• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Fall patch is out

This is off topic but just in case someone knows a quick answer...

Is there any way of zooming out the view even more? I used to like zooming right out on Civ 4 and printing the screen so that I can plan where to go next etc. The maximum zoom out on Civ 5 seems a bit limiting really? Am I missing something obvious?
Done that. Like someone else said, every time you validate it updates two files. Next time you check it does same thing.

I just managed to play about an hour before it crashed (just freezes the screen). I think it may be something to do with memory? I would have thought 6gb would be enough - it was before this patch. Up to it actually crashing everything is fine, runs nice and fast, wait between turns is fine. :mad:

Really needs a fix I think!

What I did was delete steam, and everything off of my pc except for my Mod Buddy folder. Then I did a complete reinstall and have not had an issue since. In my game my shrines and other buildings for GnK were completely missing, and steam would not validate the lost files. After a complete reinstall all the buildings were back again.The thing is we should not have to do that. I did not have to do that for the last patch. So, I was quite perturbed when I had to do it this time.

If steam does not validate, uninstall and reinstall. That should help until a hotfix is added. There are still bugs they need to deal with. One is the ominous gray screen, where half the tiles are gray. It goes away, but it is still a bit annoying.
See above! You need to right click the Steam prog and untick the Vista compatibility mode thing. Im no expert on this (can you tell? ;)) but it worked for me!

Thanks again to the people above who helped me out - I'll blame you for the 5 hours playing Civ and not getting anything else done yesterday! ;) :D

yeah i read that but was confused. i was about to say i couldnt because win7 doesnt have the compatibility tab when i check steams game properties. but i right clicked the steam app itself and clicked properties. (btw i also went to steam settings and no compatibility tab was there so i again was frustrated.) the compatibility tab was there but was completely grayed out and checked. i couldnt undo it. but i did see that i need to run steam as an administrator. so i ticked that and it ungrayed letting me either untick it or choose the version. at first i chose win7 but civ still didnt give the 10/11 option. so now i just unticked it and have the 10/11 option. i'll start a game to see what happens. if i dont get a crash and my card can handle it (radeon 5770, 1gb) i will report back.

edit: aaaaaand bummer. my first game with 10/11 crashed on the opening start. the audio dialogue trailed off when finishing and the game never stopped loading. so then i went into dx9. and the city ranged attack still crashed the game. so basically, reinstalling civ and allowing divx 10/11 only fixed the graphical bugs but my games still crash in every game. grrr. i know the divx9 is related to my graphics card that someone said they are trying to patch but 10/11 worked fine for some but i didnt even get into one game with it.
What I did was delete steam, and everything off of my pc except for my Mod Buddy folder. Then I did a complete reinstall and have not had an issue since. In my game my shrines and other buildings for GnK were completely missing, and steam would not validate the lost files. After a complete reinstall all the buildings were back again.The thing is we should not have to do that. I did not have to do that for the last patch. So, I was quite perturbed when I had to do it this time.

If steam does not validate, uninstall and reinstall. That should help until a hotfix is added. There are still bugs they need to deal with. One is the ominous gray screen, where half the tiles are gray. It goes away, but it is still a bit annoying.

Well I managed to play for 5 hours solid last night so Im happy (well my eyes arent happy today ;)). The ominous grey screen? Yeah Ive noticed that on load up both pre and post patch. Once it 'clears' them to what they should be though it seems to be fine. I just assumed this was down to my not very good mobile graphics card. Game seems to be faster than ever for me now though despite 'lots going on' in the game. I did reduce the graphics options down to medium and it still looks better than it did before and scrolls better too.

I agree though, they really should have playtested this patch - it does a lot of good of course but not much good if some people cant play the actual game. I nearly gave up until some people above kindly pointed me out in the right direction. Ridiculous that it comes to this just to play the game youve already been playing for a year or so.
okay, 2nd try at dx11 and it actually gave me a game. im on t175 and no crashes from city ranged attacks. ill play this out to see if any crashes for any other reasons occur.
I played about 15 hours over the weekend and everything worked flawlessly, even better performance too. The only exception was one gray-glitch that wouldn't go away unless I restarted the game.
Just played another 2 hours - only stopped because I dont like my current game and want to restart!

Everything is fine now. The game seems much faster than before and less glitchy. Going to go back to a epic/marathon game which is my favourite.

Just want to say again to everyone who helped in this thread - thanks very much! :goodjob::D
Anyone have any idea when this is coming for Mac? I have a friend who just got it and really wants to play it with me but he can't.
Dunno if anyone has mentioned this alrdy, but the happiness calculation seems to be wrong occasionally.

It is known, that sometimes it is not possible to puppet a city after conquering it. I had that bug last game and conquered some cities. They were auto-annexed. I wondered why my happiness is still so high, but didnt care. Had approximately 30 excess happiness before I made a short break. I saved the game, left it and restarted. After reloading I had -15 happiness. I believe altho the cities were annexed they were calculated as being puppeted. Well, at least thats my wild guess.
This is off topic but just in case someone knows a quick answer...

Is there any way of zooming out the view even more? I used to like zooming right out on Civ 4 and printing the screen so that I can plan where to go next etc. The maximum zoom out on Civ 5 seems a bit limiting really? Am I missing something obvious?

quick answer: zoom all the way out = minimap ;)
Dunno if anyone has mentioned this alrdy, but the happiness calculation seems to be wrong occasionally.

It is known, that sometimes it is not possible to puppet a city after conquering it. I had that bug last game and conquered some cities. They were auto-annexed. I wondered why my happiness is still so high, but didnt care. Had approximately 30 excess happiness before I made a short break. I saved the game, left it and restarted. After reloading I had -15 happiness. I believe altho the cities were annexed they were calculated as being puppeted. Well, at least thats my wild guess.

I also had this problem (auto annex) for 2 days but it's gone since yesterday. So it might actually be, that it has been fixed in between the saving and reloading of your game (and the happiness calculation as well with it)
If you're playing in offline mode, then Steam won't update your game automatically. Otherwise, it will. If you haven't explicitly set Steam to offline mode, then you aren't in offline mode.
I also had this problem (auto annex) for 2 days but it's gone since yesterday. So it might actually be, that it has been fixed in between the saving and reloading of your game (and the happiness calculation as well with it)

I am afraid it is not fixed - nothing was downloaded from steam - that puppet-bug seems to come and go occasinally. I have seen it disappear and appear again later in a new game.
After my earlier problems I just thought Id report back on posts above.

Ive had no trouble with ranged attacks or annexing cities. I annexed a few last night, happiness levels were exactly what I expected.

Game is running so well now its hard to believe! And it looks a lot better on DX11 too.

My only problem now is trying to find the right game to stick with but thats an age-old Civ problem and not specific to Civ V of course! :)
I only play on DX11, DX9 just looked too generic, with these big giant black borders. DX11 much better for this game. Man it runs smooth now.
i need to adjust some settings i think. the window borders are still visible in dx11 but it is set to full screen. its kind of off-putting. graphically its nice but not so different from 9 for me. i usually play w/combat animations and movement off.
i need to adjust some settings i think. the window borders are still visible in dx11 but it is set to full screen. its kind of off-putting. graphically its nice but not so different from 9 for me. i usually play w/combat animations and movement off.

I keep both on, but may consider turning movements off.
With new patch i can't create puppet city, they are annexed by default .

Have you the same problem ?

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