum et al. as a solution. The cost? Between one in 500 and one in 800 people in the city died of the disease.

Writeup: MIT Technology Review Reference: medRxiv preprint
To be fair one in 500 seems very low. Suspiciously so in fact. The fear has been a mortality of about 2% with this virus. 0,2% or less is not as much catastrophe lever.

The US has recorded about 200000 deaths. Assuming this 0,2% it would mean 100 million infected. Thus the "one in 500" does not seem credible.
I think the estimation of how many people were infected might be a bit off. 2/3rd seems very high.

For the situation here, from Saturday on bars, restaurants, gyms and similar facilities must be closed for 2 weeks.
Also seems that France has changed it's alert level system (you know the green/yellow/red system), but that seems to be mainly to hide how bad the situation is.
It is worth noting that Manaus is fairly young, with just 6% of its population over the age of 60 (in the United States, it’s around 20%). This would reduce the mortality rate. From the paper:
In Manaus the overall fatality ratio (IFR) was 0.17% and 0.28%, considering PCR confirmed
COVID-19 deaths and probable COVID-19 deaths based on syndromic identification,
respectively; whereas in São Paulo, the global IFRs were 0.46% and 0.72%, respectively. The
difference may be explained by an older population structure in São Paulo (Fig. S1).
Supporting this inference, the age-specific IFRs were similar in the two cities, and similar to
estimates based on data from Wuhan, China (Fig. S1B).​
Training a dog to become a sniffer takes time... training a sniffer dog to sniff Covid takes time
And Finland has now 4 dogs operational at Helsinki airport.

'Close to 100% accuracy': Helsinki airport uses sniffer dogs to detect Covid
Researchers running Helsinki pilot scheme say dogs can identify virus in seconds

A dog is capable of detecting the presence of the coronavirus within 10 seconds and the entire process takes less than a minute to complete, according to Anna Hielm-Björkman of the University of Helsinki, who is overseeing the trial.
Four Covid-19 sniffer dogs have begun work at Helsinki airport in a state-funded pilot scheme that Finnish researchers hope will provide a cheap, fast and effective alternative method of testing people for the virus.
I wonder what they actually sniff on people with the virus.

When our electronic sniff devices are able to sniff the same scope as dogs we will know that in full scientific description.
IDK about other countries but sniffing devices are here in NL used in hospitals.
AFAIK butterflies only need one molecule of the right feromone to get their system triggered.
Sweat yes
We have the expression in Dutch: het angstzweet brak hem uit (translated he got fear-sweat)

Breath is used as well

Here a BBC article of 2014 with some general info: dogs, e-noses (the sniffing devices), flies (their antennas), etc

Coronavirus mortality per capita cumulative count:

Rank Country Deaths per million population

1 Peru 966
2 Belgium 859
3 Spain 665
4 Bolivia 663
5 Brazil 657
6 Chile 651
7 Ecuador 633
8 USA 626
9 UK 616
10 Italy 592
11 Mexico 584
12 Sweden 581

Mexico overtook Sweden since I last listed.

Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

I have a flu vaccine jab scheduled for next week at the football ground.
It won't prevent infection from coronavirus, but there is a theory that people with
both flu and coronavirus are twice as likely to snuff it as those with just coronavirus.
Covid stupidities of the day...
Iceland allowed two french tourists known to carry the virus to run around, and now has to deal with the outbread. Impose quarantines, it's simple! The damage from having to deal with the outbreak will be far greater that the small income from what little tourism they had.
The governor in Florida wants to pretend the virus is not a problem. I guess Trump and allies will still manage to snatch defeat in this election, but it's a really tight competition to see who does worst over there: in the meanwhile the one in NY turned antivaxxer. Crazy politicization of public health and economic catastrophe won't do anything good.
Coronavirus mortality per capita cumulative count:

Rank Country Deaths per million population

1 Peru 966
2 Belgium 859
3 Spain 665
4 Bolivia 663
5 Brazil 657
6 Chile 651
7 Ecuador 633
8 USA 626
9 UK 616
10 Italy 592
11 Mexico 584
12 Sweden 581

Mexico overtook Sweden since I last listed.

Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

I have a flu vaccine jab scheduled for next week at the football ground.
It won't prevent infection from coronavirus, but there is a theory that people with
both flu and coronavirus are twice as likely to snuff it as those with just coronavirus.
I'm expecting that Argentina will jump up to this top 12 list some time in late Oct or early Nov, their death per million population increase by 10 nearly everyday during the past week.
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