Iron and Blood 2 - Game Thread

I would like to remind people that they cannot declare war now unless they already had a defensive pact with either Anatolia, Istanbul or Bosnia.
I would like to remind people that they cannot declare war now unless they already had a defensive pact with either Anatolia, Istanbul or Bosnia.

In the first I&B you could declare war without any formal alliances, I assume the same is true here.
By the way, TK, does colonizing cost Action Points?

No it does not.

In the first I&B you could declare war without any formal alliances, I assume the same is true here.

I... errr... um... well, apparently I haven't really thought this through.

If I have to make a decision... I'm going to give in to precedence on this one.

GM Ruling:

In the "response DoW" period, you can declare war only on countries or alliances which are already at war. Countries with formal alliances with the participants of the wars (or defence pacts with the defenders) are obliged to honour their treaty obligations unless they have a really good reason.

Declaring war without a formal alliance or defence pact is possible but not encouraged, as it may lead to discontent among your populace, depending on how they feel about the countries you are supporting, the countries you are fighting against, and going to war in general.
I had a Defensive Pact with UNSA. I felt compelled to go to war with them.
Why are people declaring war to honor defensive pacts for offensive wars?

Why are people across the world declaring war to honor defensive pacts for aggressive wars?

Why are people across the world declaring war to honor defensive pacts with people who honored defensive pacts for aggressive wars?

You don't have a honour a defensive pact if the other country is an aggressor. ;)
I know, I'm just taking advantage of the situation :p

Aaaand... because WW1.
I'm gone for a few days.

Just a few days....
There is nothing non-Balkan countries to obtain from this.

...Are the two Frenchies fighting?
Updated map, the alliances are the colour of their leader.

Spoiler :
The United Provinces of Central America, Sublime Republic of Venediciya, and the Confederate States of America have signed the Treaty of New Orleans. Among many economic provisions, this creates a trilateral military alliance among the three Gulf nations.
Noooo. Its a Slavic Reunification/Ottoman Succession/Moscowian Invasion/Hejdaz Caliphate restoration/French Unification/ Medditerania expansion/American Intervention for the lulz!
Well, Here we go...

For those of you who want me to post my history post again it is here.

"Beth?” A croaking voice, sounding like the rasping of an old door shambled out from beneath the velvet brocade of the lavish bedstead inhabiting the centre of the equally lavish bedroom.

“Yes Dad, What is it?” replied the young girl in a soft and melodic voice, radiating kindness and concern, as she knelt beside the bed, her father’s hand clasped in her own.

The old man lying in the bed spoke then with a conviction that you wouldn’t know was in him from his decidedly feeble looking state of health “What do you mean... My son in law to be is gone?”

"Dad, he's just gone," Beth replied. She was the very picture of a young gentlewoman, with long brown hair, a smiling face and an excellent taste in clothes, as would be expected of the most powerful woman in India. "We don't know where yet, we don't know who took him, we don't know much at all..."

After a pause as the old man took the information in, processing it in that brilliant mind which had won him both Indian Independence and a place in the sun worthy of any emperor, he replied “Don’t worry yourself dear. I’ve seen many things come and go in my lifetime. I’ve seen regimes rise and fall, I’ve seen revolutions succeed, Ideas spread only to be brought crashing down by fear, fear of change. I’ve met the greatest of men, from Napoleon to Nedim Kotromanić; I’ve stood before the Mediterranean executive council, twice. Suffice it to say that I understand the workings of this world, that’s how I created this; Port Hadley is the product of that understanding; a blessed utopia that I leave behind, where all men are free and equal.” He smiled ruefully at his daughter, taking in her pretty face. “But if there is one thing that I’ve learned it’s that love will topple any conspiracy, regime, plan or ploy. There is no other force in the world quite as strong, and no place in the world represents it better than here, Beth, ‘Pax Et Amoris’ that’s the motto of our nation. Here the love of our fellow man moves the nation, not the petty demands of greed and hate. And I know one thing beyond all doubt.” He paused again looking straight into Beth’s eyes in a piercing and sad gaze that seemed also to carry some reluctant hope in it. “I’ll see you two wed before I leave this mortal coil.”

A tear formed in the corner of the young Lady’s eye. She dearly missed her fiancé, she wanted to see him so much, beyond anything but at the same time she knew that there was a darker message to what her father had just said. He was dying. He was going to die and she could do nothing to stop it and what scared her even more was what he just said; would her wedding day be his last? She tried not to think about it. That tear began trickle down her left cheek leaving a streak behind it, like a comet in the night.

“Don’t cry dear, he’ll be back. We’ll find him, we’ll bring him home.” He tried to giver Beth a big smile, but it didn’t really work. “Nothing can keep you two apart.”

Beth swallowed and wiped the tear from her cheek. “Thanks dad.” She said, albeit a bit uncertainly.

There then came a quiet yet firm knock on the door followed quickly by a polite voice “Lady Beth, the Gentlemen’s council is about to convene, it would be advisable not to keep them waiting.”

Her father gave her a knowing smile “You know what to do Beth, play them off against each other, take note of whom is siding with whom and at the end of the day make all the decisions yourself.” Beth knew that he wasn’t offering this advice because she needed it, he just like to remind her.

“Don’t worry Dad, the day that the Gentlemen’s Council becomes organised is the day that Port Hadley ceases to rule these lands.”

“So never?” the old man jested. And the two of them laughed for a bit, a sort of sad and hollow laugh, for they knew and well understood that Port Hadley was far from a secure power.

“Well, I’ll have to be off Dad.” She smiled and stood up from her kneeling position and looked out of the massive windows that took up the majority of one of the walls in the luxurious room. Outside the birds sang and flew in beautiful arcs. Butterflies gracefully wandered around, seeming almost purposeless in the way they darted about from one direction to another. And stretching out as far as could be seen the vast expanse of lush and green tropical forest loomed off into the distance; mighty and comforting.
She walked over to the door, another tear already forming. She suddenly felt very lonely, if only he were here, now would be the opportune moment for a quiet moment and his shy yet reassuring voice telling her that it will all be right in the end. If only...

Outside the large and ornate hardwood doors stood a man. He was young but still quite some years older than her and he carried himself with an air that radiated efficiency and punctuality. He had matted stray coloured hair and the look of definite upper class English descent. This was Layton, Thomas Leyton.

“Sorry to interrupt you their Lady Beth.” He spoke too, with a refined and polished voice that suggested utmost skill. He held in his arms a pile of ledgers each that would within it house some sort of key issue to the nation; the budget, intelligence reports, diplomatic messages and anything else of that sort. He began to open one.

“It’s quite alright Leyton.” Replied Beth, she liked the man. He always got to the point and was efficient but not at the expense of the more emotive issues of life; a quality which Beth had come to find most valuable.

He paused in the opening of the great book he was holding, this was one of those moments where that trait of his was at work. “We haven’t had any news of Mr. Findlay yet... We’re still looking and will continue to do so. I’m truly sorry and I hope we find him soon.”

“You’re concern is appreciated Leyton.” Beth said in an uptight way; although it was always a good Idea to maintain face, even though she just wanted to collapse and cry on dear Leyton’s shoulder. Then she remembered that there was still a tear sitting rather obtrusively on her cheek. She wiped it away with her sleeve and the proceeded to wipe her eyes on her sleeve to. “Sorry Layton, what’s that you’ve got there?”

Leyton nodded matter of factly trying to ignore that the girl was obviously upset. He opened the ledger fully and began to read aloud the issues that the council would be covering today. These frankly bored Beth massively; things at the top of the list included the Brassica production in the north of Ceyon, Salt content of smoked fish imports, some minority group’s bid to build a temple to some giant rock, a large number of complaints about road surfacing and most insultingly issues involving mint sauce and its appropriate uses.

However, none of this was truly discouraging to either of them; they both knew that so long as the council took time to argue over small petty things like that the larger decisions would be left to the people at the top... The people such as Beth.

Two hours into the meeting and an elderly gentleman was shouting at another elderly gentleman who was engaged in a heated argument with a young gentleman who was trying to get some point across to another gentleman who didn’t seem to be listening and was instead trying to thrust a Romanesco Cauliflower under the Lady Beth’s nose. Meanwhile elsewhere in the room many other debates both with words and in some cases fists continued each man trying to get his opinion across on the matter of some damned vegetable. Beth sat head in hand and sighed. Leyton sat next to her unflinching as the gentleman waved the strange and pointy vegetable in front of them.

Another two hours later and not much had changed. Except for the fact that people had now adopted the idea that speaking one at a time may be more productive. One man was speaking very passionately about the Brassicas, “It is the birthright of every citizen of Port Hadley,” he claimed in an almost preaching voice “For generations people across the world have enjoyed the beauty, the taste and the wondrous scent of the Romanesco Cauliflower. Now, then our friends in Lombardy have agreed to send us the expertise and equipment necessary...”

For Beth all this conversation had faded into the background, she was enjoying a bowl of cauliflower soup and she and Leyton were quietly discussing in the background of the meeting what their plans were for the issues at hand. They had been chatting together for the majority of the meeting now; talking of great plans for a better future for the people of Port Hadley, Beth enjoyed that particular activity, talking with the tall straw haired advisor.

“So, what about foreign policy?” he asked quite quietly so as not to interrupt the other speakers “Have you decided to speak to the Vijayanagar Ambassador yet?”

“Not yet,” She replied, equally softly “I’m going to later this month, once I have all the plans in place for the Pan-Indian Prosperity Initiative Treaty. We’re going to have to come at them with a certain angle on our proposed trade reforms. That is probably the only point they may take issue with.”

“I don’t think that they will be too upset by it.” Replied Leyton comfortingly.

“Even so, I want to be sure we can get their cooperation. It’s key to keeping India free from the leash of foreign powers such as the company.” She said the last be almost to herself, under her breath, she knew that Leyton’s father had been the Governor of British India and she knew that he could sometimes take jibes against the company days personally.

Leyton however looked undisturbed and merely continued “What about our investments? Any plans for our modest budget?”

Beth smiled at this; she had plans, oh such plans. “I want you to commission an artist, one from a romanticist school. I want a portrait painted, of myself. Something that isn’t grand, just my face; I want to be normal, reachable by the people. So something that isn’t too grandiose.”

Leyton noted it down “Any artist in particular Lady?”

“No, just someone less well known; nothing too famous.” Beth like paintings, she loved art, she read poetry and went to the theatres. Patron of the Arts would not even come close to describing how much she funded, enjoyed and endorsed the arts. Her Idea to have a less well known artist paint the portrait was a ploy to get other less well known artists, the famous artists of tomorrow, to come and live in Port Hadley where they knew there would always be work, a meal on the plate and an understanding ruler. Then something else occurred to her “Also Leyton, I want to renovate the old Opera Theatre.”

“I’ll note it down.” Leyton continued indefatigably scribbling in his ledger, not pausing for a moment. “What about the loan you promised to your father’s friend in Catalonia?”

“Make it so; ten thousand silver sovereigns. But please let him know that he doesn’t have to pay it back if he doesn’t want to, but he’ll be in my debt.” Some Catalonian Government official had asked for a loan in order to finance some deranged European war with France that had all come from some Balkan conflict... “We’ll also want to expand the tea plantations around Port Hadley; in preparation for increased trade with Europe and the Americas.”

“Did you get all that down Leyton?” He looked up for a moment, nodded and then went back to scribbling in the ledger. Beth carried on eating her soup. The Gentlemen kept arguing.

A few weeks later:

Beth sat in the garden, the sounds of the happy birds ringing around the small clearance in the trees. She sat on a stool wearing one of her more conservative dresses. She sat very still, smiling and trying as best as she could to move as little as possible.

“I really appreciate you getting me to do this.” said a young man sitting on another stool a short distance off in a very thick Russian accent. In front of him sat an easel and in his hands he held all manner of pencils brushes. He looked like a bit of an eccentric, wish one pencil tucked behind his ear, long rather wild looking hair and an all round attitude that suggested that he lived quite an eccentric life style.

Beth liked the Boy, he was only a couple of years younger than her and he seemed quite friendly and he was obviously an eager painter. “That’s fine Mr. Bryullov. I’ve seen some of your works and you are truly a fine artist.”

“Call me Karl, Lady Beth, all my friends do.” He smiled in a strange Russian way as he continued to hack at the canvas with his pencil as a butcher hacks at a piece of meat.

After a moment of silence other than the birds and the scratching of the pencil Beth decided to ask “It must be hard for you; having to leave all your friends back in Russia to come here to Port Hadley.”

“I haven’t really left them. We’ll keep in touch, we’ll write to each other. And this place,” He gesticulated in a quirky and outlandish fashion at his surroundings. “This place is everything I’ve ever wanted; a true paradise for the budding artist such as myself.”

“That’s what Port Hadley is all about Karl; I want to make it perfect, a centre of culture and learning. I want this place to be the place where all the artists want to be.” She had begun to gesticulate a bit too, a smile broadening on her face. The two of them continued to talk for a long time as they sat in the garden. They laughed and chatted together and he worked away, constantly pencilling in line after line on that canvas.

They had to meet again to continue the painting. The second session was however more sombre. The Lady Beth had yet to hear news of her fiancé and she was becoming increasingly worried for him. Karl leant an understanding ear to these conversations, letting her spill out all the stories, all the experiences as he continued painting. By the end of their weeks spent together he had realised one thing: True love could exist, and for these people it did. He only wished that they were together as they should rightfully be. But the world is full of injustices.

Spoiler The Finished Portrait :

Now onto Game stuff:

Port Hadley: 5IC

1IC loan to the Mediterranean Confederation
1IC commissioning of Portrait
1IC into renovating the Opera House
2IC into Expansion of Tea Plantation

1IC - To Mediterranean Confederation
2IC - Culture
2IC - IC

Attempt to colonise Rajasthan
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