Fall From Heaven NES

Sorry, i've not been following recently. But I'd prefer not to play. Someone else can take over (i'm in a pretty good position, i think).
A lot happens when I leave for a day... LDI, I really think you underestimated my army, it was just as big as Kol's, though his writing would probably have won the day, heh. If the Calabim and Amurites had to deal with us one at a time, sure, but Orange and I were working pretty closely, so while the Calamurites were off to sea, I would have been wrecking the Calabim homeland... My economy never really recovered from my civil war though, so I would not have been able to keep it up very long.

I did have a sizeable espionage project built up from the beginning, which oddly did not favor me much, again I blame my poor writing/planning skills, but I'm sure I could have made a little havok internally for the Amurites, who were never very stable.
loki- before you go- can you either 1) give jopa permission to share your nation's secrets or 2) reveal them yourself?

Good luck, Jopa.

Immac, you'll probably have to PM him. If I had to guess, he won't really care - he's not coming back anyway. By the same token, you might have to get Jopa to release the info.
i guess i don't really care enough to bug him...
i would like to place a caveat on my earlier dismissal of re-playing the amurites.

IF they were divided and a faction loyal to the council of seven and junil's code could solidify a base in Nimarail (home to the great library and my trade fleet) while the rest of amur went to the pot or was divided, i would definately be interested in playing this faction.
I want, at maximum, 2 cities (preferably Nimarail and Acaia but maybe just Nimarail), but i would like to retain some of my wizards (maybe 1 or 2), my library (i love you darling), my trade fleet (my other darling whom i also love), copper mines, and techs... i think this would cut me down to size where i wouldn't be as big a dog and i would actually probably enjoy playing this faction a lot more then the old large amurite empire

and then, the rest of amur (possibly strengthened by attacks elsewhere) could be played by someone else with a different government (back to the republic thejopa liked so much or perhaps back thomas's caswellan days)...
anyway... i just wanted to put that caveat in there.
@ Ldi - I hate to keep bringing stuff like this up, but I noticed in your timeline you don't let the pro-Lanun win out in the Hippus contest. I beg to differ about this: at last update, I spent a ton of gold on that area, as well as commiting at least one unit to help out.

I'm pretty certain I would have won. Now, that doesn't mean that the Hippus would become a Lanun puppet state, but I would have gained significant (temporary) influence, and our heriditary alliance would have definately continued.
I did this on purpose just to show the outcome could have been different from what you proposed because in your timeline, the Lanun don't lose anything and get an almost vassal state, thereby becoming possibly more powerful than the Amurites were.

This was done on purpose not so much for realism sake but to contrast with your story and show something different could have happened. Also notice that the pro-Hippus Lanun lose because, when they are allied to the other Hippus against the Patrians, these Hippus let them down. They are betrayed by their brothers, and maybe those brothers were convinced or paid to betray them. Maybe the Patrians got some support. Maybe these Hippus alllied with Patrians to get the Lanun out. Anyway, a situation where the Hippus are effectively tied to the Lanun make the Lanun stronger than civs with 5 cities, so it wouldn't be a balanced situation to start from imho.
Those jerks... they should've just accepted the greater Hippo-Lanun state, and agreed to join my massive blitzkrieg of the world. They get the mainland, I get the islands, everyone's happy. Simple.

Khazad can get the underground. See? I'm making concessions.

Elves are there too. Ponies don't fit in forests.
Well, it is somewhat different from either of those presented here ;) I need to clear out few consistency issues yet, and of course write it all down. There is currently about one page of text written and it covers only introduction :p
I'm interested in few strategic decisions players would make.

Kol, what would your plan for next few turns be - reclaiming Acaia, or working with the Amurites? Which civs would you rather support than not?
Jopa: if it makes any difference... the amurites were trying to extract themselves from war through diplomacy (and were even willing to pay for it- just not return rindel isle)- orange can attest to my attempts at diplomacy.
I think I would have sided with Immac. It would have meant less expansion, but also a lot less paranoia in the future, and I'm fairly sure he was sending a wizard or two to help me fend off the svarftalfar, which would have given us time to take out the Lanun capital and military pressence in the north. I think if we could have done enough damage to orange in the first turn or two, Tyrs could be coerced into a peace treaty, or we could just invade him. I was training my first priests, which would have been fairly tough in battle and have a big demoralising effect I think.

Looking forward to reading your views of the events of the next few turns.
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