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Danish far-right party calling for Muslim deportation to stand in election


Rambling and inconsistent
Mar 3, 2007
A Silver Mt. Zion

A far-right political party demanding the deportation of all Muslims and the preservation of the country for its “ethnic community” will be on the ballot paper in Denmark for the first time, in a general election due to be called within days.

The Stram Kurs, or Hard Line party, led by Rasmus Paludan – a lawyer who is currently appealing against a conviction for racism – is feared to be on track to gain MPs after recently passing a threshold of voter support needed to stand in the election.

A national election has to take place before 17 June under Danish law. Denmark’s prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, is expected to launch the campaign early this week.

Paludan, whose videos on YouTube, eccentric fashion sense and penchant for stunts have long earned him a following among teenagers, has emerged in recent weeks from relative obscurity to become headline news in Denmark.


He is currently banned from commenting on Facebook following the posting of a picture the platform said broke its rules, which include a prohibition on hate speech aimed at people of a particular religion or ethnicity. He is also appealing against a conviction from April for expressing racist views about Africans in a video recording.

Such are the concerns over Stram Kurs’s potential foothold in Danish politics that the leader of the Social Liberal party, Morten Østergaard, a former government minister, has called for the mainstream parties to rule out the prospect of the party forming part of a future governing coalition.

“We need to point out that there is a distinction between us and those who want to cleanse selected communities based on their beliefs or race,” Østergaard said. “There must be something called right and wrong in the Danish society.”

In order to be represented in the parliament, the party must now either pass a threshold of 2% of the national vote in the election, or gain a district seat. Stram Kurs is currently standing at 2.2% in the polls.

The whole article is relevant. You should read it.

What's most disgusting is that the right wing parties in Denmark aren't denying working together with Stram Kurs after its probable election. They have been speculating in racism for a few years at this point.

Remember that Denmark just made a policy to ban undesirables to an island, and Trump supporters said it was due to our socialism? I'm standing here in the middle of socialism and seeing the meeting between the rich and the racist ruin the whole thing.

I have right wing friends that don't understand why I don't vote centre-right, even though I understand certain principal goods and virtues in a liberal economy. At this point I can just say that I have basic principles.

(Sorry for the bad presentation/rambling, the last few weeks here have been screwing with my brain)
I am glad that watching the sensible parties cave in to fascists around the world is radicalizing people and making them see that "sensible" politics are often anything but.

The whole article is relevant. You should read it.

What's most disgusting is that the right wing parties in Denmark aren't denying working together with Stram Kurs after its probable election. They have been speculating in racism for a few years at this point.

Remember that Denmark just made a policy to ban undesirables to an island, and Trump supporters said it was due to our socialism? I'm standing here in the middle of socialism and seeing the meeting between the rich and the racist ruin the whole thing.

I have right wing friends that don't understand why I don't vote centre-right, even though I understand certain principal goods and virtues in a liberal economy. At this point I can just say that I have basic principles.

(Sorry for the bad presentation/rambling, the last few weeks here have been screwing with my brain)

Does this include ethnic Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Central Asians, Urdu, Bangladeshis, Indonesians, Malays, Somalis, and West Africans who are not actually currently part of an Islamic community, or practicing Islam, BTW?

And, secondarily, everyone knows Trump and his supporters are idiots who have no real education in how the political spectrum REALLY works, or what's going on in the rest of the world (or half of their own country), so their cliched opinions are worth less than used toilet paper in these types of affairs.
You all allot seats down to 2%?
You all allot seats down to 2%?

Because the Magic of First Past the Post in the U.S. and here in Canada produces so much better governments which are so much more representative of the nation's interests as a whole, right?
And you don't get a seat or 4 of bat-****-crazy angry malice on the coasting regular? In the kindest possible way, not the weird snarky way.

Because the Magic of First Past the Post in the U.S. and here in Canada produces so much better governments which are so much more representative of the nation's interests as a whole, right?

Chill. It's a question, not a screed.
And you don't get a seat or 4 of bat-****-crazy angry malice on the coasting regular? In the kindest possible way, not the weird snarky way.

Chill. It's a question, not a screed.

Our first memorable small party was the Boerenparty (Farmers party) of Hendrik Koekoek (litterally translated: Henry C.u.c.k.o.o), that existed from 1958-1981. Also as 1 man party in the two Chambers of the Dutch government)
The politicians and high Civil Servants had clearly no idea of farmers interests of small farmers (he was farmer) and he detested as well that former national-socialists (the Dutch NSB) were not 100% removed from politics and civil service (incl police officers etc)
He was himself a Christian and also thick-skulled authoritarian man.
The first rightwing "populist" speaking normal Dutch in politics and for a while very popular until the many minor scandals became too much, and the original newity had gone.
A combi of folklore and indicating the emerging post WW2 disconnect between rural and urban, the disconnect between ordinary and governmental.
I guess more the question is that at 2% or even 0.67% representation I would have assumed across the various countries there was a latent coming and going out outright explicitly-stated 1940s Nazis and the like, of various usefulness and acceptability when it comes to forming coalitions. This is not the case?
I guess more the question is that at 2% or even 0.67% representation I would have assumed across the various countries there was a latent coming and going out outright explicitly-stated 1940s Nazis and the like, of various usefulness and acceptability when it comes to forming coalitions. This is not the case?

Boer Koekoek was never part of a coalition cabinet.
His most famous and often repeated statement was: "I am against everything".
There were in the first two decades post WW2 mostly in the Christian Democratic party (its predeccessors of the various Christian "bloodgroups", 4 in total) several people that were "wrong" before the war (NSB) or stayed in governmental or high Civil Service positions, during the war. ("wrong" as grey shade in the row: Resistance-"good" (helping resistance)-normal-"wrong"-traitor. An occupation war leaves scars that last decades !). There were BTW enough "wrong" people in the Socialist party as well.

With one exception right-wing semi-fascist parties were never part of a coalition post WW2.
The PVV of Geert Wilders, the anti-Islam party, was two years part of a neo-liberal cabinet, but that was ended because of his blatant incompetence to take responsibility for anything. (2010-2012).
Since then the "cordon sanitaire" was applied again.
Thank you. I think I'll take that as a general "yes" for purposes of context view?

The whole article is relevant. You should read it.

What's most disgusting is that the right wing parties in Denmark aren't denying working together with Stram Kurs after its probable election. They have been speculating in racism for a few years at this point.

Remember that Denmark just made a policy to ban undesirables to an island, and Trump supporters said it was due to our socialism? I'm standing here in the middle of socialism and seeing the meeting between the rich and the racist ruin the whole thing.

I have right wing friends that don't understand why I don't vote centre-right, even though I understand certain principal goods and virtues in a liberal economy. At this point I can just say that I have basic principles.

(Sorry for the bad presentation/rambling, the last few weeks here have been screwing with my brain)

On the effects on political parties:
IDK that much on Danish politics. What I see from polls is that the gains of that Stram Kurs party correspond with the losses of the rightwing Dansk Folkeparti (Danish People party).
Since the last elections in 2015, on the left-right axis, the "left" has won a few %. It's roughly a 50-50 now.
There is now a shark in the pond, upsetting the current parties (much more apparently than the gains of the Dansk Folkeparti around 2015 (peaked then at 20%, continued at 17% and now down to 12-15%).
On the short term lots depends on how the Dansk Folkeparti will react.
But imo more wholesome (for the other parties and related movements) is to analyse where the voters of both Stram Kurs and the Dansk Folkeparti are coming from and address the issues (instead of meaningless rivalry profiling).
I'm pretty sure Ben Shapiro and this Rasmus guy are lizards. Like 90% sure they are, in fact, lizardons.

Didn't Danishland already have a yugely successful far right party with all manner of quasi-racist background decoration?
Is this a new thing for people who are really dumb with code?

Please explain.
Muslims are generally racialized by European societies.
Before you buzzfeedise blonde Bosnians into this, let me ask you:
What's your expertise on European societies again?
I'm mostly silent in this thread due to yes being tired of the recent developments, but I'm reading along and would just want to answer this.

Islam isn't a race.

Don't Danes have religious freedom in their constitution?

Yes, we do. It's constitutionally impossible. But

a) the Danish constitution is very archaic with many things that are just not true anymore. Whether something is "unconstitutional" has begun to become a mainstream discussion in Denmark recently, the constitution was never mentioned like 10 years ago, but it's very much because of recent developments in racism that it's being brought up. Because yes, certain fundamental religious freedoms are protected by the constitution. As an example of how out of touch the document is, it still claims the monarchy is the executive branch, which is but a formality today. The queen signs the laws but will be usurped if she doesn't.

b) Denmark has a specific law on racism called racismeparagraffen which protects against racist speech and action. What amounts to racism according to the law includes "threats, mockery or degradation" against anyone based on that person's race, skin color, national or ethnic origin, faith or sexual orientation. Infact because of this phrasing, Danish racists usually rephrase their racism as targeting "culture" instead of any of the other backgrounds, and if culture were added, would probably switch to "identity" or something.
https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racismeparagraffen Danish version of the law here.

c) that it's constitutionally impossible to ban Muslims is actually often used as a defense by racists. Like, "Well, don't worry about me voting this guy in. His propositions are unconstitutional, you see? He can't actually implement them. I'm just going to vote for his ideas." etc
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