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NBC to Donald Trump: You’re Fired

That may very well be true. I think once a certain level of wealth is amassed it is almost impossible to screw the financial pooch no matter what blunders you make. It makes far more sense than to imagine he is the premiere idiot savant of the business world.
Do you think he knows where he is aiming for? I find it hart to imagine someone knowingly giving this impression if he wants the US to elect him president. Do you think he is just doing this for advertising?

I think Trump is a buffoon that we're spending way too much time discussing (and by we, I mean the serious news media, not CFC), but I don't think he's stupid. He knows the kind of people who could be persuaded to vote for him, and he's going to go after those people....that's his brand.

Well, what he is really doing is setting himself up for a colossal defeat if he actually becomes the Republican nominee.
Sure, but that was going to happen no matter what.
Wouldn't that make him stupid?

Why would an intelligent person spend his own money these days to try to gain the Republican nomination by pandering to fellow bigots, while simultaneously assuring he would never become the president?

Why would an intelligent person try to secure a major business deal in Mexico while simultaneously assuring it will never happen?

Trump is a "funny dum dum", as a niece used to put it:

Link to video.
Was it political correctness when people were "firing" the Dixie Chicks because one of them expressed regret Bush lived in Texas? That was after he and his cronies lied us into a war. There are examples of people from all ideological sides dis-associating with others who anger them. But one side invented "political correctness" to describe other people doing it.

Seems to me one of the few expedient methods of exerting a little control over big business is the threat of being "fired" - he just got fired.

Bush isn't a disadvantaged group in society.
Well, what he is really doing is setting himself up for a colossal defeat if he actually becomes the Republican nominee.

Becoming the Republican nominee is, by definition, being set up for a colossal defeat. The Republican candidates who are even remotely associating with reality know that, and are running for the benefits and exposure that being a candidate brings.

That includes Trump, who with his outlandish nonsense will play well enough with Republicans in Iowa. He will play the New Yorker/New Englander card to try to get through New Hampshire, and no doubt try to parley his racist chops into success with South Carolina Republicans.

Just making it through those three primaries, which will eliminate probably half of the clowns in the race, will probably allow him to claim the "success in politics" that he can feed to his ego. I mean he is a bankrupting wastrel, but tells himself he is a business tycoon, and he bought a reality show to host so that he can tell himself he is a TV star, so this isn't really out of the ordinary for him.
It's all free publicity to him. That's what really motivates him.

Is it free though? I thought these things took a whole lot of money.
The running for president part isn't free, but the front-page headlines that come along with it are.
Tramp reminds me of that jewish billionaire who a few months ago argued on a televised university meeting they should drop a nuclear weapon on Iran. Both loud-mouthed imbeciles who just have enough money to buy time on current low-level media so as to air their views which earn them disdain and are usually just brushed over as non-harmful due to comedic value- but in really the phenomenon is quite ominous ;)
Trump's an idiot and would be a crap president, but can we address what he said? Is it statistically untrue?

I mean there's a lot of drug related crime in those border towns and yeah, some illegal immigrants are criminals. The question would be are illegal immigrants more or less likely to commit felonies and/or do many of them have criminal histories? I really do not know.
That may very well be true. I think once a certain level of wealth is amassed it is almost impossible to screw the financial pooch no matter what blunders you make. It makes far more sense than to imagine he is the premiere idiot savant of the business world.

And the thing is, for someone who's only 133 on the Forbes list, he flaunts is wealth quite a bit more than most. You don't see many other billionaires, even ones who got their start in real estate, putting their names on tall buildings all over the place. I guess "Trump" is the brand he's trying to sell, but he seems like a huge megalomaniac.
Trump's an idiot and would be a crap president, but can we address what he said? Is it statistically untrue?

I mean there's a lot of drug related crime in those border towns and yeah, some illegal immigrants are criminals. The question would be are illegal immigrants more or less likely to commit felonies and/or do many of them have criminal histories? I really do not know.

Statistically true is a somewhat nebulous thing.

There is a large segment among the Faux News crowd who would tell you that an illegal alien is in the country illegally, so is by definition a criminal, making the crime rate 100%. That is the crowd Trump is trying to appeal to, so the real issues of likelihood to commit other crimes are somewhat irrelevant.

As far as genuinely answering your question, to determine the proportion between those having additional crimes and those that don't would require determining the actual total number we are dealing with. This is complicated since, obviously, getting a complete census of illegal aliens is not a simple task. So, if we depart the realm of the Faux News headline that they are all criminals we enter a world of uncertainty where Trump can make any claim, no matter how outlandish, and not be concerned that there will be actual facts to get in his way.
Fox will hire him, his show will just move networks.

I don't know who owns the actual show, though, it could be the NBC network. And Fox Entertainment might not want him even if he appeals to the Fox News crowd, they have different purposes and go for different audiences.

This will probably help Donald Trump politically.

I've been thinking this might push him to being a more serious candidate. I originally thought he was using the presidential run, as he has done previously, to promote his brand and get speaking fees, book deals, better TV contracts, etc. But if those avenues close down for him, he could switch over into seriously seeking the presidency. Especially if he is in first place coming out of a debate, he might go in on a real run.
Statistically true is a somewhat nebulous thing.

There is a large segment among the Faux News crowd who would tell you that an illegal alien is in the country illegally, so is by definition a criminal, making the crime rate 100%. That is the crowd Trump is trying to appeal to, so the real issues of likelihood to commit other crimes are somewhat irrelevant.

As far as genuinely answering your question, to determine the proportion between those having additional crimes and those that don't would require determining the actual total number we are dealing with. This is complicated since, obviously, getting a complete census of illegal aliens is not a simple task. So, if we depart the realm of the Faux News headline that they are all criminals we enter a world of uncertainty where Trump can make any claim, no matter how outlandish, and not be concerned that there will be actual facts to get in his way.

Yeah but you can look at arrests in border towns and estimate the percentage of population there illegally, then look at the percentage of arrests and what percentage are illegals vs legal citizens. That should give you at least a rough ideal of what's going on or not.

We know for a fact crime is an issue in many border towns, but is it just a few bad guys (drug cartels?) causing all the issues or is it many people?

I'm not against a more secure border. The way trump said it was outlandish and offensive.
I don't know who owns the actual show, though, it could be the NBC network. And Fox Entertainment might not want him even if he appeals to the Fox News crowd, they have different purposes and go for different audiences.

Reports have said that NBC is looking for a replacement so I'm pretty the network owns the show, not Trump.
Yeah but you can look at arrests in border towns and estimate the percentage of population there illegally, then look at the percentage of arrests and what percentage are illegals vs legal citizens. That should give you at least a rough ideal of what's going on or not.

We know for a fact crime is an issue in many border towns, but is it just a few bad guys (drug cartels?) causing all the issues or is it many people?

I'm not against a more secure border. The way trump said it was outlandish and offensive.

Even that doesn't provide much useful information. Transient populations are always a source of problems, including crime. Border towns certainly suffer from crime that can be attributed to illegal aliens; not only crime committed by illegal aliens, but crime that is committed against them since transients always make handy victims.

I know anecdotal evidence is no evidence at all, but living in a non-border town that does undoubtedly harbor a pretty good number of illegal aliens I can only say they seem pretty much like everyone else. Do they get drunk and crash cars? Yeah, sometimes, and sometimes it isn't an illegal alien. Do they get in fights? Yeah, sometimes, and so do other people sometimes. Do they lose their job and take up some unsavory method to keep ends meeting? Yeah, sometimes, and so did I once and I was born here. They might be better represented among criminals, but there might be reasons for that other than a "natural inclination," since there are obstacles between them and non-criminal lifestyles that other people don't have.

All in all I'm sticking with there is no real data to work with, and if there were it is doubtful that it would be conclusive enough to rein in Trump when he is trying to pander to a segment of the population that is set in their opinion.
He's an attention whore. It doesn't really matter if he's stupid.

I think Trump is a buffoon that we're spending way too much time discussing (and by we, I mean the serious news media, not CFC), but I don't think he's stupid. He knows the kind of people who could be persuaded to vote for him, and he's going to go after those people....that's his brand.

How do you think it'll play out? I don't want to see him quit because lol.
I mean there's a lot of drug related crime in those border towns and yeah, some illegal immigrants are criminals. The question would be are illegal immigrants more or less likely to commit felonies and/or do many of them have criminal histories? I really do not know.
If there was a serious crime problem with the undocumented immigrants do you think the US government would have the policies it does, even during Republican administrations?

When they commit a serious crime in the US, not only do they have to do the prison time, they are also deported as soon as their prison sentence is completed.

The vast majority of undocumented immigrants in the US lead incredibly exemplary lives because they know what the penalty is if they don't. Their crime rate is far below the general population.
Trump's an idiot and would be a crap president, but can we address what he said? Is it statistically untrue?

I mean there's a lot of drug related crime in those border towns and yeah, some illegal immigrants are criminals. The question would be are illegal immigrants more or less likely to commit felonies and/or do many of them have criminal histories? I really do not know.

Trump wont end the drug war, so he decries the results of a policy he supports and his fix to his problem is building a wall. They dont work, people will find ways around, over, thru, or under the wall but it will slow legal trade. Nixon tried to stem the flow of drugs across the border and it quickly resulted in mile long lines at border crossings, and that was long before Nafta. Big Business wont put up with it.
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